The Lost Battalion

The Lost Battalion Video Worksheet

Directions: Answer the following questions as you watch the movie.

1. In what year does this movie take place? ___________

2. List three distinctive features of the trench.




3. What does Major Whittlesey require all the men to do with their uniforms? _________________________________________________________________

4. Why do the men need to provide cover fire for the medic? ____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

5. Why does General Alexander have little respect for Major Whittlesey?

6. Where in the United States do most of Whittlesey’s men come from? ____________________

7. Where in the United States does Private Yoder come from? __________________

8. The men who passed Major Whittlesey’s car earlier are youthful and smiling as they march. How does this compare to the soldiers the men see pass the truck? _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. The experienced soldiers say that the battles come down to the use of what weapon? _________________________

10. How do the new recruits react to the tea kettle sound? ________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

11. What do they use to signal the men to go over the top? _______________

12. The General gives the order that no one “can give up ground unless under _______________________________________________________________________.”

13. Give three words the German Generals use to describe the American soldiers.




14. Where does Private LaPasti learn to run so fast? _____________________________________________

15. Why wont the General give Major Whittlesey permission to retreat? _____________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

16. How does Major Whittlesey try to maintain military decorum(respect/professionalism)?

17. What do they burn to make the Germans think they are having breakfast and are therefore not ready? ______________________

18. What change occurs in the battle to allow the Americans to move forward and push the Germans back? ____________________________________________________________________________________

19. The Polish soldier states that he is only considered a “Pollock” in ______________, but that he is an American because he did what? ___________________________________

20. How do they get the German sniper? ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

21. Where do they get the bandages for the wounded? ___________________________________________

22. How do they first react to the American artillery fire? __________________________

23. Then what happens? ___________________________________________________________________

24. How do they stop the artillery fire? _______________________________________________________

25. What is causing the American and French armies to keep attacking the Germans in that area?


26. What type of lawyer was Whittlesey? ______________________________________________

27. How does Lt. Leek describe the Americans to the German General? ____________________________________________________________________________________

28. Why don’t the Germans fire on the plane? _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

29. What makes them fire on the plane later? __________________________

30. What happens to the pilot? ______________________________________________________________

31. What is an “Indoor Aviator?” ___________________________________________________________

32. Why didn’t he get the job? ____________________________________________________

33. What do they take from the German dead? __________

34. What does Whittlesey do with the surrender flag? ___________________________________________

35. What unit did Captain Holderman serve with before the war? __________________________________

36. What is the German General’s response when his soldiers are forced to retreat for the last time? “_________________________________________”

37. When asked where the rest of his battalion was, what does Whittlesey hand General Alexander? ________________________________

38. Why won’t Whittlesey ride in the staff car? ________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

39. When his men fall in to march out of the forest behind the lead of Major Whittlesey, what do they do to their uniforms? ________________________________. Why is this significant? __________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

40. What medal is awarded to Whittlesey, Holderman, and McMurtry? _____________________________

41. How many soldiers did Whittlesey lead into the forest? _________________

42. How many soldiers left with him? __________________

43. How long were they in the forest? ___________________


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