1 - UCSD Cognitive Science

NAME (Last, First) ________________________________________ PID ____________________________



I. TRUE OR FALSE [1 point each – total of 10 pts]

____ 1. The sun is considered a primary zeitgeber.

____ 2. REM rebound refers to rem-on cells that suddenly become rem-off cells.

____ 3. The Mullerian system is the precursor of the internal male sex organs.

____ 4. According to the James-Lange theory of emotion, emotions are produced by feedback from physiological responses to situations.

____ 5. Some marine animals, such as the bottlenose dolphin, have a sleeping pattern in which one cerebral hemisphere will sleep, allowing the other hemisphere to remain alert.

____ 6. Kluver-Bucy Syndrome results from damage to the hippocampus.

____ 7. Because the grammar of sign languages is spatial, aphasic disorders in deaf people who use ASL are usually caused by lesions of the right hemisphere.

____ 8. Place cells help both humans and animals how to navigate an environment, such as where you live or work.

____ 9. Wada tests are used to determine which hemisphere controls dyslexia.

____ 10. Schizophrenics tend to have more visual than auditory hallucinations.

II. MULTIPLE CHOICE (One answer per question) [2 points each - total of 20 pts]

11. Early onset schizophrenia:

A. Begins in occipital cortex

B. Spreads laterally

C. Involves waves of gray matter loss

D. Begins in frontal cortex

E. Involves waves of white matter loss

12. Which nucleus is considered to be the master biological clock in mammals?

A. Subicular nucleus

B. Medial preoptic area

C. Infradiomatic nucleus

D. Suprachiasmatic nucleus

E. Corpus luteum nucleus

13. Which of the following is the hippocampus not involved in?

A. Episodic memories.

B. Priming memories.

C. Declarative memories.

D. Semantic memories.

E. Mapping space

14. Which of the following is true about the SRY gene?

A. Produces luteinizing hormone

B. Produces testis-determining factor

C. Controls the development of the gonads

D. Both B and C

E. All of the above

15. The medial preoptic area (MPA) is involved in which of the following behaviors?

A. Interfemale aggression

B. Male sexual behavior

C. Circadian rhythms

D. Both A and B

All of the above

16. Which of the following stage of sleep decreases in duration from beginning to end?

A. Stage 1

B. Stage 3

C. Stage 4


E. All of the above

17. Which of the following results from damage to the arcuate fasciculus?

A. Transduction aphasia

B. Broca’s aphasia

C. Wernicke’s aphasia

D. Global aphasia

E. Conduction aphasia

18. Which of the following is not involved in activity-dependent synaptic plasticity?

A. AMPA receptors

B. NMDA receptors

C. Ca++ ions


E. Calcineurin

19. Which is not a delusion experienced by schizophrenics?

A. Delusions of access

B. Delusions of grandeur

C. Delusions of control

D. Thought broadcasting

E. Delusions of persecution

20. Which of the following is not affected by pheromones?

A. Lee-Boot effect

B. Whitten effect

C. Lordosis effect

D. Vandenberg effect

E. Bruce effect

III. MATCHING (One answer per slot) [4 points per question – total 20 pts]

21. Match each type of learning/memory with the most appropriate brain area.

_____ Consolidation A. Striatum

_____ Motor learning B. Hippocampus

_____ Emotional response C. Cerebellum

_____ Classical conditioning D. Amygdala

E. Ventral tegmental area

22. Match each reproductive role to the most appropriate brain area.

_____ Effects of odors and pheromones A. Lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN)

_____ Female sexual behavior B. Medial nucleus of the amygdala

_____ Male sexual behavior C. Nucleus paragigantocellularis (PGi)

_____ Sexual reflexes in males D. Sexually dimorphic nucleus (SDN-POA)

E. Ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMH)

23. Match each stage of sleep with the most characteristic EEG pattern.

____ Stage 1 A. Alpha activity

____ Stage 2 B. Beta activity

____ Stage 3/4 C. Delta activity

____ REM D. Sleep spindles and K complexes

E. Theta activity

24. Match each of the following terms with the most appropriate phrase:

____ Morpheme A. Meaning of language

____ Prosody B. Smallest unit of sound that can be discriminated

____ Semantics C. Smallest unit of sound that carries meaning

____ Syntax D. Structure of language

E. Vocal intonations

25. Match each of the following rhythms with the most appropriate description:

____ circannual A. Basic rest activity cycle

____ circadian B. Hibernation

____ infradian C. Menstruation

____ ultradian D. Breeding cycles

E. Adaptive cylcles

IV. FILL-IN [1 point per blank space – total 15 pts]

26. In order for _________________ ions to pass through the channel in an NMDA receptor, two things need to happen—a molecule of _________________ needs to bind with the receptor, and the cell membrane needs to be ____________ so as to remove the __________________ ion that blocks the channel.

27. _________________ amnesia involves forgetting information from before brain injury, while ______________ amnesia involves forgetting information processed after the injury.

28. The six universal facial expressions of emotion are anger, fear, happiness, sadness, ________________, and _________________.

29. The __________________ is a testing apparatus to study short term memory in rodents in which the animal is placed in the middle and retrieves food at the end of a short runway.

30. Patients with conduction aphasia cannot (produce/understand/repeat)_____________ words, while those with Wernicke’s aphasia can ______________ but cannot _________________ words.

31. The ______________ hypothesis of schizophrenia suggests that atrophy or deterioration of brain tissue occurs decreasing the volume in temporal and frontal lobes.

32. _____ is similar to human language in terms of a sensitive period and in that it requires initial exposure to the sound in order to be learned.

33. An example of an infradian rhythm is __________.

V. SHORT ANSWER (limit answer to space provided) [5 points each – total 20 pts]

34. What is meant by "positive symptoms" and "negative symptoms" in schizophrenia? Give an example of each.

35. Describe the neural basis and two behavioral symptoms of Kluver-Bucy Syndrome.

36. Describe the Breeder and Downward Drift theories of schizophrenia.

37. Describe the time course of memory processes (or you can draw it).

VI. DIAGRAM [15 points]

38. Sketch the trisynaptic circuit of the hippocampus and label the following areas (dentate gyrus, mossy fibers, perforant pathway, alvear fibers, CA1, CA3, Schaffer collaterals, subiculum, entorhinal cortex).


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