Reiki creates an atmosphere of expansion on all levels of ...

Reiki Attunements To Universal Life Force Energy

A Tool for Accelerated Spiritual Growth

Dr. Jewels AMeRu, Reiki Master Teacher; Ed.D. Creativity; Minister, Church of the Golden Age

~ The time has come to reconnect with the energy that will bring us more quickly into alignment with the universal flow. The energy we are calling Reiki flows through all creation & as we continually experience the energies & their effects, we realize directly that energy is actually who we are. ~ Intensified Reiki Attunement: The Manuel, Edited by Reiki Masters Lori George, Marlene Burns, Cheryl Flory and Grace Love. 6th edition. June 2001

Reiki creates an atmosphere of expansion on all levels of being, while integrating the different levels, or spheres of energies we call the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. These are different frequencies of our Divine Self- Expression.

Expansion feels spacious and light as a feather.

Expansion creates hearts full of gratitude, bliss, and ability to be present in the moment.

Expansion brings inspiration, creativity, enhanced intuitive abilities, and awareness of telepathic oneness.

Spiritually, we begin to feel and know that We are One with the Divine.



Reiki is deeply relaxing. Reiki clears, soothes, and harmonizes all the energy fields – the spheres of light, color and tones that we are. Experiencing deep relaxation is healing in itself.

Reiki facilitates integration and alignment, balance, cellular regeneration, rejuvenation and vibrational enhancement. Reiki clears old stagnant energies from all the bodies and infuses them with high frequency light.

The light stimulates, expands, clears, and spins the chakras, which feed the energy meridians in the body, which nourish the glands and organs. The Universal Life Force energies clear and harmonize all the bodies – physical, emotional, mental, spiritual.

The Higher Self of the person being healed directs the energies and the person’s healing process, both during and after the session. The Higher Self can store the healing energies for when they are ready to be received. The healing process is a continuing process.

The Universal Energy heals the healer as well as the healee.

If we had no blockages, woundings, conditionings, and so on, the Universal Energies (Consciousness, Love, Creativity) would flow freely through us without any hindrance. We would each express the true Joy that WE ARE.

Traditionally, Reiki I is about becoming committed to Consciously Living a Healthy, Happy, Powerful, Beautiful Life ~ ~ ~ Some of the Healing Foundations for Reiki I

Water, Water, Water. Drink, soak in, and bless your water. Water not only cleanses and purifies, it feeds the cells, skin, internal organs, glandular system. You can Reiki your water to enhance both healing sessions and your daily life. When you bless water, you amplify the experience, connect from the heart with the element of water, and you can assist in cleansing all of the water on the planet through your intention and love.

Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude – uplifts the consciousness, opens the heart, mind and soul. Expands the feelings of oneness and unity with all things – with All That Is.

Self-healing comes first. Healer heal thyself. Allow yourself to partake of the Reiki energies. You will learn much by participating in the self-healing aspects of Reiki. Explore freely in your own way.

Clean, organic food and drink, creative activities and playfulness enhance life and health.

We need sunlight. An effective spiritual practice is to look directly at the sun for a moment or two, close your eyes to see the colors and patterns, breath in Golden White Light through your entire chakra system and into the Heart of Mother Earth, letting the Universal Love energies flow throughout all beings of earth – all our relations - and up through your chakras.

We are building the bridge to. nd bringing forth, heaven on earth through our physical and energetic being.

Let go of all that no longer serves your Highest and Greatest Good.

Healing with Light works by filling you with Pure Universal Source energy, thus raising your frequencies - the electro-magnetic spin of every particle and sub-atomic particle of your being. You then move beyond where pain, dis-ease and limitations reside. When your physical, etheric, emotional, mental & spiritual bodies are aligned & uplifted, you experience deep peace, lightness of being – en-light-enment & healing of all kinds.

Breathing, Centering, Presence

Breathing and meditation are intrinsic to the spiritual practice of Reiki.

Every breath is a releasing and filling, ebb and flow, oceanic.

Experience yourself as the empty vessel, the hollow bone, as you conduct your sessions.

You are a channel, a conduit for the Universal Healing energies, and each Reiki session is a meditation.

Conscious breathing, working with the breath yourself, and helping your client be aware of their breathing enhances the vibrational upliftment and flow of energy and brings inner peace and empowerment on all levels.

Breathing gently and easily deeper into the belly –the second chakra - in through the nose and out through the mouth creates a circuit of deeper relaxation. Relaxing the jaw liberates the many meridian points, which come together in the jaw, and allows freer flow of energy (between head and heart!).

As an individual increases the levels of energy flowing through them, the ability to heal becomes a natural side product of the higher level vibration.

