GRADUATE - Concordia University



Table of Contents

3. Fast facts 4. Welcome to Concordia 5. Relevant research 6. Innovative Spaces 7. Competitive funding 8. Integrated student support 9. Additional student services 10. Graduate studies at Concordia 12. Graduate programs 17. Forge your own research 18. Bonjour Montr?al 19. The Concordia community 20. Campus maps 22. Tuition and admissions 23. How to apply 24. Connect with us



per year

1974 $25K Average funding for a PhD student:



9,500 2 4 Graduate students:


129 Number of

graduate programs:

Research chairs

Main language:


Research units


Global alumni:


Faculty & librarians: Research revenue:

2,400 $61,9M


Welcome to Concordia

Concordia is a next-generation university, continually reimagining the future of higher education. Established in 1974, Concordia is located in vibrant and multicultural Montreal, North America's favourite student city. It is the top-ranked university in North America founded within the last 50 years and among the most innovative in its approach to experiential learning and interdisciplinary research.

Concordia's strategic directions set out a vision for the future and exemplify a daring and transformative outlook to some of the most important issues of our time.

The university annually registers 51,250 diverse and engaged students in its Faculty of Arts and Science, John Molson School of Business, Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science and Faculty of Fine Arts and in Concordia Continuing Education. It employs more than 6,700 faculty and staff and annually secures nearly $61.9 million in sponsored research income.

Whether in our dynamic libraries and study spaces, or our state-of-the-art labs, studios and makerspaces, Concordians learn by doing. You'll draw inspiration from the creative energy that surrounds you while creating and pursuing your own academic and personal goals. From the downtown buzz of the Sir George Williams Campus to the relaxed Loyola Campus, you'll find clubs, sports teams, professional networks and support services to balance your life, work and study.

Simon Dub?

PhD student, Psychology 2021 Public Scholar

"Concordia recognizes the need for interdisciplinary approaches and supports research that asks sensitive but necessary questions. The role of technology in human sexuality is still an uncharted area in a rapidly changing field that has long-term consequences for our species."

Relevant research

The world is changing at a rapid pace and Concordia is committed to shaping the future through relevant research in the following key sectors:


Concordia is a leader in aerospace research, particularly composite material and coatings, biofuels, waste reduction, and airport operations.

Artificial intelligence

In addition to participating in an industryled supercluster, SCALE.AI, Concordia has complementing strengths in big data analysis, systems security, supplychain management, interface design, bioinformatics and machine learning.


Concordia is reimagining and reinventing ways in which we develop and dwell in smart, sustainable and resilient communities and cities. Researchers are paving the way for new and improved solutions in human mobility, energy efficiency, integrated design, natural resource conservation and more.

Digital arts

Transdisciplinary research connects artists, designers and engineers to foster innovation in areas of digital games, BioArt, maker culture and performing arts.


Concordia's deeply innovative approach to health research, education, policy and technology focuses on the full continuum of issues and interventions across disciplines.

Synthetic biology

Leading the way in the emerging field of synthetic biology, Concordia researchers explore cancer research, pharmaceutical development, policy implications, knowledge transfer and biomass products. Concordia is also home to the only genome foundry in Canada.

Discover Concordia's research.




Applied Science Hub


District 3 Innovation Hub

Webster Library

Genome Foundry

Vanier Library

Innovation spaces

Next-generation research requires the right kind of spaces. Concordia's modern labs, libraries and sandboxes encourage our graduate students to think of their research in the context of the larger world.


Concordia's street-level living lab, science centre and exhibition space, 4th SPACE offers the public an immersive experience and an introduction to our research.

Applied Science Hub

Unveiled in 2020, the Applied Science Hub on the Loyola Campus allows our researchers to better explore agriculture, health and sustainable development.

District 3 Innovation Hub

A community dedicated to collaboration, innovation and entrepreneurship, D3 supports the inspired ideas of our students, faculty and alumni and helps them bring them to life.

Genome Foundry

The only one in Canada, Concordia's Genome Foundry is a pioneering facility that employs innovative robotic instrumentation which enables synthetic biologists to execute work at significant scales and speeds.


Dedicated to the arts, culture and technology, this interdisciplinary institute encourages innovative exploration and cross-disciplinary research to transform our relationship with technology.


This multidisciplinary centre houses labs, conditioning equipment and functional assessment suites dedicated to research in health, a cornerstone of Concordia's values.

Webster & Vanier Library

Our modern libraries feature bright study spaces, a Technology Sandbox, Visualization Studio and dedicated support for graduate students.

Explore our facilities.


Tanya Singh

PhD student, Marketing 2021 Public Scholar

"My expertise in evolutionary biology provides me with a unique perspective on consumer behaviour, and new ways to approach scholarly research in marketing. Concordia's dedication to interdisciplinary dialogue and exchange is one of the many reasons I chose to complete my doctoral degree at the John Molson School of Business."

Competitive funding

Graduate students in research programs are eligible to apply for funding for their research through awards and scholarships from various internal and external sources.

Graduate Awards Office

The Graduate Awards Office in the School of Graduate Studies organizes and disburses over $15M in graduate funding annually, including:

? Entrance awards ? Scholarship top-ups ? Government/agency awards ? Conference expenses

The Graduate Awards Office also offers free coaching workshops in the fall and winter terms for graduate students to help them develop strong applications for external scholarships as well as one-onone advising sessions.

Teaching and research assistantships

A number of teaching assistantships are distributed as entrance awards for first year graduate students. Other teaching assistantships can become available to students during the course of their program. Research Assistantship contracts may be offered to students by faculty members who hold research grants. Each contract is established individually between a faculty member and a student.

Read about some of our award-winning graduate students here.

Learn how you can fund your future.


Beno?t Eclache

Master's student, Human Systems Intervention

"At Concordia, I have had so many opportunities to develop my skills and experiment outside of my program. During my first year, I was a teaching assistant (TA), and began facilitating leadership workshops for GradProSkills. I feel really fortunate to have had these opportunities: they helped me better understand what skills I am good at, what does not interest me and what I want to improve on."

Integrated student support

GradProSkills is a hub of resources specifically tailored to graduate students that help them achieve their academic and professional goals. The hub pools together the expertise of senior graduate students, campus services and community leaders to encourage a successful grad school experience.

Free workshops

GradProSkills offers academic development workshops throughout the year to boost communication, digital and research skills, and professional development seminars to prepare grads with the skills required for successful careers in academia and beyond.

Thesis and writing support

Students can access thesis preparation support through a series of graduate level planning and writing workshops, or by joining Meet & Write, a weekly writing session led by graduate students. GradProSkills also co-hosts the Thesis Boost Writing Retreat twice per year and coaches students for the internationally renowned Three Minute Thesis and Ma these en 180 secondes competitions.

Graduate Leadership Development Program

In today's workforce, leadership skills will make the difference in your candidature. GradProSkills offers a seven week leadership development program that covers the essentials of emotional intelligence, problem solving, negotiations, team dynamics and more, ensuring you are ready to lead your next project.

Peer Support

All graduate students are welcome at the student-led, weekly GradChat a drop-in session and online community for casual conversation and networking with fellow grads.

Browse GradProSkills' programs and resources.



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