Unit 3: Food Safety and Health and Safety in Hospitality ...

Scheme of work

This Scheme of work is provided to help you make the most of your planning time. Customise it by adding your own activities/lesson ideas to the ‘Activities’ column.

Guided learning hours (GLH): 30

Number of lessons: 30

Duration of lessons: 1 hour. The duration of lessons is not prescriptive – 2 lessons can be delivered together as one 2 hour session.

Learners should spend lesson time and non-supervised time working on assignments.

|Lesson |Unit content* |Activities |Resource checklist** |Links to other units |

|Lesson |

|1 |Topic A.1 Procedures to maintain food safety when storing,|Teacher/Tutor presentation: To introduce the topic to explain the| |Unit 2, Topic B.1 |

| |preparing, cooking and serving food |different steps that are critical to food safety. | |Unit 6, Topic B.4 |

| |Food safety procedures, including: |Whole group activity: Learners should identify the key procedures| |Unit 7, Topic A.1 |

| |following food safety regulations – ensuring safe and |required to maintain food safety, where critical controls are | |Unit 7, Topic A.2 |

| |hygienic food operations |needed, and how the controls could be introduced. | |Unit 7, Topic B.1 |

| |identifying all steps in food-related activities that are |Small group activity: Follow this up by dividing learners into | |Unit 12, Topic C.1 |

| |critical to food safety |smaller groups. Give each group a specific hospitality business | |Unit 13, Topic B.2 |

| |ensuring adequate food safety controls are in place, |(e.g. a fast food outlet, fine dining restaurant, school canteen)| |Unit 13, Topic B.3 |

| |maintained and reviewed. |and ask them to identify and apply key procedures for maintaining| |Unit 13, Topic C.1 |

| | |food safety. Each group will then present back their findings to | | |

| | |the rest of the class. | | |

|2–3 |Topic A.1 (cont.) |Teacher/Tutor presentation: To introduce the topic, showing how |DVD/video clip on cross-contamination |Unit 1, Topic C.1 |

| |Food safety procedures, including: |bacteria can spread. |Ultraviolet light kit |Unit 2, Topic B.1 |

| |storing food – prevention of cross-contamination, |Whole group activity: Show learners a DVD/video clip outlining |Access to handwashing facilities |Unit 6, Topic B.4 |

| |prevention of infestation, keeping food for future use, |the different ways cross-contamination can occur and how it can |Research materials: |Unit 7, Topic A.1 |

| |chilling/freezing, wrapping, storage times, defrosting, |be prevented. Facilitate follow-up discussion. |The Food Standards Agency, Safer food, better |Unit 7, Topic A.2 |

| |use-by dates, techniques for monitoring and maintaining |Individual activity: Learners to investigate effective |business – |Unit 7, Topic B.1 |

| |food safety and quality of food, e.g. audit, stock |handwashing and cleaning techniques using ultraviolet light to |.uk/business-industry/caterers/sfbb/|Unit 13, Topic B.2 |

| |rotation, checklists, monitoring |help show whether hands are clean. They should record and compare|#.Uh3yMtK2NYU |Unit 13, Topic B.3 |

| |preparing food – using appropriate surfaces, using |their findings with the whole group. |The Food Standards Agency, Food hygiene for | |

| |suitable equipment, good hygiene practices, e.g. washing |Small group activity: Learners work together to research and |businesses – | |

| |hands, keeping raw meat separate from ready-to-eat food. |identify top tips for preventing cross-contamination when doing |.uk/business-industry/caterers/food-| |

| | |the following: storing, preparing, cooking, serving. Each group |hygiene/#.Uh3yTdK2NYU | |

| | |should then feed back to the wider group. | | |

|4–5 |Topic A.1 (cont.) |Teacher/Tutor-led activity: Introduction to practical task and |Food resources |Unit 6, Topic B.4 |

| |Food safety procedures, including: |evaluation procedures. |Access to kitchen facilities and equipment |Unit 7, Topic A.1 |

| |cooking food – selecting and using appropriate equipment, |Paired activity: Learners to carry out practical activities in | |Unit 13, Topic B.3 |

| |minimising bacterial activity, applying correct cooking |pairs to demonstrate the selection and use of appropriate | | |

| |temperatures and cooking times for different foods, e.g. |equipment, showing they can minimise bacterial activity. | | |

