Cornell University

7.a.Describe one physical and one mental health consequence of poor housing quality. b.Self-selection is a potentially confounding variable for many environmental impacts on human health and well-being. Describe the self-selection challenge and explain using an example from lecture or readings of a study on housing where this problem is a major concern. Explain your answer. c.Provide a second example of housing research where the researchers tried to cope with the confounding problem created by self-selection. Describe what they did; how well you think it would work.d.Provide one physical health outcome of poor quality housing and show some hypothetical data in a table or a graph illustrating a person x environment interaction. Remember to label your table or graph with appropriate headings. Explain how your hypothetical data show a person X environment interaction. Hint: to show a person x environment interaction you need to have variability in both a personal characteristic and in an environmental characteristic. e. Explain two ways in which privacy may help explain potential problems with high rise housing design.Using your analysis of privacy and high rise housing, explain how you would change the design of theHigh rise buildingIndividual apartment in that same buildingto enhance the residential experience of privacy? Incorporating lecture or readings, why do you think each of your two re-designs (overall building, individual apartment) might help? f. What is another HER process other than privacy relevant to housing and human well-being? Define that HER process and then describe how it might relate to either: a. better child development b. successful aging later in lifeDescribe why you think your ideas might work based on research on this HER process.8. Reminder: bold means must be original a. Incorporate each of the five components of defensible space listed below (e,g., surveillance) to describe how vulnerable your current residence is to crime. Make sure you define each component; indicate whether your residence is good or bad in terms of crime prevention for each component of defensible space; and explain why. You can mix with some good and some bad if you wish; however, make it clear how one or more physical aspects of your current residence is related to each of the defensible space components.. Your answer needs to describe some physical characteristic of your residence, show how it is related to each component, define the component, and then relate this to crime vulnerability. surveillance social illegibility secondary territory (semipublic space) ambience of caring (incivilities) lack of territoryb.Take the worst physical characteristic or design element where you live in terms of defensible space and change it to increase crime deterrence. Explain how/why this change ought to help deter crime.c.Choose one dimension of your own social identity (e.g., gender, culture/ethnicity), describe how you believe your social identity would be important in moderating one of the physical characteristics that affects defensible space in your residence. Note this moderation could be negative or positive in terms of how well this physical characteristic operates in terms of defensible space for one of your salient social identities.d.Is your example in part c. i an example of Cognitive Appraisal or Environmental Determinism or both? Explain why and include a definition of cognitive appraisal and of environmental determinism in your answer. 9. a. Explain what programming and post-occupancy evaluation (POE) are. b. What are their potential relations to user-designer gap? c. What are their potential relations to incongruence of poor person-environment fit? d. Describe four research findings based on dormitory POE research and relate each one to a different HER process. Explain how/why the POE findings are related to the HER process. d. Imagine you conduct a POE of a dorm and find evidence of incongruence or poor person-environment fit. Provide and explain some hypothetical data with a table or a graph from the POE that reveals evidence of this incongruence. e. Use one or more HER processes to explain your answer in part (c). ................

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