Breath ~ Awareness ~ Allowing Love & Compassion to Flow Within, Through and Around you ~ Uplifting & Being Uplifted. This is the attitude, the posture, the poise of the Reiki Master.

All of the knowledge is within. We only have to connect with the inner self and adapt to living in ONEness. We can become more and more aware of how magnificent existence is in each moment with full presence.

Meditation, prayer and invocation, and being aware of your own intentions assure wise use of Reiki.

Integrity & Intentions Are Everything

The keynotes for the Reiki practitioner are Intention, Integrity, and Impeccability. What do these mean to you?

It is effective for you to talk with the person coming for healing about their intentions for the session. This gets issues they need to release in motion to be released, and allows the client to see more fully how they can shape their own life through consciously using intention and focus, thus increasing self-awareness and consciousness – and the living of a creative life.

As you work with healing energy and with intention, you will expand your perceptions, your inner knowing, and your “higher mind functions” such as clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience, and telepathy. You will connect more fully with your Higher Self. You may receive messages, see colors and images, and feel energies as you become ever more sensitive to energy dynamics.

Working with Reiki will clear old energies and fill you with high frequency light. As you release all that does not serve your Highest and Greatest Good, you become a clear vessel for the Universal Energies to move through to facilitate healing and miracles.

Since All is in constant motion and change, and we are all evolving rapidly, it is beneficial for you to experiment, go with the flow, and feel within your own connection with Source, what to do. You can use the hand placements for self healing, the hand placements for healing others, for chakra balancing. You can work out in the auric fields, or “beam” the whole person from a distance. .

But just let go and trust yourself, trust the energy, and trust the divine and precious in yourself and the person, or animal, or the planet you are working with.

Music is an important element of the healing session, as it carries people to higher realms and very peaceful places within.

Some Basic Principles

for Reiki II

Reiki techniques were initially given to high level spiritual initiates to work on themselves, and still are. There is a reason for this.

When you use the Reiki symbols in your own self-healing and use the Hui Yin and kidney breathing, your own physical temple – and all your energy bodies - is bathed in light, infused with light. Consistently raising and maintaining high vibration moves you in to Mastery.

2nd Degree Reiki teaches how to use the Reiki symbols for self, others, and long distance healing. Using the symbols increases the healing power transmission by 50% or more.

In 2006, Jonathan and Andi Goldman, Laurelle Shanti Gaia, and Sara Benson created Reiki Chants, a CD sounding the names of the Reiki symbols using the ancient system called Kotodama. Through the vibrations of the soundings, the sacred symbols of Reiki are said to be created. Jonathan Goldman, Reiki Chants CD (2006)

Toning the Reiki symbols while tracing them with your hand is an excellent way to learn them with grace and ease.

Light: The Medicine of the Future is a book I discovered this past year. At this time of rapid growth and change, of transmutation, transformation, and alchemy, of resurrection and transfiguration, we are realizing rapidly that Light is the medicine of Now.

Light has a multitude of component colors that vibrate at various frequencies.

When you add toning or chanting, this brings forth another aspect of Light and vibration.

Begin with OM, AUM, and AH and explore. Drawn out and resonant.

Tom Kenyon’s work with The Hathors is an excellent resource for the creative and healing power of sound. They say:

“ It is a synergistic process of doing everything you can to increase your vitality, including clarification and elevation of your beliefs and interactions with others. As you strengthen the Ka, the Life Force, then other aspects of your consciousness will be strengthened. You will have more focus, more stamina, and more energy.

Masters of Love have balanced the emotional body and anchored themselves in the Great Mystery. It is your potential to experience Love continuously at all levels of consciousness. There is a vital relationship between emotion and oxygen as your methods of working with the breath demonstrate.

Sound vibration can actually affect the resonant fields within intercellular processes down into the genetic, atomic, and subatomic levels. The key is the right use of intention, awareness, and sound.

Love sets up a harmonic field that cascades into the actual cells of the body and into other consciousness levels of one’s being. The more love you can generate within yourself, for yourself and others, the greater the healing. The more one loves and forgives self and others, the less one is hooked into the illusion.” The Hathors, Tom Kenyon

Presence & Compassion: I AM THAT I AM

In essence, everyone is a healer. Everyone is All That Is. The Consciousness that permeates every particle of creation is holographic – every little piece is the whole at the same time.

We exist multidimensionally - simultaneously working/creating on many levels.

We are actually omni dimensional beings – each a radiant star.

We are Love in a human body.

And so, we are our own protection.

You can set up your own internal program to clear and transmute any discordant energies that may flow through or around you. As you command, So It Is.

Love is the greatest Force in this Universe, and a full heart vibrates a high frequency- repelling what does not feel comfortable in the vibration, and uplifting all around.

