SIMBA Snip-it Q&A: Shop OnLion - SIMBA at Penn State

SIMBA Snip-it Q&A: Shop OnLionGENERALDo users need to be connected to the VPN to access Shop OnLion when working from home?Yes. Is there a way to find if an open PO from 19/20 carried over into 20/21?You can use the Advanced Search in Shop OnLion, select Search For: Purchase Orders at the top of the screen and use the Search Criteria to search by the requester of the eBuy or ARLink order in the Goods Recipient field. Click on the possible values icon in the Goods Recipient search field, use the Last Name search option and find the individual by last name. Alternatively, you can search for purchase orders by Supplier. Click on the possible values icon in the Supplier search field, use the Name1 search option and include * (asterisk = wild card) to locate the supplier. If you are unable to find a replacement purchase order in SIMBA, contact the Purchasing Agent on the legacy PO with additional questions or to confirm if a replacement shopping cart needs to be entered in Shop OnLion.CATALOGSWhere can PSU employees view the items in eBuy General Stores for purchase? Or will SIMBA users be the only ones who can access General stores browsers through SIMBA?All Penn State employees have access to Shop OnLion in SIMBA. The fastest navigation to browse the General Stores catalog is from Shop OnLion > Home tab > Shop (Shopping Cart icon) > Lion Marketplace (blue link). The General Stores catalog can be access through the tile with their name. How does someone without SIMBA access get to the Lion Marketplace to browse? See above.PREAUTHORIZED SPENDING LIMITSHow do we check our spending limit?Preauthorized limits were sent in by the Financial Officers. These are not listed anywhere online, so you will need to check with your Financial Officer. How do I request pre-authorized spending?Spending authorization requests must be submitted by a Financial Officer. The Spending Authorization Request template to submit requests can be found under the FI heading at pre-authorized a user for a cost center, why did their shopping cart require approval?There are three options on the spreadsheet for assignment of authorization:?Business Area – this gives the individual preauthorization for EVERY cost object in the business area?Department – this gives the individual preauthorization for EVERY cost object in the department (all cost/fund centers, all internal orders/funded programs/sponsored programs)?Cost Object – this gives the person authorization for that ONE cost object.? If you assign someone to a cost/fund center – they are ONLY authorized for the that assigned cost/fund center.? It does NOT extend the authorization to internal orders associated with that cost center.? Authorization for internal orders must be given separately.?SHOPPING CARTSDo all carts get assigned a PO number and how long does it take for the PO number to be assigned to the cart?When a shopper presses Order on the shopping cart, it will proceed through the approval workflow. When the shopping cart is fully approved the system will determine if it is eligible for automatic purchase order creation, such as a catalog order under $25,000, or if it requires sourcing by Purchasing. Automatic purchase order creation for qualified carts happens within minutes of the final shopping cart approval step. In the case of a shopping cart sent to Purchasing, many factors determine how quickly a purchase order will be created in draft mode (i.e. Purchasing has started to work on this order). A Purchase Order has not been approved or sent to the supplier until the system shows status Ordered. Which guide will walk me through how to complete a PO? Individuals outside of the ARL and PSU Purchasing departments are not authorized to create Purchase Orders. All purchase orders begin with a Shopping Cart. The recommended learning path for Shoppers is available at do we find the PO # assigned to the Shopping Cart?From the Active Queries screen (Shop OnLion > Requisitioning Tab > Requisitioning (left side menu)), the Shopping Cart can be located in the list or searched for in the Quick Criteria Maintenance filters. A Purchase Order (or other procurement document) has been created if the Status shows as Follow-On Document Created. Click on Follow-On Document Created (blue link) to open the Related Documents tab of the shopping cart. This will display all related documents including Purchase Order, RFQ, Goods Confirmation, Invoice, etc.Where do I add notes that are just needed for the campus, but not intended for the delivery vendor? For example, some items will need to go to Career Services, some to Residence Life, etc.In the Item Details area, click on the Notes and Attachments Tab. Click on the Internal Note (blue link) and a notepad will open to Add Internal Note. After you have entered the information click OK and the Internal Note will be displayed in the Description next to Internal Note.When you order, do you have to have all line items selected or will it automatically order everything in the cart? When a shopper presses Order on the shopping cart, the entire cart, including all line items will go through the approval workflow.How would a staff person find a cart that a researcher completed? In other words, how is it assigned?There is no cart assignment functionality in SIMBA. The shopper will need to set up purchasing substitutes and mark the cart as a team cart prior to placing the order if other individuals need access to that shopping cart. If a purchasing substitute needs to complete or edit a team cart, they need to “Take Over” the cart to make it possible for them to edit and/or submit the cart.Can you view someone else's shopping cart number? If someone submitted a cart and it's in the workflow, can we view where it is?The shopper and their