Episode 8 The Great Enterprise Part 1

Episode 8 The Great Enterprise Part 1


1. What happened to John A. MacDonald’s wife?

Was ill, addicted to Opium, and passed away

2. As 33 men are trying to decide the fate of the BNA colonies what is occurring in the USA?

Civil War

3. How many people live in the BNA colonies at this time (1800’s) and where are most of them concentrated?

Barely 4 million, all within striking distance of the US border

4. Why is the civil war considered a war of “brother vs. brother”?

North vs. South

5. Britain is siding with the Southern states in the Civil war. Why are the BNA colonies worried about this?

Abraham Lincoln (the North US leader) is considering retaliation on BNA because of Britain’s support of the Southern US

I am a French Canadian

6. Political crisis was occuring in BNA at the same time as the Civil War.

George Etienne Cartier was a very influential man at this time.

Use at least 5 adjectives/nouns to describe him.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A sly Fox

7. Describe John A. MacDonald in 5 adjectives/nouns.

1. 2 3 4 5.

8. Who is the Orange Lodge?

Anti-French, Anti-Roman Catholic Group

9. Why do Cartier and MacDonald join forces?

They have similar goals for Canada

10. What is their plan?

To build a trans-continental railway and to unite the colonies

We have two Countries

11. Why does George Brown believe this?

He strongly believes that French and English are SEPERATE

12. How does he use propaganda to persuade citizens of Upper Canada to his side?

His newspaper called The Globe 1844

13. What does REP by POP mean?

Representation by Population

The People of BNA

14. Where are the 1st Nations ( & Inuit) people living at this time? How do we know that they are not “valued” in mainstream society at this time?

W. Coast, E. Coast, North. The British are not keeping track or including them in major decisions….

15. Describe the rest of the citizens regarding population, religion and language.

4 million ppl, half Roman Catholic, half Prodestant, 1/3 French

16. Describe Family life. Age of marriage__20____ How many kids?___6-8____

Role of women____submit to authority___ Men____take care of family____

Underground Railway

Hopes Gate

City of Wealth

A Winter of Utter Misery

To Have the Power

17. How is George Brown different when he arrives home from England? What does he witness while in England?

Has a change of heart regarding Confederation. He witnesses the fact Britain does not care about their colonies as much as they once did as they would “not be sorry to see them go”

18. What does he do when he returns?

Meets with those men interested in Confederation

19. What are the concerns from French Canada about the “union”?

Warn Cartier to be ‘cautious’ ( potentially falling into a trap by Brown….”keep your friends close but your enemies closer”

20. With the talks about forming a union this suggests the opening of Canada from _sea__ to _sea___.

Episode 8 The Great Enterprise Part 2

Politicians are struggling to make a country of their own and they are at the “Dawn of a New Dominion”

Strangers in Charlottetown

1. A group of politicians are on their way to Charlottetown (Maritimes) by ship. Who is among these men?

1. Cartier 2. Macdonald 3. Brown

2.. These three men all have different motives for uniting Canada

Explain MacDonald’s- unite for strength to fight off possible ‘foreign’ invasion (aka USA)

3. What did these men bring with them to help persuade the Maritime colonies into “Union”

Champagne – lots and lots of it, $13,000

4. Did the Maritime colonies support the idea of union?

Not at first, have to be convinced it is worth their while

5. When would the ‘real test’ of support begin?

Quebec City (next conference)

3 Weeks In Quebec October, 1864.

7. Out of the 33 delegates at the Conference __4__ are French and ____Cartier___ decides to represent them

8. Why, in the notes of the Conference, do the delegates feel that it is imperative to become “important” and untie together as a whole?

To protect against invasion/repel the enemy

9. Sometimes delegates met in smaller groups “behind closed doors”. _50__ of the 72 resolutions were made behind closed doors-chiefly by____Macdonald____.

10. In the minds of the politicians, what is the purpose of the evening dances?

Indirect Political persuasion (dance with wife’s and girlfriends of other political leaders to indirectly convince them to join in Confederation….

11. How do members of the Maritime colonies feel about the work that is being done “behind closed doors”?

Do they feel supported by the main confederation leaders?

Uncomfortable. PEI has had a past of absentee landlords taking up much of their land and want that addressed.

No, they do not feel supported

13. What are the 3 main outcomes of this confederation meeting?

1) Rep By Pop

2) Separate Provincial/Federal Gov’ts for the Provinces/Country

3) Peace, Order and Good Govt

Let their Memory Be Dark

14. What became the capital of Canada? Why were people displeased with this decision?

Ottawa, other areas were more settled and influential at the time. Ie: Toronto

15. Did the French in Quebec like this new Confederation?

No, they feel suffocated/crowded by the English

Good Management and Means –skip over

A Great Revolution

16. Delegates from the Canada's, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia all go to England and stay in the Westminster Palace Hotel. Who is not among them?


(1949) (1873)

17. What does the Queen of England do on March 29 of 1867?

Consent to the Union= Dominion of Canada

July 1, 1867

18. Between March of that year and July 1, each province had to pass the BNA Act.

Who did?—Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick

They had to be united themselves if they didn’t want to become united with the United States


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