This is how we uplift the planet – with our energies – of Love, Inner Peace, Harmony, Openness, Beauty, and Joy. With our Presence. In the presence of Love, There is nothing in all of creation to fear.

Spiritual Protection and “Shielding”

Truly, we are Love and a loving heart is it’s own protection.

It is a great idea however to envision some kind of spiritual protection around yourself and around the healing session before you begin the session, so that you don’t “pick up” old, negative, stagnant energies that are leaving the energy fields during the session.

Many healers have experienced “energy drains” from being so empathetic, compassionate and open-hearted to those they are sharing with; and can pick up negativities which show up as exhaustion, depression, etc. When this happens, then you must look at “getting out of the way” – remembering that you are only a channel for the energies – YOU do not direct or even think about the energies – just allow them to come freely through you.

When I first started giving sessions and I was not very adept at meditating and quieting my mind, I would inwardly say Peace, Love with every in and out breath to keep my ego and my mind out of the session and just channel the healing energies. I had to do this for about 5 or 6 months as I began to become more meditative and quiet within. Do what works and feels right for you. As with everything, ask inside, ask your own inner guidance and you will receive your own answers.

Some people call forth a pink bubble of unconditional love verbally as they begin a session. Some people call in God or Angelic Protection. Many call in their own Higher Self/Soul and their own inner teachers and angels who work with them as well as the person they are working with – that person’s Higher Self and guides and angels. This is the way we create sacred space for powerful healing to happen. Again, find your own ways and words – or you can do it all silently – this is effective too.

A fantastic tool for everyday use for yourself as a healer – for spiritual hygiene purposes - is to use the Violet Flame to transmute negative physical, emotional and mental states.

Or you may not use it everyday, but when you feel down, oppressed, depressed, sick, tired, depleted, scared - things like that. What follows is my dear friend Aurora Spuhler’s Invocation of the Violet Flame, which is my personal favorite. It works! But as you use these spiritual tools, you will find yourself creating your own words and rituals that have meaning and power for you personally. When any of us begin to use these spiritual tools, it may feel like it is “just your imagination”, but it is much more than that. So begin, just imagine it, visualize it, or just feel it or say it and It Is So. As you work with these spiritual tools, their “realness” will become more and more “real” and palpable to you.

Aurora’s Violet Flame Invocation:


“Ground yourself deep into the heart of Mother Earth and connect to your Higher Self, Soul, and Source. Call down the Violet Flame to penetrate all your bodies, chakras, and energy fields and ask to be Clear and Cleansed through all personalities, timelines, energy lines, and universes all the way back to your Souls’ Source.

Command everything that is attached to any of your energy fields that is not of the Highest Light to leave you immediately for transformation and transmutation into the Light.

Call forth Divine Grace to penetrate your body and flow deep down into the center of Earth.

Then call forth the Liquid Golden Light to create a powerful protection field around your body where nothing that isn’t of the Light can enter.

Ask to be raised to your highest vibration possible and that everything you say and do today is of your highest potential.”

The Angelic Heartlink is another form of protection and of actively linking with the angels so they may work through you and your Higher Self and the person you are working with and their Higher Self. Brought forth by Reiki Master Stevan Thayer in collaboration with Angel Ariel, Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) is a profound process of energy healing with the angels.

The IET process releases guilt, distrust, shame, threat, “shoulds”, heartache and loss, resentment, anger, stress, powerlessness, and fear from the cellular memory and all the energy fields. The energies of innocence, trust, spiritual pride, freedom, universal love, forgiveness, grace, ease, safety, and spiritual identity and confidence are imprinted into the cellular memory and the energy fields. IET is one of the beautiful evolutions of the Reiki tradition.

Applying light pressure to certain energy meridian points can release and integrate energies as well as work with the cellular memory connected with that meridian point.

Reflexology, Dahn Yoga or Body Brain, acupuncture, and Integrated Energy Therapy all work with meridians and meridian points.

The meridian points at the place where the spine and skull meet is a point to balance during the session. You will feel a pulse, often more strongly on one side or another and then both will pulse – the energy meridian has been opened and harmonized. These meridian points when pulsing synchronously balance the two sides of the body, brain hemispheres, the inner divine male and female….

When used consciously, crystals can amplify and support the healing effects of the energy work being done. Vibrational gem, flower, crystal essences and sprays and oils also heighten the release of old and integration of fresh, pure, high frequency light vibrations of the Reiki treatment.

Purification & Releasing

Reiki treatments are so deeply relaxing that most people feel peaceful, expanded, lighter, and more radiant after a session. It is important to drink water, soak in water, rest, and integrate after a session.

Reiki and other forms of energy work are highly transformational. Although the healing, balancing, and all other benefits of the Reiki work are directed by the recipient’s Higher Self, a purification will take place on all levels. When cleared through, you/your client will be left with Joy, as Joy.

