Want To Know What It Takes To Become A Successful Millionaire?

How To Become A Millionaire ? 5 Secrets Revealed Want To Know What It Takes To Become A Successful Millionaire?

Key Ideas

1. Discover the shocking truth behind what it takes to become a selfmade millionaire.

2. The simple, yet powerful shift that occurs when you open your world to new opportunities.

3. How fear can hold you back from realizing your wealth potential.

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How To Become A Millionaire ? 5 Secrets Revealed

Editor s Note: Jaime Tardy has interviewed more than 120 millionaires to learn the secrets for how to become a millionaire. She just published her new book, The Eventual Millionaire, which explains the most important insights from those interviews. In today s article, she reveals her 5 favorite tips to help you become a millionaire. Take it away Jaime...

It s amazing!

After interviewing more than 120 millionaires, I ve found more similarities than differences in their stories.

The basic building blocks to wealth are always the same. All of these millionaires seem privy to the same wealth building secrets .

Below, I share 5 of my favorites tips so you can become a millionaire, too.

1. Make Your Life Happy Before Making a Million

One of the key things I learned during these many interviews is that you need to make your life happy FIRST.

That doesn t mean being rich or working towards a million. That means working on the other aspects of your life.

Everyone thinks the million will give us the lives we want. I can tell you after interviewing 120 millionaires, it doesn t.

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How To Become A Millionaire ? 5 Secrets Revealed

If you want an enjoyable life, it s easier to obtain that enjoyable life first ? before making your first million.

It can still be about the money, but only after you choose your life.

After you become a millionaire, you can give all of your money away because what s important is not the million dollars; what s important is the person you have become in the process of becoming a millionaire. ? Jim Rohn Action Item: Evaluate your life and change one thing you re not happy with.

Take a good, hard look at your life. Certainly there are things you would want to change.

Choose one thing you re not happy with ? maybe it s the lack of time you spend with friends and family, maybe it s a lack of self-care.

Whatever it is, name it and find a way to change it so you can be happy. Changing just one thing will have a profound effect on your life as a whole.

2. Control Your Money (Don t Let It Control You)

Millionaires set a goal and then work toward it. There s never a nebulous plan for a million.

One of the first steps in that plan is often to get rid of your debts and take control.

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How To Become A Millionaire ? 5 Secrets Revealed

Debts have a nasty habit of controlling you and you have to take control of them before you can ever achieve bigger financial goals!

Next, work on your lifestyle. Figure out what work makes you happy by trying different things.

A helpful homework assignment is to write down what your perfect day would look like. This will give you an idea of what will truly make you happy.

As Harvard s resident happiness professor, Tal Ben-Shahar told Yes :

Happiness lies at the intersection between pleasure and meaning. Whether at work or at home, the goal is to engage in activities that are both personally significant and enjoyable. Once you ve made your work and life happy, NOW you can work on the big money.

Figure out what your real goal is, whether it s to create a million dollar business or just have enough money to retire comfortably. Then start to work toward that goal.

Remember, your goal should be your own and not just a vague goal of having a certain amount of money.

It s not all about the money and your goal should reflect that. While your final goal will definitely include money, it should also include other things important to YOU ? to be the goal to achieve.

Action Item: Create a debt repayment plan and follow through with it.

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How To Become A Millionaire ? 5 Secrets Revealed

List all of your debts and their minimum monthly payments. Figure out how much extra you can pay on the debt.

Put that extra amount toward the smallest debt or the debt with the highest interest rate and set them all on automatic monthly payments.

Once that first debt is repaid, take the entire amount you were paying on that first debt and add it to the minimum payment of the next debt to accelerate that payoff.

This is known as the debt snowball method and you can use this free calculator to make the math easy. Follow this plan until the debt is gone.

3. Take Opportunities

Millionaires constantly rise to meet any challenge presented to them.

When an opportunity falls into their lap, they take it, barreling through any obstacles that might be in the way.

Millionaires don t sit around for weeks analyzing an opportunity or making excuses for why they can t follow through with it.

They do whatever it takes to meet the challenge and do it well. This is an important trait of all millionaires and a mindset you should adopt if you want to become one.

The point is opportunities, especially the great ones, don t come very often.

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