Analytic Geometry

“Success Lives Here!”

Math Tutoring: Mon-Fri 6:45am

Class website:



|This is the second in the sequence of mathematics courses designed by the state of Georgia designed to provide students with a rigorous |

|program of study in mathematics. It includes fundamentals of proof, properties of polygons, coordinate geometry, right triangles, and right |

|triangular trigonometry; properties of circles; statistical inference and exponential functions. |


|High expectations are realized through structure and accountability. |Parents and students are encouraged to check grades on line. I |

|Students are required to speak the language of mathematics. An |encourage students to take ownership of their learning. However, |

|emphasis will be placed on conceptual underpinnings, critical thinking|parents will be contacted when there is a need to discuss student |

|and problem solving. There will be little partial or extra credit. |progress, behavior, or schedule a face-to-face or telephone |

|Late work is NOT accepted. Make-up work will be completed according |conference. |

|to WGHS policy. Note that make–up tests will be given only in the |E-mail is an efficient means for communicating questions, concerns or |

|case of excused absences. |comments. Please feel free to contact me at any time. |


|All students must come to class on time with the appropriate materials prepared to work. Requirements will consist of both in-class and |

|out-of-class assignments. Students should plan to spend up to 60 minutes daily out-of-class time to complete each homework assignments and |

|preparing for tests. All students will be expected to participate in all classroom learning activities and performance tasks. In order to |

|progress through all the required material, students will be expected to use their time efficiently and work independently in class and at |

|home. Collaboration with other students when appropriate is encouraged. The after school workshop sessions are designated for extra help, |

|remediation and make-up work. |


|Mastery learning is defined as a minimum score of 80% on each |Mathematics is sequential in nature and success comes through mastery |

|assessment. Students who achieve mastery will develop skills and |of each concept. Students must learn to identify and correct errors |

|foundation for success at higher levels. |for remediation and cumulative assessment. |


|Act with Respect—this includes respect for the teacher, your peers, the school’s property, and yourself. |

|Any conduct that is not respectful will not be tolerated. The minimum consequence for a first offense is a warning. Some events that could |

|result in detention without an initial warning are, but are not limited to: not being prepared for class, not being silent during the moment |

|of silence, and talking during announcements. The school policy for class tardies will be strictly enforced. If there is a situation of |

|continued disruption resulting in more than one detention, referral to the appropriate grade administrator will result. Water may be brought |

|to class in its original bottle and should be kept on the floor under your desk. Gum and breath mints are acceptable so long as there is no |

|disruption. Soft drinks, candy, snacks and other food items are prohibited in class. |


|It is a common misconception to think that a teacher “gives” student grades in this class. The student earns the grades that are posted. |

|Your grade will be based on the following assessments. |

|E O C T: 20% |

|Tests: 40% |

|Each unit of study will include one or more test. Unit tests may be returned for in-class error analysis. The unit tests will be kept on |

|file for the semester. A student and/or parent may see unit tests before/after school or during a conference. The pretest posttest |

|differential will be used to assess the effectiveness of instruction. Only the score of the posttest will be count for a grade. The final |

|exam may be exempted by students with 3 or fewer absences. However, any student may choose to take the assessment by attending the scheduled |

|exam session. |

|Quizzes: 20% |

|During the course of each unit, students will be assessed to benchmark their progress, identify areas of strengths and |

|weaknesses, and monitor progress. |

|Daily Assessment: 20% |

|This category includes accurate completion of vocabulary and homework assignments. Also assessed will be group tasks, daily |

|launch problems, and ticket out the door. |


|Any student who disrupts class due to a lack of preparedness is likely to receive a detention at the discretion of the instructor. |

|Pencils needed every day of the semester – keep extras in backpack and/or locker |

|Loose leaf paper – you will need paper every day in math class |

|Graph paper |

|Binder with 1 set of dividers |

|Calculator - The TI 30X Multiview is highly recommended or any of the TI 30 Multiview series for this course. It costs approximately $15. |

|Graphing calculators are not permitted on the end of course test. |

|EOCT: |

|The End of Course Test counts 20% of your final average. It is very important and we will work each day on getting you ready for this test. |

|The EOCT scores are now linked to graduation requirements. If you pass the EOCT, I will drop your most damaging score of the semester. |


I have read both pages of the syllabus.

I understand that the class average will be based weighted grade system.

I understand that students will be expected to be in class, on time, every day and it is the responsibility of the student to make up any missed work.

I understand that students will be expected to bring a writing utensil (pencil preferred), binder, workbook, iPad, and calculator to class every day.

I understand that students must work both in and out of class to maximize potential to achieve.

I understand that students will be expected to act with respect for the teacher, peers and the school’s property.

I understand that students can get extra help from Coach Herring (D-107) after school and Coach Rushing (B-204) before school.

I understand that late work will not be accepted (except in the case of absence as outlined in the student agenda).

I understand that students will leave the class only to use the restroom according to class policy.

I understand that there will be no eating or drinking in class except water as outlined in the syllabus.

I understand that my grade can be viewed in the online at

______________________________ ________________________________

student signature parent signature

Please fill out the following parent information.

Student Name _____________________

Name mother: ______________________________________________

father: ______________________________________________

home phone mother:________________________

father: ________________________

cell phone mother:________________________

father: ________________________

email mother:________________________ Please give the one checked most often

father: ________________________

Student Technology in the Classroom Contract

(iPod, iPad, Computer, Cellphone)

By signing this contract, I acknowledge that I understand and will comply with the expectations listed below. If I fail to meet the expectation, it will result in consequences and could ultimately result in losing my iPod/iPad/Computer/Cell Phone privilege.

By signing this contract, I understand that using my iPod/iPad/Computer/Cell Phone is a privilege and not a right. It is my responsibility to keep up with my iPod/iPad/Computer/Cell Phone. If lost or stolen, I do not hold my teacher responsible.


1. I will only use technology on assigned days specified by my teacher.

2. I will not use my technology while the teacher is speaking.

3. I will stay on task while using my technology.

4. I will only use one ear bud while listening to my technology.

5. I will not sing out loud in class.

6. I will not play music so loud that others can hear it.

7. I will not touch any electronic device that does not belong to me.

8. I will not text/message, surf the Internet, play games, or use other apps with my technology.

9. I will not use my cell phone in class.

10. I will not rely on my iPad/cell phone as a calculator.

11. I will make sure the volume is turned on at all times when in use.

12. When using iPad in class, it will be on my desk and visible.

13. It is everyone’s responsibility to report inappropriate use by a peer to the teacher.


1st offense: Verbal warning

2nd offense: Take technology up for the class period and student will receive detention.

3rd offense: Take up technology and will receive an administrative referral.

**Teachers reserve the right to enact more consequences as needed, including a referral to the administration.

Print Name:____________________________________________________________________

Student Signature: ______________________________________________________________

Parent Signature:________________________________________________________________



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