| |fish, meat, poultry, vegetables. | | | |

|6–7 |Topic A.1 (cont.) |Teacher/Tutor input: An introduction to practical task and |Food resources |Unit 6, Topic B.4 |

| |Food safety procedures, including: |evaluation procedures. |Access to kitchen facilities and equipment |Unit 7, Topic A.1 |

| |cooking food – selecting and using appropriate equipment, |Paired activity: Learners to carry out practical activities to | |Unit 7, Topic B.1 |

| |minimising bacterial activity, applying correct cooking |demonstrate they can minimise bacterial activity and apply | |Unit 13, Topic B.3 |

| |temperatures and cooking times for different foods, e.g. |correct cooking temperatures and cooking times for different | |Unit 13, Topic C.1 |

| |fish, meat, poultry, vegetables. |foods. | | |

|8 |Topic A.1 (cont.) |Teacher/Tutor presentation: To introduce the topic of serving |Role-play scenarios |Unit 6, Topic B.4 |

| |Food safety procedures, including: |food. |Role-play props |Unit 7, Topic A.1 |

| |serving food – using clean dishes and serving equipment, |Small group activity: Learners to | |Unit 7, Topic A.2 |

| |avoiding cross-contamination, using gloves, monitoring |role-play scenarios to demonstrate appropriate ways to maintain | |Unit 7, Topic B.1 |

| |holding times for cooked foods. |food safety when serving food. Learners could feed back their | |Unit 12, Topic C.1 |

| | |observations and suggest ways to improve the procedures | |Unit 13, Topic C.1 |

| | |demonstrated. | | |

|9–10 |Topic A.2 Food safety hazards in hospitality businesses |Teacher/Tutor presentation: To introduce the topic of hazards in | |Unit 1, Topic C.1 |

| |Microbiological, chemical or physical food hazards, |food. | |Unit 6, Topic B.4 |

| |including: |Individual activity: Learners to complete an exercise on | |Unit 7, Topic A.1 |

| |harmful bacteria, mould or foreign bodies present in or on|identifying food safety hazards from a series of given | |Unit 7, Topic B.1 |

| |food during purchase and delivery |situations. | |Unit 13, Topic C.1 |

| |toxic chemicals getting into the food, e.g. cleaning |Individual/paired activity: Learners to work individually or in | | |

| |chemicals |pairs to classify a series of hazards as practical, biological | | |

| |dangerous glass shards or pests getting into food. |and chemical. | | |

| |Hospitality industry business types, e.g. hotels, |Small group activity: Learners work together to look at the ways | | |

| |restaurants, pubs, bars and nightclubs, contract food |to minimise hazards in a range of hospitality businesses when | | |

| |service providers, hospitality services, membership clubs,|doing the following: storing, preparing, cooking or serving food.| | |

| |events. |Each group should then feed back to the wider group. | | |

|11 |Topic A.2 (cont.) |Teacher/Tutor presentation: To introduce the topic of the |Internet access for research |Unit 6, Topic B.4 |

| |Microbiological, chemical or physical food hazards, |conditions in which bacteria grow and thrive. | |Unit 7, Topic A.1 |

| |including: |Individual activity: Learners work individually to carry out | |Unit 12, Topic C.1 |

| |bacterial growth or further contamination by |research to complete the questions on microbes. | |Unit 13, Topic C.1 |

| |micro-organisms, chemicals during food storage and |Whole group discussion: Discuss the correct answers. | | |

| |preparation stage and further storage after cooking stage | | | |

| |survival of harmful bacteria during cooking of food. | | | |

| |Hospitality industry business types, e.g. hotels, | | | |

| |restaurants, pubs, bars and nightclubs, contract food | | | |

| |service providers, hospitality services, membership clubs,| | | |

| |events. | | | |

|12–13 |Topic A.3 Controls and monitoring procedures for food |Whole group visit: Arrange a visit to a hospitality business so |Access to a hospitality business |Unit 1, Topic C.1 |

| |safety hazards in hospitality businesses |that learners can see at first hand controls and monitoring |Transportation |Unit 2, Topic B.1 |

| |Controls, e.g. using reputable suppliers, checking food |procedures in the hospitality industry. |OR |Unit 6, Topic B.4 |

| |deliveries on receipt, storing food at safe temperatures, |OR |Guest speaker |Unit 7, Topic A.1 |

| |separating raw and cooked foods, limiting food handling, |Guest speaker: Invite a guest speaker to talk to learners about | |Unit 7, Topic B.1 |

