STEP ONE: Choose a theme

▪ War and Peace

▪ Canadian/British Relations

▪ French/English Relations

▪ Human Rights

▪ Women’s Rights

▪ Aboriginal Issues

▪ Canadian/American Relations


From the list provided choose a thesis that you think would be suit your theme and your interests within you theme. Slight adjustments can be made, however it is important that you stay focused throughout the research process.

|Theme |Thesis statements |

|War and Peace |Canada’s participation in military conflicts helped Canada towards a strong international role in the |

| |twentieth century. |

| | |

| |The horrors experienced by Canadians at war in the first half of the twentieth century led to an evolution of|

| |the soldier into Peacekeeper. |

|Canadian/ British Relations |Canada’s relationship with Great Britain became less significant over the course of the twentieth century as |

| |it moved from colony to independent nation. |

| | |

| |Despite becoming an independent nation in the twentieth century, Canada still maintains a strong relationship|

| |with Great Britain. |

|French/English Relations |The first half of the twentieth century set the stage for the divisions between French-speaking Canadians and|

| |English-speaking Canadians. |

| | |

| |The Separatist Movement in Quebec is a direct result of English-Canada’s failure to understand the French |

| |Canadian viewpoint. |

|Human Rights |Canada as a champion for human rights is a myth. |

| | |

| |Canada has evolved into a role model for human rights. |

|Women’s Rights |Canadian women have had to rely upon themselves in order to gain some political and social equality with |

| |Canadian men. |

| | |

| |Despite some gains made by Canadian women, there is still much to be done to attain equality. |

|Aboriginal Issues |Over the course of the twentieth century Canada’s treatment of its aboriginal peoples has improved |

| |significantly. |

| | |

| |The twentieth century in Canada has seen little improvement in the treatment of its aboriginal peoples. |

|Canadian/American Relations |Canada’s close relationship with the United States was inevitable. |

| | |

| |Despite the partnership between Canada and the United States, Canada has always fought to maintain a distinct|

| |Canadian identity. |


At the end of each unit studied in the course, you must select a “defining moment” that you believe is significant for the THEME in Canadian history that you chose in step one (above). Be sure to keep your thesis in mind when selecting a defining moment. You will complete Four (4) defining moments in total, and they are to be arranged in a duo tang.

|Defining Moment |Unit |

|#1 |Turn of the Century & WWI |

|#2 |1920s & 30s & WWII |

|#3 |50s & 60s |

|#4 |Trudeau Era (1968-84) |

STEP FOUR: Defining Moments Body Paragraphs

After completing your defining moments notes you will be required to complete and hand in a paragraph planner (outline is attached). These paragraphs will be marked throughout the semester and count towards your overall class mark.

Topic Sentence present and connects to thesis 0 1 2

Event or person is described thoroughly

(Use the back of page if necessary) 0 1 2 3

Significance (2) 0 1 2

Proof (2) 0 1 2

Explanation (2) 0 1 2

Concluding Sentence (1) 0 1

Footnotes (present and format) 0 1 2

Works Cited entries (2) 0 1 2

Research Sheets (4) 0 1 2 3 4



You will write a formal essay on your theme in Canadian history. For your essay, you must choose THREE (3) paragraph planners from your duo tang to make up the body paragraphs of your essay. You will perfect these during the summative and write introductory and concluding paragraphs. You will also create a works cited page and a title page to complete the essay. An essay outline will be provided and support will be given to you throughout the writing process.

Remember: The purpose of your Defining Moment essay is to prove that you understand and can explain Historical Significance!

How to Assess the Significance of an Event

Use one or more of the following questions to guide your understanding of why a person/event/thing is historically significant today:

a) How important was the event/person at the time?

• Immediate recognition

b) What changed as a result of the event/person?

• Was it a profound change?

c) How widespread was the impact?

• On the theme

• On Canada

• On Canada’s relationship with the world

d) How long lasting were the effects?

• Do we feel the impact today?

e) Has it assumed iconic status within a group or society?

• Has it become a symbol?

f) Does it inform us on our understanding of the history of the era or course?

• How does it connect to the unit, theme, or course?

How To Complete Your Defining Moments Duo tang

Place in the front of your duo tang.

NAME: __________________________________

THEME: I plan research ____________________ theme in Canadian history.

THESIS: The thesis I plan to use from the list provided is: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

AT THE END OF EACH UNIT, you must select a “defining moment” that you believe is significant for the THEME in Canadian history that you have selected. You will complete Four (4) defining moments in total. You must compile all of your defining moments into a duo tang.

What do I need to include for each defining moment?

✓ At least 1 book source sheet (provided). Your source sheet MUST include the proper bibliographical citations and dot jots describing the information you learned from this source. You cannot cut and paste information directly from the source!

✓ 1 website source sheet (provided). The website source sheets MUST include the proper bibliographical citations and dot jots describing the information you learned from this source. You cannot cut and paste information directly from the source! IF YOU USE A WIKIPEDIA SOURCE, IT WILL NOT BE COUNTED. Try using EBSCO Host, Historica, The Globe and Mail online, The New York Times online,, government sources, etc.

✓ You may also use a miscellaneous source sheet (provided) instead of a website if you happen to find relevant information in a magazine, newspaper, movie, etc.

✓ A paragraph planner that is based on your research (using the outline provided) with footnotes for each of your four defining moments.


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