Purchasing Substitutes can view shopping carts marked as team cart. Other users will not be able to view the shopping cart.What is a shopping cart template and can it be moved to a regular shopping cart?Shopping Cart templates may be used in the future to guide shoppers in submitting certain types of carts. For example, a shopping cart template may be set up for sole source purchase requests that include additional instructions and attachments that need to be completed by the shopper. When this functionality is introduced, training documentation will be made available.How do we print a copy of the shopping cart of what was entered vs. system defaults?Shopping cart print functionality is not encouraged, the Print Preview has not been customized to include all fields on the shopping cart. Information should be validated directly in the Display Shopping Carts screens and item details tabs across the bottom.Once your order has been shipped will your cart disappear in the Shopping Area?No, the cart will always appear in the list. Quick criteria maintenance will allow the user to sort and filter requisitions to limit the results in the list. Note, supplier shipment is not tracked in SIMBA.Once the PO is approved, what exactly gets sent to the vendor?This depends on the type of order (catalog, contract, or free description) as well as the individual supplier. Catalog orders are sent by electronic transfer in a specified technical format (XML) that cannot include any notes or attachments. Free description orders issued by Purchasing and will include Supplier Notes and Attachments that are not designated as Visible Internal Only.When can you use the "item document type" Service instead of Materials?All items must be entered as Materials. Service item types are not currently supported but may be explored as future functionality.In the Add Items drop down window, is there a resource that shows us what each item listed would be used for, such as an example/name of old IBIS function?The preferred order of shopping preference is to search Lion Marketplace catalogs first, then PSU Contracts (and/or ARL if authorized) before entering a free text cart. An example of a Lion Marketplace cart would be General Stores orders. Shoppers can find temporary staffing services on PSU Contract. And an example of a free text (With Free Description) cart would be a specific supplier quote to provide lawn mowing services. Standing Orders are no longer supported in SIMBA and the department should work directly with the purchasing agent who previously issued their standing orders to determine the appropriate purchasing method in Shop OnLion.Can someone contact me regarding how to get started with a regular purchase order, not using the Marketplace?The Shopping Cart – Standard Free Text simulation and Hands-On Guide is a step by step process to order items that cannot be found on a catalog or contract. the old system, we would get office supplies in a few days, what is the delivery time in the new system?Many deliveries are currently being delayed due to the lack of delivery address information provided by shoppers during their ordering process. It is not anticipated that the SIMBA system or updates to systems in General Stores will impact delivery times if all pertinent information is provided on the order.Is it normal for shopping carts to disappear? Several say once they submit, they are unable to find their carts. The only instance where a shopping cart would “disappear” is if the shopper closes out of the shopping cart or closes out of Shop OnLion without pressing Order or Save. To find submitted shopping carts use the Shopping Cart Active Queries. Click on Requisitioning tab (top of screen) then Requisitioning (left side menu). Ensure that Shopping Carts (All) is selected under Active Queries and that the Quick Criteria Maintenance search criteria are not limiting the results. Press Refresh to see the most up-to-date results.Typically will approved punchout vendors that go directly to the vendors bypass approvals?The approval workflow for a Lion Marketplace shopping cart (punchout catalogs) will determine if the shopper is pre-authorized for the cost object being charged and dollar value of the order. If the shopper is pre-authorized then the workflow will indicate automatic approval of the shopping cart. The cart will then be subject to the purchase order sourcing rules, with most punch-out catalog orders under $25,000 automatically creating a purchase order sent to the supplier.People are having issues with the RETURN TO SIMBA button not populating to finalize their shopping cart.Pressing Return to SIMBA from the punchout catalog ordering screen may open the Create Shopping Cart window behind other windows or may open in a new tab depending on the individual user’s browser settings. If the user receives an error message or timeout notification, they should clear their browser cookies and cache or try another browser.DELIVERY ADDRESSESWhere you find the delivery address numbers? Where do you find the spreadsheet for the approved delivery location?On the SIMBA website, under Resources, Procurement, Shopper Resources. They are also attached to the Default Delivery Address Simulation as well. Can you search on the name of the building?In the setting of the default delivery address, you cannot search on a building name. However, when you are setting the delivery address for an individual shopping cart, you are able to search on a building name. Can you enter data in the department address section as a default?No, you cannot. This information cannot be overwritten. How do you add a room number?You would add a room number on an individual shopping cart. This can not be saved in the default address. Would we change that every time if the shipment goes somewhere else?I