| |using clean equipment, good personal hygiene, hygienic |food safety controls and measures used in their business. | |Unit 13, Topic B.2 |

| |premises, adequate cooking, pest control, storing food in |Whole group discussion: Follow up with a question and answer | |Unit 13, Topic B.3 |

| |appropriate conditions (including dried, chilled, frozen, |session on controls and monitoring procedures for food safety | |Unit 13, Topic C.1 |

| |canned). |hazards. | | |

| |controls must be effective, practical and understood – | | | |

| |aiming at either completely eliminating the hazard or | | | |

| |reducing it to a safe level; they must be applied in a | | | |

| |realistic way and staff should be informed of their | | | |

| |importance and the controls they are responsible for. | | | |

| |Monitoring, e.g. checking delivery vehicles, date marks, | | | |

| |temperatures and condition of food, storage conditions, | | | |

| |visual checks, cleaning schedules. | | | |

|14 |Topic A.4 Reasons to follow appropriate procedures to |Teacher/Tutor presentation: To introduce the topic of the reasons| |Unit 6, Topic B.4 |

| |maintain food safety |to follow procedures to maintain food safety. | |Unit 7, Topic A.1 |

| |Avoiding food poisoning incidents that are the result of |Small group activity: Divide learners into groups and provide | |Unit 7, Topic A.2 |

| |poor practices, which only become known after incidents |each group with a case study about a hospitality business that | |Unit 7, Topic B.1 |

| |have occurred. |has had food safety issues. Discuss the impact of food safety on:| |Unit 13, Topic B.3 |

| |Reducing the likelihood of problems occurring and causing |customers, staff, publicity, business growth. Ask learners to | | |

| |harm to customers and the business by analysing the |record their discussion points. | | |

| |potential hazards in the business and being aware of those| | | |

| |activities that may be critical to food safety. | | | |

| |Benefits, e.g. good reputation, happy workforce, effective| | | |

| |use of resources, safe environment. | | | |

| |Drawbacks, e.g. prosecution, fines, imprisonment, negative| | | |

| |publicity, damage to reputation. | | | |

|15–16 |Assignment 1 Tasks to cover 2A.P1, 2A.P2, 2A.P3, 2A.M1 and|Teacher/Tutor presentation: Recap unit content so far. |Centre-devised assignment |Unit 1, Topic C.1 |

| |2A.D1 |Teacher/Tutor presentation: Overview of assignment requirements, |OR |Unit 2, Topic B.1 |

| |Use an assignment you have designed. |nature of assessment and timeline for completion/submission. |Pearson Authorised Assignment Brief |Unit 6, Topic B.4 |

| |Alternatively, use the Authorised Assignment Brief, ‘Work |Individual activity: Learners to draft a response (spider diagram| |Unit 7, Topic A.1 |

| |Experience Induction’, available from |format) to 2A.P1, 2A.P2, 2A.P3. 2A.M1 and 2A.D1. | |Unit 7, Topic A.2 |

| |btec.co.uk/hospitality2013 |Individual activity: Learners to work individually on completing | |Unit 7, Topic B.1 |

| | |assignment. | |Unit 12, Topic C.1 |

| | | | |Unit 13, Topic B.2 |

| | | | |Unit 13, Topic B.3 |

| | | | |Unit 13, Topic C.1 |

|Learning aim B: Understand safety legislation and regulations that control safe working practices in the hospitality industry |

|17 |Topic B.1 Safety legislation regulating working practices |Teacher/Tutor presentation: To introduce topic on safety | |Unit 7, Topic A.1 |

| |in hospitality |legislation in hospitality. | |Unit 7, Topic B.1 |

| |Safety legislation as current at time of delivery, |Small group activity: Learners to work in small groups to | |Unit 13, Topic B.3 |

| |including requirements for food standards, food hygiene, |research and take notes on safety in hospitality businesses. | |Unit 13, Topic C.1 |

| |risk assessment legislation. |Whole group discussion: Points raised from the activity on safety| | |

| | |issues. | | |

|18 |Topic B.1 (cont.) |Teacher/Tutor presentation: To introduce the topic on safety |Range of food labels/items |Unit 7, Topic B.1 |

| |Safety regulations, e.g. Food Labelling Regulations, |regulations in hospitality. | |Unit 13, Topic B.3 |

