PAST LIFE REGRESSIONS - Odyssey of the Soul


By Pamela Chilton, C.Ht

Foundation For Research & Exploration of

Mind Motivation (FREOMM)

This paper is posted on our website here:

Yes, souls (embodied spirit) live many lives. Why? Imagine learning all there is to learn in the physical realms - let alone explore all there is to do in these realms – in one lifetime. No wonder spirit has ‘set it up’ for souls to incarnate many times. Can past lives be proved? That depends upon what you mean by ‘proof’. Many hundreds of thousands of people have experienced past life regressions. There have been many people who have searched for physical proof of what they remembered in these regressions. Many have found such proof and have written about their experiences and discoveries in books and documentaries.

To be told about one or more of your past lives is exciting. To dream of or have a vision of one or more of your past lives is exhilarating. To EXPERIENCE a past life at the soul level, meaning in the level of consciousness – meaning who you were – when you lived it is beyond compare. The only way to do this is finely tuned inward focus; i.e. hypnosis. If you think hypnosis is what you see on the stage or in the movies or what you’ve experienced with poorly trained hypnotists or hypnotherapists (including those who have been taught ‘old style’ hypnosis) think again. Then read our paper: For Students of Hypnosis.

Also remember this about hypnosis: like any skill, the more you do it the better you get. The better you get, the more you are able to ‘let go’ and trust what you get. Through meditation (a form of hypnosis) and channeling your Higher Self in hypnosis you establish am intuitive tune in with your Higher Self. The Higher Self is the highest vibration and therefore the highest consciousness level and highest spiritual level of your soul. Without your Higher Self guidance you cannot know whether spirits are or are not what they claim to be or whether they do or do not actually know what they claim to know. Your Higher Self is your best guide for all metaphysical and spiritual work.

A past life regression can be observing what happened or experiencing what happened. Sometimes it is a combination of both. A good hypnotist can help you ‘move into’ and ‘move out of’ the experience as you feel the desire or need to. Most people will do this spontaneously. Sometimes the regression can be very visual – you see what is going on. Sometimes you feel it or sense it or get impressions rather than clearly see it. There is usually an awareness of the ‘here and now’ even an as awareness of ‘then’ is unfolding as well. Commit yourself to going with the flow of the ‘then’ and your past life regressions will become more and more vivid and real to you.

THE DANGERS OF A PAST LIFE REGRESSION ARE: 1) Revisiting an unresolved trauma in the past can activate the trauma in the present if the trauma is not resolved during the regression, which is why regressions are best guided by regression therapists trained to work with and resolve traumas. 2) The person you were in a past life is not the same person you are today. True, both are aspects of the same soul, but just as your lifetime today is different than it was then, so are you. When a regression activates a the consciousness of who you were in the past, that consciousness can remain active in the present if care is not taken to deactivate it at the end of the regression.

Yes, it sounds weird. However, this is not based on theory. This is what we and other professional regression therapists have observed from hundreds of thousands of regressions. Trained Regression Therapists know how to deal with and heal trauma when it comes up in a regression and how to deactivate memories and consciousness activated during a regression..

Past Life THERAPY is a past life regression in which healing therapy is done for unresolved traumas, negative conditions and false beliefs still affecting the soul. Past life therapy can help heal relationships in the present life as well as conditions such as illness, disease, phobias, anxieties, addictions, panic attacks, eating disorders – anything that has its ‘roots’ in previous life experience(s).

Here are the possibilities with a past life regression, a psychic vision of a past life, a dream of a past life, or a spontaneous recall of a past life:

• It is a memory of a past life of one’s own soul.

• It is a memory of a lifetime in which one’s own soul was attached to another soul’s body and was either passively observing that person’s life or was actively engaged in experiencing that person’s life through one’s own thoughts, beliefs, and emotions.

• It is a memory of when one’s own soul was in the spirit state observing the events of someone else’s life.

• One is mentally tuning into or astrally visiting the soul records of another person’s lifetime or one has investigated those records so thoroughly in the spirit state that one believes it is one’s own life.

It is because of the last three possibilities given above that several people can believe they were the same person in a past life. Accurate, careful and precise use of NMR (a protocol that increases the accuracy of muscle testing) can be used to discover which of these possibilities a past life memory is. When one ‘tunes into’ the life of another, it can be because that life has great meaning to one today. It is also exciting to discover one has the ability to tune into the life times of others.

