Study Guide for Lab Exam #3 - University of Michigan

Study Guide for Lab Exam #3 Lab final 4/20/11

Covered exercises: 27, 42, 43, 44

Exam 70% multiple choice/ 30 % practical with models and cats - 50 questions

Exercise 27 - Be able to identify the pituitary gland in brain models and name at least 3 hormones produced by it and their function.

Be able to identify the cortex and medulla of the adrenal gland on kidney models. Which hormone is made in the medulla, which is made in the cortex? What do they do?

What gland produces aldosterone?

Be able to identify the pancreas on the torso models. What are 2 hormones and their functions from this gland?

: Be able to find the following gland on models - Adrenal, Thyroid, Pituitary, Pancreas, Thymus, Liver.

Be able to name 2 hormones from the Adrenal gland (medula, cortex) and tell what they do

What is the hormone from the Thyroid and what does it do. What cofactor is required?

Name at least 3 hormones from the pituitary and tell what they do.

What are the 2 hormones from the pancreas and what do they do?

Exercise 42 - Be able to identify the following anatomical features on the male reproductive model:

Scrotum, raphe, testes, epididymis, spermatic cord, ductus deferens (vas deferens) , seminal vesical, prostate gland, bulbourethral gland (Cowper’s), urethra, penis, glans, corpora cavernosum, corpora spongiosum.

Be able to identify the following anatomical features on the female reproductive model:

Vagina, cervix, uterine tube (fallopian tube), fimbrae, infundibulum, ovary, round ligament, ovarian ligament, uterus, endometrium, myometrium, perimetrium.

What is the purpose of Cowper’s gland. What does the prostate do?

What is a vasectomy?

What structures make up the spermatic cord? What are the fine tubules inside the testes called?What allows an erection to occur?

Where does fertilization take place?

Exercise 43 - Female Gametogenesis.

What is meiosis. Be able to identify the 3 stages of the ovarian cycle (menstrual, proliferative, secretory) and the status of the follicle at each stage . What signals the egg to drop?

What does the corpus luteum do? What is the action of progesterone on the endometrium?

How can you recognize that ovulation has taken place?

Female gametogenesis:

What are the stages of the ovarian cycle? What signals the egg to drop?

How do you know if you have ovulated? What is the follicle doing at each stage? What does the corpus luteum do?

Exercise 44 - Where does fertilization take place? What are the initial events that occur after the sperm has entered the egg? How many days until implantation?

How do identical twins form? How do fraternal twins form?

What do all early stages of development look the same regardless of the species?

What is a morula? What is a blastocyst. How long does it take a human embryo to reach blastocyst stage. Where and when do the early germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm) form.

What will the ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm eventually form? When do we begin to call an embryo a fetus?

: What events happen immediately upon sperm insertion into the egg?

When does the first division after fertilization take place.

How long until implantation?

What is a zygote, morula, blastocyte?

When do the germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm) form?

What will the germ layers become?

What hormone is used to detect pregnancy? When is it made.

What hormones are made during pregnacy and what do they do?

What is the role of the chorion? What are some of the hormones produced during pregnancy doing?

CRH, HPL, Relaxin? Familiarize yourself with some of the fetal landmarks: (see slide)

9-12 weeks - urine formation , head half the length of body

13-16 weeks - eyes find final position

17-20 weeks - hair

21-25 weeks - skin is pink and wrinkled


fert ;-)

sea urchin fert.

animated pre implatation



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