Nona’s Homemade – Marketing Project – C Block Marketing …

World History/A block: Roman Empire Project

Name:_______________________/180 PTS

Overview: This is a class project in which your class will create the content for a documentary on the Roman Empire (Chapter 6 in your textbook). You will be graded individually regardless of whether your topic is assigned individually or to a pair of students.

Task: You will be assigned a topic (person, place, event or theme) related to the Roman Empire. You must type up a one-minute narrative on the topic and have at least four different images or objects that can be viewed during your narration. Your narration should include background information and objects should reflect your topic i.e. social, political, military or economic issues. Be creative. Your “script” should include details so that an individual unfamiliar with your topic can understand what it is and why is it important. Your presentation will be videotaped and ultimately combined with other presentations so it is close to chronological order.

Recommendation: Create the script (it should not be a Wikipedia copy and paste). Script should be in your own words. After you’ve created the script, identify and obtain the objects/images.

Due Date: Filming will take place on Monday, December 3rd – so you need to be prepared on that day.

What will be submitted?: The only item that will be passed in will be the script for each topic.

Assessment: Based on Rubric

| |Unacceptable-0 |Needs Improvement-42 |Proficient-51 |Exemplary-60 |

|Write |Writing is disorganized. Grammar, |Writing could be more clear and |Clear and organized writing. Few |Clear and organized writing. No |

|effectively|spelling, punctuation or |organized. Many grammar, spelling, |grammar, spelling, punctuation or |grammar, spelling, punctuation or |

| |capitalization errors are |punctuation or capitalization errors.|capitalization errors. |capitalization errors. Demonstrates |

| |unacceptable. Did not proofread. |Needs to improve editing skills. Word|Demonstrates acceptable editing. |extremely careful editing. |

| | |selection, word choice and sentence |Demonstrates good word selection, |Demonstrates excellent word |

| | |structure could be improved. |varied word choice and varied |selection, varied word choice and |

| | | |sentence structure. |varied sentence structure. |

|Communicate|Student did not communicate |The communication of ideas and |The communication of ideas and |The communication of ideas and |

|effectively|effectively in writing or orally. |information within the topic are not |information within the topic are |information within the script are |

| |Final product demonstrates an |very clear and misunderstood by the |somewhat clear and understood by |clear and easily understood by the |

| |unacceptable ability to |audience. |the audience. |audience. |

| |communicate effectively. | | | |

| | |Communicates an unclear message to a |Communicates a somewhat clear |Communicates a clear message to a |

| | |specific audience. Visuals could have|message to a specific audience. |specific audience. Topic was easy for|

| | |been more appealing and descriptive. |Visuals were acceptable but |audience to understand with excellent|

| | | |could’ve provided a better visual |visuals that further explained the |

| | | |to the audience. |topic. |

| | | | | |

|**Works |Unable or unwillingly to work |Needs improvement in the area of |Works independently or |Works independently or cooperatively |

|Independent|independently or cooperatively |working independently or |cooperatively with others most of |with others all of the time. Able to |

|ly and |with others. Unable to stay on |cooperatively with others. Able to |the time. Able to accomplish most |accomplish all assigned tasks. Stays|

|Cooperative|task. . Inattentive and not |accomplish few assigned tasks. Has a |assigned tasks. Stays on task |on task all of the time. Engaged and |

|ly (Stays |involved during a majority of the |difficult time staying on task. Often|most of the time. Attentive on |a productive member of class. Always |

|on Task) |project. |inattentive. |most occasions. |involved and attentive. |

| | | | | |


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