Parish Clerk

Minutes of the Meeting of Ringsfield & Weston Parish Council held on Friday 17 July 2015 at 7.30pm at Ringsfield Village Hall

Councillors Present : Cllr L Rees, Cllr M Arnold, Cllr D Cannell, Cllr D Francis, Cllr N Simister, Cllr Saunders and Cllr R Sherriff

Also Present : Mrs T Hazell (Clerk)

1. To elect a Chairman of the Parish Council for 2015/16

The Clerk asked for nominations for the position of Chairman.

Cllr Cannell nominated Mrs L Rees and Cllr D Francis seconded this. It was unanimously agreed that Cllr Rees take the Chair of the Parish Council for 2015/16, which she accepted.

The new Chairman signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office form in the presence of the clerk.

2. Welcome, Apologies and Signing of Declaration of Acceptance forms

The Chairman welcomed Reverend Simister as a new councillor and asked if there were any apologies.

The clerk reported that Mrs E Benton, Mr P Johnson and Cllr K Springall had sent apologies.

The clerk handed out Declaration of Acceptance of Office forms to Reverend Simister and Mrs Saunders for completion.

3. Declarations of Interest regarding the agenda - none.

4. To elect a Vice-Chairman of the Parish Council for 2015/16

The Chairman nominated Mr D Cannell, Cllr Francis seconded and the nomination was carried unanimously. Mr D Cannell accepted the position of Vice-Chairman of the Parish Council for 2015/16.

5. To confirm councillor representatives for SALC and Neighbourhood Plan Committee

It was agreed that Mr M Arnold represent the Parish Council at Neighbourhood Planning Committee meetings, and it was agreed that SALC representatives be nominated when meetings are held, subject to availability etc.

6. To confirm the minutes of the Annual meeting of the Parish Council held on 3 June 2015

On the motion of the Chairman, seconded by the Vice-Chairman, it was unanimously agreed by those present at that meeting to sign these minutes as a true and correct record.

The meeting adjourned for public participation.

a) Report from the Police : PC Le Surf was not present and no report had been received.

b) Report from Suffolk County Council : Cllr Ritchie was not present and no report had been received.

c) Report from Waveney District Councillor : Cllr Springall was not present but had sent apologies and a report which the clerk read out to the meeting.

He has attended many training sessions and reported on the new Riverside council offices which were opened by Peter Aldous MP on 10th July.

He also asked for help in supporting a speed limit/flashing signs outside the school and get the road resurfaced as the drains are lower than the road.

On the motion of Cllr Saunders, seconded by Cllr Sherriff, it was agreed to support the project.

d) Residents’ Questions :

Mr John Sayer referred to the Beccles Relief Road and reported that all the various wildlife studies etc are now complete, but there are no Traffic Restriction Orders (TRO’s) being placed when the new road is built, which will inevitably cause ‘rat runs’ on some minor roads. Also a number of footpaths will be dissected by the road and although the original plans said there would be control for these footpaths, the latest plans do not show this.

Mr Sayer stated that he is trying to get support from parishes and then set up a meeting to discuss these concerns. We need to campaign for weight restrictions, and when a meeting is set up, he asked if the Parish Council could send one or more representatives to support him. Mr Sayer’s telephone number is 01502 717415 if anyone would like to contact him, and he will let us know when a meeting has been arranged with the County Council.

It was unanimously agreed that Ringsfield and Weston PC support Mr Sayer in campaigning for TROs to be placed on School Road, Cromwell Road, Church Road and Ringsfield Road, and will attend a meeting when this is arranged.

The Chairman closed the meeting for public consultation.

e. Community Council News

The clerk reported on the progress and stated that Mr B Blower, local solicitor, has all the documents and has quoted in the region of £1000 to produce the lease. When a draft lease is received, a meeting can be held with both the Community and Parish Councils to discuss this.

f. WW1 Commemoration : defer this until Cllr Johnson is present.

7. Clerks Report

a. Various communications had been received from SALC about training, Precept Data, Suffolk Local Policing Review, Sizewell C Town and Parish – Community Events, Fly-Grazing (Control of Horses Act 2015) – the clerk read them out and was asked to file. The Chairman requested a copyof the Precept Data info.

b. Scooper Dooper had sent an email about their waste collection services – the clerk was asked to file.

c. Evolution Planning had written with reference to the Beccles and surrounding neighbourhood area designation consultation stating that they represent Sotterley Estate as significant landowners in the area and are keen to engage constructively in the process. The clerk was asked to file with the Neighbourhood Plan correspondence.

d. The Environment Agency had sent an update on EDF’s Energy’s proposals to create wetland habitat at Leiston. The clerk will file this for information.

e. Waveney DC had written regarding the Waveney Local Plan Review – Engagement with Town and Parish Councils. A series of workshops will be held to involve parish councils and details will be sent for sessions to be booked.

f. Network Assurance had sent a notification request for a legal order to be made for a temporary traffic order for a carriageway closure, Kings Lane, Weston on 3 – 5 August. The alternative route will be Kings Lane, Redisham, Cromwell Road, A145 and vice versa.

g. Neighbourhood Planning Forum had sent a save the date notice for a meeting at Stratford St Andrew at 10 am on 1st October

8. Reports of meetings/training attended by councillors

a. David Cannell had attended a World of Planning Meeting at Beccles Public Hall on 7th July. Affordable housing had been discussed and the guest speaker was Martin Aust. He had firmly stated that local needs MUST be registered on the housing list and will be categorised on A, B or C lists. Social housing rent (traditional and protected) is 60% of the market value, and affordable is 80%. The right to buy proposal has put a brake on affordable housing developments – but this is still to be resolved and will go through the Courts.

Planning Applications were also discussed and Mr Phillip Rowson was the speaker who had stated that parish councils must clearly object or support and must give precise reasons for their decision. There is a long list of planning consideration to take into account.

General discussion took place and is was obvious there is a big need for one and two bedroomed properties.

9. Planning Applications – NONE RECEIVED

10. Finances

a. The clerk had produced quarterly bank reconciliations to the end of June 2015.

On the motion of Cllr Francis, seconded by the Chairman, it was agreed that this reconciliation be signed by Cllr Cannell.

b. On the motion of the Chairman, seconded by Cllr Saunders, it was unanimously agreed to sign the following cheques :

Mrs P Hazell (Clerk’s salary) £168.64

HMRC (PAYE for clerk) £42.40

11. Matters Arising/Questions not dealt with in the agenda

a. Cllr Sherriff referred to the superfast broadband and if this service has reached Ringsfield and Weston. After discussion it was agreed that the Chairman take this up with Cllr Ritchie and ask for an update.

b. The Chairman stated that the owner of Ringsfield Lodges are Ian and Sabrina Staniforth who own a building firm with offices in Lowestoft and they live in Oulton Broad. The clerk was asked to write to them and ask them if they could tidy up the land they own next to the village hall in Ringsfield as several parishioners have complained about its untidy appearance.

c. Discussion also took place on the speed limit on the A145 near the Weston turn off. The Chairman also agreed to mention this to Cllr Ritchie,.

12. Date of Next Meeting : It was agreed that the Parish Council do not meet again until September unless any important items or planning applications are received.

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.45 pm.

Chairman …………………………………. Dated ………………………………..


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