| |Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) procedures,|Whole group discussion: Lead a discussion about identifying | |Unit 13, Topic C.1 |

| |Food Premises (Registration) Regulations, health and |different information on a food label(s). Split learners into | | |

| |safety, food safety, fire, manual handling, Reporting of |pairs and give each pair a range of food items/labels. What | | |

| |Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences (RIDDOR), |information do learners think has to be included by law and what | | |

| |HASAWA regulation and guidance. |information is voluntarily included? Facilitate feedback and | | |

| | |discussion. | | |

|19 |Topic B.1 (cont.) |Teacher/Tutor presentation: To introduce the topic on the |Information on RIDDOR to include websites to |Unit 7, Topic A.1 |

| |Safety regulations, e.g. Food Labelling Regulations, |difference between safety legislation and regulations in |use, books, leaflets, downloads |Unit 7, Topic B.1 |

| |Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) procedures,|hospitality, giving examples of both. |Access to the internet |Unit 13, Topic B.3 |

| |Food Premises (Registration) Regulations, health and |Paired activity: Learners to work in pairs or small groups to |Creative materials for class display | |

| |safety, food safety, fire, manual handling, Reporting of |research RIDDOR. Learners should be encouraged to use a range of | | |

| |Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences (RIDDOR), |information sources and to then record their findings. Learners | | |

| |HASAWA regulation and guidance. |should also identify key points and terminology associated with | | |

| | |HASAWA. Learners to make a class display of their research. | | |

|20 |Topic B.1 (cont.) |Teacher/Tutor presentation: To introduce the topic on HACCP. Show|DVD/video clip about HACCP principles |Unit 7, Topic A.1 |

| |Safety regulations, e.g. Food Labelling Regulations, |learners a DVD/video clip that explains the HACCP principles and |Exemplars of HACCP charts from different |Unit 13, Topic B.3 |

| |Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) procedures,|exemplar HACCP charts from hospitality businesses. |hospitality businesses |Unit 13, Topic C.1 |

| |Food Premises (Registration) Regulations, health and |Small group activity: learners to produce a HACCP chart for a | | |

| |safety, food safety, fire, manual handling, Reporting of |given task that is commonly carried out in hospitality | | |

| |Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences (RIDDOR), |businesses. | | |

| |HASAWA regulation and guidance. | | | |

|21 |Topic B.1 (cont.) |Teacher/Tutor input: Explain to learners that they are going to | |Unit 7, Topic A.1 |

| |How hospitality businesses enforce compliance with |devise two checklists – one for a restaurant supervisor and | |Unit 13, Topic B.3 |

| |legislation to control hazards and prevent injury or ill |another for a kitchen manager. The checklists are for these | |Unit 13, Topic C.1 |

| |health to staff and customers, including: |people to follow to make sure that their teams are complying with| | |

| |enforcing legislation, e.g. supervising and checking |food hygiene regulations. | | |

| |compliance of food hygiene regulations including |Paired activity: Learners should put together checklists | | |

| |temperature control, providing the correct work equipment,|including information about: temperature control, providing the | | |

| |personal protective equipment (PPE), food storage. |correct work equipment, personal protective equipment (PPE), food| | |

| | |service, food storage. | | |

| | |Whole group discussion: Follow this up with a discussion | | |

| | |reflecting on the activity, with teacher/tutor input as required.| | |

|22–23 |Topic B.1 (cont.) |Teacher/Tutor presentation: To introduce the topic on enforcement|Guest speaker |Unit 7, Topic A.1 |

| |How hospitality businesses enforce compliance with |of legislation and the role of the Environmental Health Officer. |Access to internet |Unit 7, Topic B.1 |

| |legislation to control hazards and prevent injury or ill |Teacher/Tutor input: Invite an Environmental Health Practitioner | |Unit 13, Topic B.3 |

| |health to staff and customers, including: |to speak to learners about legislation, why it is necessary and | | |

| |actions and responsibilities of environmental health |who enforces it. Follow this up with a question and answer | | |

| |officers, local authorities and trading standards officers|session at the end. | | |

| |in enforcement of legislation, e.g. inspections, |Individual/paired activity: Learners to work independently or in | | |

| |consequences of non-compliance including legal action, |pairs to research local newspaper archives for hospitality | | |

| |closing businesses, fines. |businesses that have not complied with legislation. Learners | | |

