After world war II: A new International Setting for the West

After world war II: A new International Setting for the West32.1 How did the cold war and decolonization after the international for the west?Europe and Its ColoniesThe Cold War - ConsequencesUnited StatesEuropeSoviet UnionThe Resurgence of Western Europe 32.2 What were the main changes in Western Europe, compared to patterns during the 1920’s and 1930’s?The Spread of Liberal Democracy The Welfare StateNew Challenges to Political Stability Toward Greater European Unity Economic Expansion Cold War Allies: The United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand 32.3 How did post war developments in the United States compare to those in Western Europe?The Former Dominions The “U.S. Century”?Culture and Society in the West 32.4 What caused the changes in the roles and motivations of women in western Europe and the united states?Social StructureThe Women’s Revolution Western CultureA Lively Popular CultureEastern Europe after World War II: A Soviet Empire32.5 What were the main goals of the Soviet Union in Europe after World War II?The Soviet Union as SuperpowerThe New Soviet Empire in Eastern Europe Evolution of Domestic PoliciesSoviet Culture: Promoting New Beliefs and Institutions32.6 What were the main shifts in the soviet society and policy between World War II and the 1980’s? Economy and SocietyDe- Stalinization ................

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