When the root of a problem, condition, disease, illness, addiction, habit, trauma, block, etc. is found to be in a past life and one does not ‘believe’ in past lives it is important to recognize God, Spirit and the soul speak in the realms of Creation through the mind. The language of the mind is symbolic imagery –images that have meaning, just like in your dreams. Realizing this, it makes sense to listen, see, even experience the symbolic images and story the mind presents for helping you to resolve what needs resolving so you can achieve your goals.

DEATH is an important part of Past Life Regression

Finding out what the soul died of, being aware of last thoughts and any ‘vows’ made as the soul leaves the body, discovering where the soul went after leaving the body (into a higher plane or remained “earth bound), and whether the life lesson and purpose of that life was completed are important matters that can affect matters in THIS life. Helping the soul to resolve and heal what needs resolution and healing is also an important part of Past Life THERAPY (as opposed to Past Life Recall).


1. Everyone we have encountered in our private practices and in our research has had a past life. However, see point two.

2. While we have encountered a number of people who are physically embodied for the first time, we have not yet found one who did not spend one or more periods of time as a spirit attachment or a spirit observer before embodying. Periods of time in which the soul is mentally focused on the embodiment of others count as past lives when the beliefs and emotions generated by that mental focus are brought into physical embodiment.

3. Most people have had many past lives, not just one, but some or many of these prior lives may have been in the spirit state or as a spirit attachment (see point two). Sometimes spirits have no interest in or no opportunity to physically embody during a particular phase of human civilization, but they still like to closely observe and sometimes experience (from the spirit state) the events of that time and the physical beings involved in them. Often a person will not mention or even realize during a past life regression whether he or she was physically embodied in their own body or was a spirit attachment or was observing that life from the spirit state. Questions that would elicit this information are questions such as: “Are you observing the events of this life from a spirit state outside of physical form?” “Do you enter into and leave the body frequently, even when the body is awake?” “Are you the only spirit in that body or is there another in the body as well?” “Is that body yours or does it belong to another?” “Are you physically embodied in this life or are you observing or experiencing it from a spirit state?”

4. Beliefs and emotions can be generated in the spirit state when one is in (and thus affected by) the energy fields of the Earth planes. One can find beliefs, emotions, programming, even trauma affecting the present life are from past life events in which one was in a spirit state (or was a spirit attachment in that life). These must be attended to – the same as if one was physically embodied during those events.

5. Past life regressions help discover and resolve negative beliefs and emotions from the past that keep one from being all one can be in the present which in turn keeps one from being all one can be in the future (as the future is being built upon the foundations of the present).

6. When the origins or contributing causes of disease, illness, injuries, phobias, addictions, trauma, anxiety, depression, destructive relationships, and negative beliefs and patterns of thought and action are rooted in the past, the purpose of regression therapy is to help positively resolve and heal what happened in the past, thus clearing the way for the present self to find a greater understanding that can help one heal in the present.

7. Past life memories are astral imprints recorded in the memory banks of the subconscious mind as well as in what is referred to as “Soul Records”, or “Akashic Records”, or “The Book of Life”, or, “Universal Records”. Astral imprints are not physical, but they can be accessed and experienced so vividly they feel like they are physical.

8. Being told about one’s past lives is intriguing. Experiencing one’s past lives is fascinating. To do so, one must be in altered state, which is an inwardly focused state of concentration. Hypnosis is a safe and effective altered state for accessing and experiencing the astral imprints of past lives.

Read what hypnosis is (and isn’t) here:

For more about past lives, see:


Chapter 7 of Odyssey of The Soul, Apocatastasis, by Pamela Chilton, C.Ht,, Hugh Harmon, Ph.D, Light

Signals From The Soul, by Ann Muller

Adventures in Consciousness by George Swimmer, M.D

The Search For Lives Past by Peter Ramster (He has an Excellent Video of This.)

Regression Therapy, A Handbook for Professionals, Volume One and Volume Two, by Winafred Lucas

Past Lives/Present Problems by Hall

Voices from Other Lives, by Thorwald Dothlersen

Mind Probe Hypnosis by Irene Hickman, D.O.

(Old fashioned Past Life Recall Techniques, Not modern day Regression Therapy

Want to know details about your past lives, including number of embodied and spirit state past lives, when and where they occurred, dates of birth and death, manner of deaths, soul lessons completed and yet to be completed, life lesson for this life?

We do offer channeled “readings” of the records on a donation basis. These “readings” are so private even you are not present. We record the “reading” and email you an mp3 link as well as a link for listening to the recording via the internet.

For more information go to: "akashic.htm


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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