National University of Singapore

Recce Report of West Coast Park

Heng Wee Ling & Ng Hua Qin, 15 Aug 2003: 0800-1030

Tide: Changi: 8am - 0.3m, 9am - 0.6m


• West Coast Park is situated along the western coastline of Singapore and made accessible by the West Coast Highway.

• The relevant landmarks to take note include Pasir Panjang Wholesale Centre, by which traveling along the highway leads to the park. Another is Emerson Process Management, which is the building to be seen as one travels down from the Pandan side before seeing the canal.

Meeting point

• Meeting point is set at the adventure park, which is a playground complex. We preferred this point to the carpark because the place is prominent (and easy to find because there is only one big playground whereas there are 3 carparks) and it is safer for a big group to assemble on the sand and open grass than on the carpark.

Safety Issues

• Safety concerns includes a risk of falls at the rocky shore and injuries caused by sharp parts of the boats littered along the coast.

Rain shelters

• In times of rain and lightning, there are a number of rain shelters located all over the park. There is a bicycle rental shop where people can go in times of rain too. There is a toilet there as well.

Nearest Hospital

• The nearest hospital for emergency is National University Hospital (NUH). Non-emergency cuts or injuries can be attended to at the general practitioner clinics in the residential area at block 722. There is also a neighbourhood police post at block 728.


• Trash collection points (TCPs) are set at 3 different yet easily accessed locations depending on which part of the coast the students work on. One is near barbeque pit 2, another behind the viewing rock where an artificial sandpit is situated and the last one is at the jetty.

Description of site

• The coastline is short, spanning only from the Republic of Singapore Yacht Club (RSYC) to the canal in front of Emerson Process Management. The coastline to the south of RSYC has already been converted to a container port.

• The coastline has also seen a graduation from mangroves at the RSYC side to sandy beach to rocky beach.

• There is fair amount of natural debris of wood, algae, seagrass, shells etc. but there is more human trash. Examples taken note during the recce include gunnysacks, plastic bags and bottles, shoes, cloth, bicycle chains, cans, car tyres, cigarette butts etc.

• The park is popular site for camping, picnic during the weekends and the coast a berthing spot for boats (not only luxury boats berthed at the jetty). This is the reason why there is a relatively high trash load distributed more or less evenly along the short coastline.


• An estimate of 100 people can work along the coast if the tide is low.


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