Chapter 11 Study Guide Give at least three facts about Octavian. Captures Caesar’s killers. Caesar’s adopted Son. He became sole leader of Rome after Marc Antony’s death. Also known as Augustus, which means “Revered One”. Why did Marc Antony and Octavian become enemies?Marc Antony divorced Octavian’s sister and became ruler of Egypt. What were Roman roads so important? Army could travel quickly through the empire.What did the emperor of Rome think he would accomplish by banning certain Jewish rituals? He thought the Jewish people would give up Judaism.Why did many people become Jesus’s follower? He travelled and taught his ideas.Why did Roman emperors start giving up land that the Roman army conquered?They feared the Roman Empire was getting to large to defend efficiently.What effect did all the military battles have on farming? Nobody left to farm the land.Name the three reasons why the Roman Empire fell. 1. Disease 2. Increased taxes 3. CorruptionWhy did the Romans pay money to the Goths? Prevent the Goths from attacking Rome. What event ending the Western Roman Empire? Barbarian general over-through the emperor and made himself king. How did Theora help stop the riots in Rome? She helped the emperor put an end to the uprisings. What is the religious difference between the Romans and the Jews? Jews believed in one god. What language did the Byzantine Empire mostly speak? GreekCicero: Wanted the Romans to give power to the Senate so they could improve Rome.Claudis: Conquered Britian.Cement: Invention to have their structures last longer.Roman Language: Basis of modern language.Gaul: Julius Caesar conquered most of Gaul around 50 BC.Arches: Enabled the structures to be stronger and last longer.New Testament: Tells about the life and teachings of Jesus.Paul: An apostle that travelled about Roman world spreading Christianity.Visigoths: Marched into Rome and conquered it.Constantinople: Capital of the Eastern Empire.Orator: Public speaker.Corruption: Decay of people’s values. Messiah: “God’s chosen one”Resurrection: What Christians called Jesus’s rise from the dead.Pax Romana: 200 year peace.Bible: The holy book of Christianity.Martyr: A person who dies for his or her religious beliefs.Provinces: Outlying areas that Rome controlled.Atilla: Famous leader of the Huns.Civil Law: A legal system based on a written code of laws.Christianity: A religion that began in the first century AD.Apostles: A group of men who received special training from Jesus.Aqueduct: A raised channel to carry water.Disciples: People who follow the teachings of another person.Persecution: Punishing a group because of its beliefs.Constantine: The first Roman emperor to become a Christian. ................

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