WESTON-sub-EDGE ANNUAL PARISH MEETINGMembers of the public are invited to attend.7.30p.m. Tuesday 28th May 2019 in the village hall- A G E N D A -1.0Welcome & report from the parish council chairman councillor Bill Carruthers2.0Apologies for absence3.0Approve minutes of the meeting held on 22nd May 20184.0Report from the local police5.0Report from the county & district councillors6.0Review of reports from the various organisations in the village.7.0Public participation8.0Date of next year’s meeting – 26th May 2020 is suggested9.0Any other businessWESTON-sub-EDGE PARISH COUNCIL ANNUAL MEETINGMeeting to follow the Annual Parish Meeting – members of the public are very welcome to attend.- A G E N D A -Acceptance of office and declaration of pecuniary interests2.0Councillors to make declarations of interest on items on the agenda3.0To receive notice of absence from councillors4.0To confirm minutes of the meeting held on matters:6.1To discuss and review developments at Bramley’s & Cannon Bourne6.0Finance:6.1To receive interim statement and bank reconciliation6.2To review the parish council’s asset register and insurance cover for 2019/206.3To review the parish council’s risk assessment and agree actions6.4To approve payments due:clerk’s salary & PAYE for MayClerk’s travel expenseVillage hall hire for May – PC & Seniors Parish council insuranceMaurice Parkinson Grass Cutting – Rec Ground6.5To receive the internal auditor’s report and approve the annual account 2019/206.6To approve the chairman to sign the annual governance statement 2019/206.7To approve the chairman to sign the accounting statements 2019/207.0To review village matters: 7.1 Refurbishment of the Church Street phone box update 7.2 Highways update of maintenance issues 7.3 Vehicle Activated Speed sign update 7.4 Recreation Ground maintenance, inspection record review 7.5 Review Lengthsmen tasks to submit to GCC for the 19/20 programme 7.6 Update on progress to obtain right of way to the RC & Land Registration 7.7 Archive documentation update on progress 7.8 Annual ERS Emergency Plan update 7.9 To discuss and plan for Village Improvements for the year ahead:Village Hall Car Park progressSummer event at Recreation Ground 7 September planning updateSummer Sport activity days proposal 9.0To note matters arising from minutes of previous meetings not covered on the agenda10.0To receive correspondence since last meeting, for informationPUBLIC QUESTION TIME WILL BE TAKEN AT THE CHAIRMAN’S DISCRETIONparish clerk Lucy Print Forge House, Weston Sub Edge. wseparishclerk@ ................

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