THE BRAIN: HOLIDAY HOMEWORK! (You need detailed answers!)Where does the brain sit within the nervous system?Describe the 'Cerebral Cortex'. How big is it? What does it weigh? Etc.Describe the relationship that appears to exist between the size of the Cerebral Cortex and the Capabilities of an organism.Name the bridge of Nerve Fibres called which connects the Left and Right hemispheres and provide an example of how the Human Brain uses this structure. Define the term "Broca's Aphasia". Illustrate your answer using and example. Define the term "Wernicke's Aphasia". Illustrate your answer using an example. What does the term "Hemispheric Specialisation" mean?Where did the earliest evidence of Hemispheric Specialisation come from?What is the difference between Cognitive and Behavioural Functions?Which side of the body does the left hemisphere control movement in?Which side of the body does the right hemisphere receive sensation from?What is Split Brain Surgery and why was it performed?According to research by Sperry during the 1960's what are the observed effects of split brain surgery?Outline the conclusions drawn from the results of Sperry's research? Define 'Neglect Syndrome'.What is phantom limb syndrome? Explain with reference to the Somatosensory cortex. How did Moruzzi and Magoun’s study show the Reticular Activating systems role in sleep and waking?Injury to the Thalamus can cause some problems in analysing sensory data. What specific problems might someone with damage to the Thalamus experienceWhat is the difference between Sensory and Motor Neurons?How does a neural impulse travel down the axon?How does a neural impulse travel across the synapse? (Research outside of your text will be needed here! See if you can find out)List and explain the following terms which relate to ethics in research IntegrityRespect for personsBeneficenceJusticeWere lobotomies ethical? Why or why not? You must refer to the guidelines mentioned in question 19. Create a table in your summary that includes, the type of brain imaging, how it works, what it is useful for, and any limitationsDO YOUR CHAPTER SUMMARY FOR CHAPTER 4!! ................

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