would not recommend changing the default address every time you are shopping. The better practice would be to change the delivery address for an individual shopping cart. Should we add our email?I don’t believe you are able to add your email to the default delivery address. Can you delete an address you put in the delivery address or can you only deactivate?You can either delete or deactivate an address based on your personal preference. What if the address has changed for a county extension office? Who do we notify to get the address corrected with the 6 digit number?We are working through a process for how units will submit those requests and hope to have some information out in the next few days. I looked at the Excel spreadsheet of addresses and our building is not listed. How do we get added to the list?We are working through a process for how units will submit those requests and hope to have some information out in the next few days. Can you put in your home address for your order since we are working from home?No, beginning in July, there is no longer home delivery. I noticed that the building is not listed on the ship to location when printing the requisition. However, it is part of the master data.Shopping cart print functionality is not encouraged, the Print Preview has not been customized to include all fields on the shopping cart. Also, please note that the shopping cart is not the document received by a supplier. The supplier will receive a purchase order. A document showing how to verify complete delivery address information on the shopping cart has been added to was wondering if there is a workaround until it is corrected? This is regarding the building name not showing up on requisitions and POs when printing.The SIMBA team is actively working on a fix, no workaround has been identified.If you had 15 lines is there a way to not have to enter the delivery name 15 times?Yes. When using the three step cart, which is the fastest way to get to a catalog and shop, the shopping wizard does not have the capability to set anything at the header level. However, if you use the standard shopping cart, it has the full features. Before you add any items into the cart, you are able to add Default Values in the header information which will apply to the entire cart. Will that delivery information stay in there for future orders?No, only the default delivery address information from SRM User Settings will populate on the cart automatically. Setting defaults at the header level of a shopping cart is cart specific.My address is 116 W College Ave. The one in the system has College Avenue. Do I just add it in the address section of the order?We are working through a process for how units will submit change requests to delivery addresses and hope to have some information out in the next few days. Our delivery address is our mail room. Is there some place I can save the C/O to include my name to assist with mail room delivery without having to enter it for each order?You will have to do this for each individual shopping cart. There is nowhere to save that information in the user settings. Can you show the print preview? I am having problems when I choose a delivery address and enter in the c/o, floor, and room number not showing up in the print review?The print preview was not customized by the SIMBA team, so what is shown is SAP standard. It brings in all of the system defaults, not the specific fields like C/O, room number, floor number, etc. If you want to send an item to an address other than your default address, can you change it? It looks like the boxes were 'grayed' out for the address.You can select one of the approved delivery locations in the possible value search on the shopping cart line item. You can only edit the fields in white. Where is the address located?Delivery Address is selected on the Delivery Address tab in shopping cart item details. Click on the possible values in the Name field and search to find your location.Are you able to ship to another university or can you only ship to a Penn State address?Only Penn State addresses are approved delivery locations for catalog orders. How should research orders be handled that require delivery to a non-PSU address?If you have a specific request on a non-catalog order that will be sourced by Purchasing, please work directly with the purchasing assistant/agent assigned to that order to determine the delivery options.In an order I placed the other day with VWR via Shop OnLion, the shipment notifications did not come to me (the purchaser). VWR directed me that a member of the Purchasing office was listed in that VWR field. How am I asserted that I (the purchaser) will receive the shipment notices from the supplier? Is there a field in the cart that I need to add my email to? The SIMBA team is actively working to correct a number of issues related to delivery addresses, so thank you for bringing this to our attention. There is nowhere on the cart to specify your email address to the supplier at this time.TEAM SHOPPINGWhat is the reason to have a team shopping cart?It is similar functionality to assign cart in eBuy. It can be used to double check the information in the shopping cart or to have someone complete missing information. A good example of this is if a researcher in a lab shops for the lab supplies and then the budgetary information is filled out by an administrative assistant or financial coordinator in their area. Can you leave the start date and end date blank?No. Both fields must be completed. If you make someone your substitute, does it give them your pre-authorized limits and would it be possible for them to submit the order without review?No, the preauthorized spending limits are specific to the user ID. The system is checking the limits of the person who physically