AND you can experience a variety of unpleasant as well as blissful “Ascension symptoms” as old trauma, pain, hurt, fear, karma, and current and past life patternings exit your energy fields and transmuted back into pure light.

It is important to let your clients and friends know this. Physically, there can be heat and sweating, intestinal discomforts, joint and muscle aches and pains, feeling like you are getting the flu, release of mucus. Emotionally, old issues and stuck emotions will be released. Old beliefs, attitudes, concepts, and conditioning will break up and dissipate. This process varies in length and intensity and is highly individual.

There is purification and releasing after receiving the Reiki attunements as well, as all that is no longer for your highest good is leaving your energy fields. All that no longer serves the Highest Good, the Soul’s design, the person’s spiritual path is Now in the process of being released as we continue to refine, lighten up in every way – Enlighten.

This is what is being called the Ascension Process, and it is an on-going fractal-like unfoldment - a continual expansion of consciousness and amplification of love, knowledge, experience and understanding.

Light regenerates and rejuvenates, and the effect of this is amplified when used with consciousness. Light is atomic and subatomic. Light is particle and wave. Light is the effulgence of Creator, Source, Consciousness, Life.

Know thyself. You are Light. You are Love. You are a Creator – with your thoughts, feelings, and actions - with your visions, insights, and expansions.

“Do not judge yourselves and others at this time. Understand that you are all being asked to fully activate your 12 Chakra Multi-Dimensional Energetic System in order to step into the New Reality. Wherever there are residues of the old energy, these will be “blasted free”. Be kind and accepting of others at this time. We are all in this process together.” Archangel Michael through Celia Finn

What Do I Do With All of This Energy and Love?

After attunements, you will be filled with energy, love, compassion, and awareness. You will want to use the energies. Become familiar with the Reiki energies by doing self-healing and sessions for friends and family. Reiki your food and water.

A fun thing to do is to create “Reiki Shares” ~ evenings or afternoons where you all Reiki each other or offer free Reiki to the community once a week or once a month. One person gets on the massage table and everyone surrounds them and does Reiki as they feel, and each person gets to receive and give. Reiki with children, pets, plants and

gardens, trees, Reiki with friends, Reiki with elders, Reiki in hospitals, distance Reiki to someone far away or for different parts of the planet where there is war or starvation or disease are some starting places. Use your inspiration and creativity!

However, remember that you must be asked for healing. The person needs to be ready and willing, because they will change. You may very well feel this asking telepathically from someone you love. In that case, either ask them if they would like you to send Reiki energy to them or in your heart and mind, connect to their Higher Self and send the Reiki to their Higher Self, which will direct it’s appropriate use.

Not everyone wants to or is even supposed to “heal;” as we “think” they “should” or “could”. Always respect that everyone has their own soul direction and their own angels to take care o them, and that things are not always what they seem. We often understand these kinds of things later in retrospect. You may offer Reiki to any and all, and see who comes. Always honor, love, and respect all who you share the Universal Energies with, and be kind to yourself and others.

What will you do with all this energy and love?

Bring peace to the planet?

Become harmless to all creatures and Beings? Harmlessness is a Buddhist term and practice for offering pure love, tolerance and understanding.

Be delightfully aware?

See and relish the god force in everything?

Fall in love with your precious and unique self?

with “just” Being….

A Loving Being.

Being Love


“I ask you Now to embark upon, not a journey of searching for yourself;

but to embark upon the Adventure of turning your eyes inward and Seeing What Has Always Been There. You are the Sacred Feminine. You are the Sacred Masculine. You are the Divine Being of Androgyny. This realization brings a Sacred Re-Union of Unity Consciousness. And the Ancient Grids are resuscitated, Souls re-vitalized, and the Sacred Truth will re-emerge. Before I leave, let me remind you that You Are a Master. “

Mary Magdalene through Michelle Eloff, Chalice Well, Glastonbury, England Oct, 2007 lightweaver/



Jewels Welcomes You to the World of Healing with Light


Usui Reiki Attunements Training & Certification focus on

Consciousness & Presence, Compassion & Spiritual Confidence

Individuals, Groups, and Teenagers . Each attunement is customized for the initiate’s spiritual path.


Level I & II~ $275 Living a Conscious, Healthy, Happy, Beautiful & Powerful Life!

Level III & Master Teacher ~ $330 Living a Life of Mastery


Dr. Jewels AMeRu,

M. Ed. Ed. D. Creativity, former professor of Education, early childhood teacher,

creator of two nature based schools. Lectures, articles, seminars and workshops.

Reiki Master Teacher

Integrated Energy Therapy

Minister, Church of the Golden Age

Shamanism and Sacred Ceremony

(928) 282-2733 info@


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