Social and Psychological Foundations

Diversity and Behavioral Foundations

It is understood that diversity is a concept that is infused across courses particularly in the teacher education and social sciences areas. Therefore, many of the standards cited here will be addressed in content areas as well as in education courses.

Upon completion of the Associate of Arts in Teaching Degree with an emphasis on Elementary Education, the candidate will have successfully completed a college curriculum based upon the following NCATE standards related to diversity and behavioral foundations:

#1. Development, learning, and motivation – Candidates know, understand, and use the major concepts, principles, theories, and research related to development of children and young adolescents to construct learning opportunities that support individual students’ development, acquisition of knowledge and motivation.

#2a. Central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of content – Candidates know, understand, and use the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of content for students across the K-6 grades and can create meaningful learning experiences that develop students’ competence in subject matter and skills for various developmental levels.

#3b. Adaptation to diverse students – Candidates understand how elementary students differ in their development and approaches to learning, and create instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse students.

#3c. Development of critical thinking, problem solving and performance skills – Candidates understand and use a variety of teaching strategies that encourage elementary students’ development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.

#5c. Collaboration with families – Candidates know the importance of establishing and maintaining a positive collaborative relationship with families to promote the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical growth of children.

The following tables are organized into four columns: the first column presents the outcomes, the second column the indicators, the third column the assessment type, and the fourth column sample assessment tasks.

Standard 1: Development, learning, and motivation—Candidates know, understand, and use the major concepts, principles, theories, and research related to the development of children and young adolescents to construct learning opportunities that support individual students’ development, acquisition of knowledge and motivation.

|Outcomes |Indicators |Assessment Types |Sample Assessment Tasks |

|1. Teacher candidates will understand the full |a. Recognize diversity as a positive component |• Field Work: |• Identify curricular activities that are intended to be |

|significance of diversity in a democratic |of the instructional environment and value | |inclusive of all students. |

|society and how diversity bears on instruction |students (i.e., students with exceptionalities |• Guided observations | |

| |and from different ethnic, racial, gender, | | |

| |language, religious, socioeconomic, and |• Journals | |

| |regional/geographic backgrounds) | | |

Standard 2a: Central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of content—Candidates know, understand, and use the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of content for students across the K-6 grades and can create meaningful learning experiences that develop students’ competence in subject matter and skills for various developmental levels.

|Outcomes |Indicators |Assessment Types |Sample Assessment Tasks |

|1. The teacher candidate will know, understand,|a. Compare and contrast a variety of teaching |• Reading/Research |• Project (i.e. graphic wheel to see how |

|and be able to apply current research related |and learning styles | |teaching/learning styles match) |

|to: | |• Field Work: | |

|Teaching and learning styles |b. Reflect on best practice, relate knowledge of| |• Classroom observation with assignment to look for |

|Effective teaching and best practice |effective teaching to guided observations. |• Guided observation |specific indicators of teaching |

|Dimensions of learning | | |/learning styles |

|Models of assessment of elementary students | |• Reflection/Journal | |

| | | |• Portfolio component indicating development of teaching |

| | | |style based on reflection of best practice |

Standard 3b: Adaptation to diverse students—Candidates understand how elementary students differ in their development and approaches to learning, and create instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse students.

|Outcomes |Indicators |Assessment Types |Sample Assessment Tasks |

|1. The teacher candidate will know, understand,|a. Identify cognitive, personal-social, and |• Reflection paper/Journal |• Reflection paper or journal about one’s own |

|and be able to apply current research findings |emotional developmental stages | |developmental characteristics |

|about students’ prenatal to adolescent | |• Research paper | |

|development |b. Understand how diversity impacts | |• Writing assignment on the observed developmental |

| |developmental processes |• Field Work: |characteristics of elementary students |

| | | | |

| |c. Identify the “typical” vs “atypical“ |• Guided observation |• Research paper comparing and contrasting the |

| |developmental pattern and characteristics of | |contributions of the major developmental theorists |

| |children |• Journals | |

Standard 3c: Development of critical thinking, problem solving and performance skills—Candidates understand and use a variety of teaching strategies that encourage elementary students’ development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.

|Outcomes |Indicators |Assessment Types |Sample Assessment Tasks |

|1. The teacher candidate will understand |a. Identify categories of exceptional students. |• Research paper |• Compare Piaget’s stages of development to Vygotsky’s |

|cognitive development in elementary students and| | |zones of learning. |

|how it relates to learning and behavior in |d. Understand how exceptionalities affect |• Field Work: | |

|classroom settings |teaching/learning processes | |• Pretest/posttest assessment of teacher candidates’ |

| | |• Guided classroom observation |understanding of and dispositional change regarding |

| | | |students with exceptionalities |

| | |• Journals | |

Standard 5c: Collaboration with families—Candidates know the importance of establishing and maintaining a positive collaborative relationship with families to promote the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical growth of children.

|Outcomes |Indicators |Assessment Types |Sample Assessment Tasks |

|1. The teacher candidate will recognize and |a. Understand the importance of a positive |• Role play |• Teacher education candidates alternate playing parent|

|value the collaborative relationship between |parent-teacher collaboration | |(guardian) and teacher roles in a videotaped mock |

|home and school | |• Field Work: |conference |

| |b. Identify strategies which enhance | | |

| |communication with families |• Guided observations |• Attend a PTA meeting and record and report on issues |

| | | |pertaining to parent-school relations |

| |c. Recognition of diverse family structures |• Journals | |


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