clicked on the order button. What if I am unable to click on “add line” when I try to add a substitute? Make sure you are in Edit Mode by clicking the edit button at the top of the screen. If I add someone to my team, how am I notified I have a cart waiting for me?There is no system notification. You would have to contact the person you’d like to have complete your cart by phone, email, etc. I hit the take over button on a cart. I could then edit the information. I exited the screen and went back in and now I can't edit the info. Do we need to delete the cart? How can I edit the information now? Make sure you are in Edit Mode by clicking the edit button at the top of the screen. However, if the cart has already been converted to a purchase order, you will no longer be able to edit the cart. Is the team cart something you would use for office coverage to allow others to approve carts that are coming in? We used a set up like the assign cart.Team cart / Purchasing Substitutes does not apply to approval workflow and would not allow someone else in the unit to approve a shopping cart. Each approver role should have at least two individuals assigned to that role to ensure adequate coverage.VENDORSHow can I check if the vendors I use are in SIMBA?Shoppers can search for suppliers directly in a shopping cart after adding a line item to the cart, go into item details then click on the Source of Supply tab. In the Preferred Supplier field click on the possible values icon and use the Name 1 search. Be sure to include the asterisk (*) as wild cards in the key word search, for example Supplier search in Name1 *West Penn* returns West Penn PowerCHART OF ACCOUNTS – COST OBJECTS & GLI tried a VWR order from the marketplace and it didn't bring in the GL acct. Shouldn't it always populate the GL?No, approximately 85% of the Product Categories will bring in a default General Ledger Account. Shoppers and approvers must always review the G/L to ensure proper use. If no default is set for a Product Category, a G/L must be selected prior to Ordering. Warning messages will be presented for:Error in account assignment for itemNo G/L account was entered, enter a G/L accountFunds Management error; No commitment item entered in itemI am trying to purchase amazon ecodes, I am getting these error messages, Item 00001: Document category is not intended for revenue commitment item & Error in account assignment for item 1. Would 47003100 Gift Certificates be the correct GL?The error message received indicates you have selected a revenue General Ledger and not an expense GL. 47003100 is a revenue account, you would need to select something in the expense category such as 52451000 “PAR-Stipend-Subsist allow participant-trainee”I tried to use General Ledger Account 10000000 and got an error message, Line 1: Do not assign any objects in cost accounting to account 10000000.The error message received indicates you have entered a General Ledger account that is not intended for expenses. Please select a valid expense general ledger account. Can we change a GL that has been derived?Yes, the General Ledger Account can be edited prior to ordering.We tried to override the defaulted general ledger account on a shopping cart but couldn't. is there a snip it or instructions somewhere that we could reference.You must be in Edit mode to edit the default general ledger account. Additionally, if you have already opened the account assignment details, you will need to edit the G/L Account in the bottom section of the screen. The General Ledger Account can only be edited prior to ordering or if the cart is rejected. It cannot be edited by an approval and cannot be edited after the cart has been approved.So when you choose "order" that means an internal order account number??Yes, the available account assignment types for a shopping cart are Cost Center, Order (Internal Order), WBSE (only used by ARL at this time), and Asset (for assignment by Property Inventory only).Is the account assignment the same as the SIMBA cost center?The requestor (Shopper) must indicate the cost assignment category (Cost Center, Order (IO), or WBSE) and must also select the specific account number to charge. Reminder, budget only cost centers should not be used for shopping carts as actual expenses are not permitted on these accounts.When you made the choice a few minutes ago and the lines auto-populated, the GL information was listed as custodial & housekeeping. Why would it choose that for camera supplies?The demonstration was conducted in the test system, not all master data in the test system matches that of the production system. WORKFLOW AND APPROVALSCan anyone other than the creator of the cart (such as a Superuser), see the workflow of a cart?The shopper (creator of the cart) and anyone identified as a Purchasing Substitute if the specific shopping cart is marked as a Team Cart can display the shopping cart and view the approval workflow path.Why would an order go right to approved status? Shopping Carts ordered by individuals that have been identified as pre-authorized to spend on specific cost objects or an entire department’s or business area’s accounts will not trigger the FN18 budgetary and financial approval workflow steps. If the cart is not subject to additional approvals such as radioactive materials, then it would be approved very quickly by the system.If you don’t see anything listed, does this mean the order has been processed?The Purchase Order has been placed when the Purchase Order (which can be accessed by clicking the Follow-on Document Created link in the Shopping Cart status on Active Queries screen) shows Status of Ordered.I have a shopping cart that has a status of "awaiting approval' in the cart, but it says "in your inbox" on the shopping cart page. I don't have an option