| | |should record their findings and share them with the rest of the | | |

| | |group in the form of a presentation. | | |

| | |Whole group activity: Discuss the consequences of not complying | | |

| | |with the law. | | |

|24 |Topic B.2 Safety signs, information and documentation used|Teacher/Tutor presentation: To introduce the topic on the |Health and Safety Executive – |Unit 7, Topic A.1 |

| |in businesses within the hospitality industry |importance of safety signs and information in the hospitality |.uk/toolbox/fire.htm |Unit 7, Topic B.1 |

| |Importance of signs, information and documentation to the |industry. | |Unit 13, Topic B.3 |

| |improvement of safety and the maintenance of safe |Individual/paired activity: Learners should survey and identify | | |

| |conditions and good practice, including: |places where given signs have been seen. | | |

| |safety signs, e.g. warning, prohibition, mandatory, |Whole group activity: Show learners a DVD/video clip on fire | | |

| |emergency, use of firefighting equipment. |safety. Follow up with a whole group discussion. | | |

|25–26 |Topic B.2 (cont.) |Guest speaker: Invite a health and safety representative from a |Guest speaker |Unit 7, Topic A.1 |

| |Importance of signs, information and documentation to the |hospitality business or trade union to discuss the importance of |First-aid kit |Unit 7, Topic B.1 |

| |improvement of safety and the maintenance of safe |maintaining records, issuing PPE, COSHH, first aid, fire drill |Examples of accident forms, e.g. COSHH forms, |Unit 13, Topic B.3 |

| |conditions and good practice, including: |records. Follow this up with a question and answer session. |HASAWA poster | |

| |safety information and documentation, e.g. first-aid |Paired activity: Give learners different examples of accident |HSE information sheets, e.g. COSHH, PPE, first | |

| |books, Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) |forms and typical accident scenarios. Provide learners with case |aid, fire drills, manual handling | |

| |assessments, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points |studies to enable them to complete the forms. Learners should | | |

| |(HACCP), personal protective equipment (PPE) literature, |then identify ways that safety procedures could be improved to | | |

| |health and safety, food safety, manual handling, first |prevent the incident in the case study from occurring again. | | |

| |aid, fire drills |Facilitate feedback and discussion. | | |

| |maintaining records, e.g. of accidents, fire drills. | | | |

|27–28 |Topic B.2 (cont.) |Teacher/Tutor input: Introduce the Health and Safety Executive’s |Health and Safety Executive, Five steps to risk |Unit 7, Topic A.1 |

| |Use of risk assessments to include notification forms and |five steps to risk assessment. Following on from this, |assessment – .uk/risk/fivesteps.htm |Unit 7, Topic B.1 |

| |practices that should be followed, e.g. for food |demonstrate to the whole group how to produce a risk assessment. |Exemplars of filled-in risk assessments |Unit 13, Topic B.3 |

| |preparation, food and beverage service in cafes, pubs, |Individual activity: Learners to work independently to devise a | |Unit 13, Topic C.1 |

| |restaurants, housekeeping, front office. |risk assessment for a given task. | | |

|29–30 |Assignment 2 Tasks to cover 2B.P4, 2B.P5, 2B.M2, 2B.M3 and|Teacher/Tutor presentation: Recap unit content. |Centre-devised assignment |Unit 7, Topic A.1 |

| |2B.D2 |Teacher/Tutor presentation: Overview of assignment requirements, |OR |Unit 7, Topic B.1 |

| |Use an assignment you have designed. |nature of assessment and timeline for completion/submission. |Pearson Authorised Assignment Brief |Unit 13, Topic B.3 |

| |Alternatively, use the Authorised Assignment Brief, ‘What |Individual activity: Learners to draft a response (spider diagram| |Unit 13, Topic C.1 |

| |is the safety legislation and regulation that controls |format) to 2B.P4, 2B.P5, 2B.M2, 2B.M3 and 2B.D2. | | |

| |safe working practices in the hospitality industry?’, |Individual activity: Learners to work individually on completing | | |

| |available from btec.co.uk/hospitality2013 |assignment. | | |

|TOTAL: 30 hours |

* See the specification for full details of unit content.

** See the Student Book for each topic: BTEC First Hospitality Student Book (Pearson, 2013).


BTEC Level 3 National Children's Play, Learning and Development

Teaching and Assessment Pack

Unit X [TITLE]

BTEC First Hospitality

Unit 3: Food Safety and Health and Safety in Hospitality



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