SOLD! Upper 84 Ranch - Brady, Nebraska


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SOLD! Upper 84 Ranch - Brady, Nebraska

Form er Dallas Cowboy s Pro Bowl tight end and owner Jay Nov acek refers to the Upper 84 Ranch as a little slice of heav en in Nebraska. Consisting of 3 ,2 6 8 deeded acres, this property looks like it could be in Colorado. This beautiful, but rugged, cedar-cov ered hill country is located 3 0 m inutes from North Platte Regional Airport. This is a trem endous hunting property with abundant Mule and Whitetail deer, turkey , elk, geese, ducks, grouse and quail. The east side of the property borders a lease on Jeffrey Reserv oir with Central Nebraska Public Power Com pany and includes exclusiv e use of 3 m iles of lake shore. The reserv oir is known for good walley e, crappie and bass fishing as well as other water sports. With approxim ately 1 ,2 00 acres in high fence, part of the ranch was form erly operated as a hunting preserv e, which could be continued. The 7 ,87 5 sqft luxury custom hom e with high-end finishes could be utilized as the personal residence or conv erted to a high-end lodge. The property is also equipped to be a working cattle and/or horse ranch with corrals, a 2 0,000 sqft "barn" with heated stalls, an indoor riding arena and guest room s upstairs for additional hunter lodging. Upscale im prov em ents with turnkey hunting and ranching am enities m ake this ranch ideal for an indiv idual, group or corporate retreat.

Offering Price was $3,000,000

Prairie Swamp - Lewellen, Nebraska

Located along the North Platte Riv er in Western Nebraska, Prairie Swam p is a worldclass 502 -acre hunter's paradise. Not only is the property situated in the heart of the Central Fly way , it is furtherm ore positioned along the Garden County Refuge section of this incredible riv er ecosy stem . Such a sanctuary prov ides an 87 -y ear wintering waterfowl tradition, abundant y ear-round wildlife and extrem ely good hunting. With its outstanding habitat, enhanced hunting dev elopm ents and prim e location for m igratory waterfowl, Prairie Swam p is ideal for the pursuit of m allard ducks, Canada geese, trophy Whitetail deer and v ery large elk. Currently owned and dev eloped by a waterfowl specialist, three waterfowl hunting sites hav e been m eticulously brought to fruition along m eandering warm -water sloughs. These waterway s are springfed and hav e stay ed open in tem peratures as cold as 2 2 -below-zero. Additionally , two sites

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hav e been dev eloped in the property 's grain fields. Consisting of corn and alfalfa, these food sources are places that the abundant gam e hit hard throughout the season. All fiv e sites are equipped with state-of-the-art custom ized fiberglass pit blinds, each heated, cook-ready and com fortable, but m ost of all effectiv e in prov iding hunters with som e of the best waterfowling in the country . Prairie Swam p is also one of the top deer hunting locations in the state of Nebraska, consistently taking trophy -quality Whitetails, sev eral of Boone and Crocket (B & C) class. One elk unfortunately was found dead on Prairie Swam p, howev er it did score a giant 4 2 7 " gross and 4 1 1 " B & C by a state official. It would hav e becom e the new state record. Prairie Swam p is a turnkey hunter's dream .

Offering Price is $3,200,000

Heartland Sportsman's Paradise - Valentine, Nebraska

"Discov er the Nebraska y ou didn't know was here!" The 1 ,02 1 -acre Heartland Sportsm an's Paradise is located a short driv e east of Valentine, Nebraska, with m any recreational am enities to fit the nam e. Com prised of four beautiful log cabins, the ranch prov ides good incom e-producing opportunities y ear-round; fill the cabins in the spring and sum m er with v acationers v isiting the scenic Niobrara and use the ranch as a hunting outfit in the fall and winter. The property boasts a trem endous trophy Whitetail deer habitat with further hunting for waterfowl, turkey and elk. The property is fully -equipped to raise elk or buffalo in the high-fence portion of the ranch. The wildlife habitat is abundant with liv e water onsite, including a liv e creek that feeds three fishable trout ponds. Angling opportunities are rich along the Niobrara National Scenic Riv er and its m any tributaries. Rainbow and brown trout are present in sev eral spring-branch cany on tributaries and can prov ide a challenge for any av id fly fisherm an. The current owners hav e upgraded and dev eloped the grounds offering food plots and hunting-stand placem ents that are effectiv e in attracting gam e anim als. Recreational opportunities abound with fishing, canoeing, kay aking, horseback riding, hiking and tubing. In addition to the log cabins, other im prov em ents include a 2 ,6 4 8 sqft custom log hom e with trem endous v iews. It borders nearly 1 m ile of the Niobrara National Scenic Riv er. Additionally , there is a lodge, ranch m anager's house, horse barn with an office and sev eral other outbuildings used for operating the ranch. With its spectacular beauty and hunting opportunities all in close proxim ity to Valentine, Heartland Sportsm an's Paradise is truly a rare find.

Offering Price is $2,200,000

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