to resubmit. What do I do?In your inbox means that the cart has been rejected and is awaiting further action by the requester. Instructions have been provided at for “Shop OnLion – Edit Rejected Shopping Cart”Can an approver track the status of the Shopping Cart?There is no way for an approver to track shopping carts that have not yet arrived into their Inbox for approval, however if an approver has approved or rejected the shopping cart, it will appear in their Work Overview completed work items list.On the PO approval process overview, it only shows the purchasing agent's name (as someone who approved the PO) and all other approvers show as System--is there a reason why or how can we see who has approved the document?If the Purchase Order approval shows only a Purchasing Agent’s name, then by PSU policy, no other approval was required on that document – it was within the Purchasing Agent’s authority. Most approvals occur on the Shopping Cart, not the Purchase Order.If someone creates and submits a cart, how do they find it in SIMBA to check the status in the process?The Shopping Cart Active Queries is the best way to find the shopping cart to check status. Click on Requisitioning tab (top of screen) then Requisitioning (left side menu). Ensure that Shopping Carts (All) is selected under Active Queries and that the Quick Criteria Maintenance search criteria are not limiting the results. Press Refresh to see the most up-to-date results.On my active queries screen, I have one order that indicates item status is saved and another indicates item status is awaiting approval. If I open either item, it indicates it’s approved and ordered.The Active Queries screen needs to be refreshed by the user to see the most up-to-date statuses. Click the Refresh button above the list of shopping carts to refresh the data.How do you find a request or PO in order to approve it?Shopping Carts sent to an approver will be available in the Work Overview inbox. Click on Home tab (top of screen) then Work Overview (left side menu). Ensure the Quick Criteria Maintenance search criteria is not limiting the results. If an alternate approver has already taken action on the shopping cart (either Approve or Reject) it will no longer appear in the Work Overview for any other approvers. For example, if Bob and Sue are both Budget Assistants and both receive the email requesting approval for Shopping Cart 1000012345 and Bob clicks the link and Rejects the cart back to the shopper. When Sue logs into Shop OnLion the shopping cart will not be shown in her Work Overview inbox. She will not have authorization to search for or display this shopping cart.I have a shopper who has submitted multiple orders - some auto approval and some through the whole path - that have now landed in "In Purchaser's Worklist." These are all time sensitive purchases and she's saying that her carts have been "stuck" there for some time now. Is this just an instance of Purchasing needing to catch up on all of the work?In Purchaser’s Worklist means that the shopping cart was not eligible for automatic purchase order creation and requires sourcing by Purchasing. A number of factors such as contract vs. free text, total dollar value, sole source request, etc. impact whether an order requires manual intervention by Purchasing. I believe the Purchasing department is working through requests as quickly as possible and they are also learning how to use the new system with many changes to how they review and issue purchase orders.REJECTED CARTSWhere is the resubmit button located for the shopper for carts that have been rejected after corrections have been made?Instructions have been provided at for “Shop OnLion – Edit Rejected Shopping Cart”For POs - if it is rejected and the information is corrected as Purchasing said to - how do you resubmit it?Instructions have been provided at for “Shop OnLion – Edit Rejected Shopping Cart”GOODS CONFIRMATIONWill an email be sent to shoppers to remind them to do the confirmation?No, goods confirmations require the shopper or goods recipient to be proactive. When items or services are received, they should be confirmed in Shop OnLion upon delivery. Is the confirmation the same as ReBuy?No, ReBuy was an invoice confirmation and allowed accounting changes. No changes will be permitted to account assignment in Shop OnLion at the time of goods confirmation. What is the reference document suggested to confirm an order?Reference document is an optional field and can be used to reference a bill of lading, shipping notice, inspection report, or other documentation used by your area. If no other document needs to be referenced, you could enter your initials or the PO number to aid in searching for the confirmation later.MULTI-YEAR ORDERSIf we need to set up a multi-year PO, do we begin with a regular shopping cart?SIMBA does not offer the same multi-year standing order capability as eBuy. A training simulation will be forthcoming on how to use option lines on a shopping cart that will be used in some situations for a multi-year order. If you have an urgent need to process the first, or current, year of a multi-year order, please proceed with entering a free text shopping cart and follow any guidance provided by the Purchasing department.Is there a way to entered multi-year orders?SIMBA does not offer the same multi-year standing order capability as eBuy. A training simulation will be forthcoming on how to use option lines on a shopping cart that will be used in some situations for a multi-year order. If you have an urgent need to process the first, or current, year of a multi-year order, please proceed with entering a free text shopping cart and follow any guidance provided by the Purchasing department. ................

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