Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession

|Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession | |EHHS Conceptual Framework |

|Standard 1: Teachers understand student learning and development and respect| |Learner-Centered Pedagogy |

|the diversity of students they teach. | | |

|Display knowledge of how students learn and of the | |Understands how students learn |

|developmental characteristics of age groups? | | |

|Understand what students know and are able to do and use | |Facilitates inquiry-based learning and authentic assessment|

|this knowledge to meet the needs of all students? | | |

|Demonstrate the expectation that all students will achieve | |Creates a learning environment that helps students build on|

|to their full potential? | |prior knowledge |

|Model respect for students’ diverse cultures, language skills | |Uses technology in an ethical, critical, and competent |

|and experiences? | |manner as a means to acquire, provide, organize, and |

| | |communicate knowledge |

|Recognize characteristics of gifted students, students with | | |

|disabilities and at-risk students in order to assist in | | |

|appropriate identification, instruction and intervention? | | |

|Standard 2: Teachers know and understand the content area for which they | |In-Depth Content Knowledge |

|have instructional responsibility. | | |

|Know the content I teach and use my knowledge of content | |Knows and understands discipline-specific content and |

|specific concepts, assumptions and skills to plan | |pedagogy |

|instruction? | | |

|Understand and use content-specific instructional | |Places knowledge in a broader context and integrates it |

|strategies to effectively teach the central concepts and | |with other content areas |

|skills of the discipline? | |Seeks out and uses innovative, content-appropriate teaching|

| | |methods |

|Understand school and district curricula priorities and | | |

|the Ohio academic content standards? | | |

|Understand the relationship of knowledge within the | | |

|discipline to other content areas? | | |

|Connect content to relevant life experiences and career | | |

|opportunities? | | |

|Standard 3: Teachers understand and use varied assessments to inform | |Informed Reflective Practice |

|instruction, evaluate and ensure student learning. | | |

|Know about assessment types, their purposes and the data | |Draws on research, theory, and multiple fields of |

|they generate? | |knowledge, and aesthetic awareness for the development of |

| | |curriculum, pedagogy, and educational programs |

|Select, develop and use a variety of diagnostic, formative | |Employs the iterative process of action, observation, and |

|and summative assessments? | |reflection as the basis of improving practice |

|Analyze data to monitor student progress and learning and | |Uses multiple sources of data to plan, revise, and enact |

|to plan, differentiate and modify instruction? | |curriculum and educational programs |

|Collaborate and communicate student progress with | | |

|students, parents and colleagues? | | |

|Involve learners in self-assessment and goal setting to | | |

|address gaps between performance and potential? | | |

|Standard 4: Teachers plan and deliver instruction that advances the learning| |Ethical and Culturally-Responsive Practices |

|of each individual student. | | |

|Align my instructional goals and activities with school and | | |

|district priorities and the Ohio academic content standards? | | |

|Use information about students’ learning and performance | |Exemplifies the highest ethical standards of the education |

|to plan and deliver instruction that will close the | |profession |

|achievement gap? | | |

|Communicate clear learning goals and explicitly link | | |

|learning activities to those defined goals? | | |

|Apply knowledge of how students think and learn to | |Values richness of human differences and understands the |

|instructional design and delivery? | |implications of these differences in a socially stratified |

| | |society |

|Differentiate instruction to support the learning needs of all | |Adapts assessment, pedagogy, and educational programs to |

|students, including students identified as gifted, students | |individual differences, with particular attention to those |

|with disabilities and at-risk students? | |differences that reflect social inequalities |

|Create and select activities that are designed to help | |Understands the importance of public education in a |

|students develop as independent learners and complex | |democracy |

|problem-solvers? | | |

|Use resources effectively, including technology, to | | |

|enhance student learning? | | |

|Standard 5: Teachers create learning environments that promote high levels | | |

|of learning and achievement for all students. | | |

|Treat all students fairly and establish an environment that is | | |

|respectful, supportive and caring? | | |

|Create an environment that is physically and emotionally | | |

|safe? | | |

|Motivate students to work productively and assume | | |

|responsibility for their own learning? | | |

|Create learning situations in which students work | | |

|independently, collaboratively and/or as a whole class? | | |

|Maintain an environment that is conducive to learning for | | |

|all students? | | |

|Standard 6: Teachers collaborate and communicate with students, parents, and| |Professional Collaboration |

|other educators, administrators and the community to support student | | |

|learning. | | |

|Communicate clearly and effectively? | | |

|Share responsibility with parents and caregivers to support | |Understands the role of other professional educators and |

|student learning, emotional and physical development and | |ancillary personnel |

|mental health? | | |

|Collaborate effectively with other teachers, administrators | | |

|and school and district staff? | | |

|Collaborate effectively with the local community and | | |

|community agencies, when and where appropriate, to | | |

|promote a positive environment for student learning? | | |

|Standard 7: Teachers assume responsibility for professional growth, | | |

|performance, and involvement as an individual and as a member of a learning | | |

|community. | | |

|Understand, uphold and follow professional ethics, policies | | |

|and legal codes of professional conduct? | | |

|Take responsibility for engaging in continuous, purposeful | |Values and demonstrates commitment to on-going professional|

|professional development? | |development |

|Become an agent of change who seeks opportunities to | |Demonstrates leadership for educating all children in |

|positively impact teaching quality, school improvements | |collaboration with educators, agencies, families, and |

|and student achievement? | |communities |


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