10 Things Millionaires Do. Are You Doing Them? - Timothy Sykes

10 Things Millionaires Do. Are You Doing Them?

Millionaires are guilty (in a good way) of regularly doing these ten things. How many of these things are you doing? Read everything below carefully and leave your answer in a comment under this blog post!

1. Set goals

Millionaires are constantly setting, evaluating, and re-setting goals. It's not a matter of "I've made a million and now I'm done". Goals are vital; after all, without them, what is your marker for success?

2. Wake up early

When you really want to meet your goals, there's much work to be done. It's not unheard of for me to work 16 hour days when I have a project that I'm getting off the ground. To be able to get everything done, it's vital (and an important millionaire habit) to wake up early.

3. Learn something new every day

Things Millionaires do: know that knowledge is power. Therefore, to increase their power as people and as traders, they make a strong commitment to learning something new every day.

4. Commit to self improvement

It can be easy to confuse this with the previous entry. But there are some important differences. Continuing to learn new things is absolutely a form of self improvement. But this commitment to self improvement is on a larger and more personal scale.

5. Save money

Nobody wants to hear this one, but it needs to be said. Millionaires are savvy about saving. They know that by saving money from today's windfall, that they will have more to invest next time. As time goes on, your position in the market will improve. This means that even by continuing to save a good portion of your earnings, if your overall earnings are going up, that you'll have more money for pleasure and spending. This means that even while you continue to save, you'll be able to start treating yourself to those awesome things like cars, fancy dinners, or whatever your pleasure.

6. Meet with a mentor

Behind every smart millionaire is a great mentor. I can say this with confidence, because as I was rising as a trader, I didn't have a mentor. As a result, I made a lot of mistakes that I probably didn't need to. While I found success and made money, I am confident that I could have done it in much less time with a mentor behind me.

7. Make friends in high places

Before the most successful people got to where they are now, they aspired. They networked, they made connections, and they worked them. Even if you're just starting as a trader, aim high socially. Attend networking events, join groups, and follow successful traders on social media. By surrounding

yourself with talented, motivated, and successful people, it will begin to rub off on you. A strong network is a huge asset for any trader.

8. Look at the big picture

Trading and making millions can be like a game of chess. To really win big, you aren't just looking at the next move; you're trying to look four or five moves ahead.

9. Never give up

OK, so here's another thing millionaires do. They simply do not give up. Attaining success requires a certain level of persistence and tenacity, and millionaires have it.

10. Take time off

Millionaires never really retire, and they never give up. But they do know when it's time to take five and rest/relaxation can be important sometimes too!


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