
 DIY SURVIVAL KITPrint, Cut, Enjoy!SELF IMPROVEMENTFind new podcasts about things that matter to you.Create a list of audio books or ebooks to read using Hoopla (free service through your library). Learn a new language. Try new makeup looks and hairstyles. Take a personality assessment and learn more about yourself. Consider going back to school. Finally order your diploma and a frame to hang it in your house. Learn to meditate to have more peace. Learn to journal to stay in touch with yourself. Read the books you own and add a few to your Amazon cart for later. Google yourself to see what’s out there about you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------raphaelalaureanEXERCISE Find new workout routines on YouTube and give them a try. Walk inside your home, maybe try using a weighted vest to burn more calories. Create a family challenge and a board to keep track of how many steps everyone takes. Buy step counters and learn how to use them. Start weight training at home. Find an online trainer and sign up. Learn to use a weighted hula hoop. Start a 30 day challenge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------raphaelalaureanHOUSEHOLDReorganize the furniture and artwork in your home. Research buying or selling your home. Create a plan for future home improvement projects. Do home improvement projects that you already have supplies for. Redesign your bedroom by shopping on Amazon. Put together inspiration boards on Pinterests for home looks that you love. Read the magazines that you already have. Organize your pantry, closet, garage and more. Explore multiple ways to use the things that are already in your home. Start a garden. Organize your photos. Research and install a security system. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------raphaelalaureanFAMILY Build a family time capsule. Watch your favorite childhood movies with your kids. Order your favorite childhood snacks and try them with your kids. Make a photo collage. Scrapbook about your last trip or something meaningful to your family. Create new traditions for your family. Have meals together as a family. Teach the kids to set the table and have proper manners at the table. Teach the kids how to load a dishwasher. Spend time with your pets together. Teach the kids how to do laundry, fold and put it away. Teach the kids how to make simple meals. Create a family wishboard. Watch the sunset or sunrise together. Have a picnic or a movie night on the living room floor. Create a family plan for how to deal with home invasion. Call your grandparents and listen to them talk about the ‘old days’ while you still can. Figure out a random act of kindness you and your family can do for someone in need. Join as a family and learn about your history. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------raphaelalaureanPLAYCreate a cool family handshake or hug. Hula hoop with the kids to see who can do it longest. Learn TicToc dances with your kids. Do YouTube challenges with your family. Color with the kids. Get to know each better by asking each other lists of questions. Find new Netflix and YouTube channels to watch to stay informed and entertained. Take pictures of special moments to remember this season in our life. Play card games together. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------raphaelalaureanCOMMUNITYBuild care packages for local nurses or police officers. Find local restaurants and other businesses to try after the pandemic. Find a place to volunteer or donate your time either online or in person after the pandemic. Phone a neighbor and check in on them. Watch your local news to stay informed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------raphaelalaureanFRIENDSHIPHost a virtual dinner party with friends using Zoom or Facebook video. Catch up with friends or family via one on one Facebook video calls. Send friends text messages daily to stay connected. Join new online communities about your hobbies or things you love and make new friends. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------raphaelalaureanPROFESSIONAL Join your profession’s professional organizations. Join Facebook groups for your profession. Make connections with new people on Linkedin and build your network. Redo your Linkedin picture and banner image using Canva or PicMonkey. Take a Linkedin course online and add a new skill or certification to your profile. Update your resume. Look for a new job. Decide what your dream job is and go for it. Find and follow people on social media who you could network with. Figure out who you would want to be your mentor and then connect with them on Linkedin. Order industry magazines so you are up to date about the latest trends in your field. Create a digital business card and email signature for yourself using WiseStamp. Add industry trade shows and events to your annual calendar. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------raphaelalaureanLIFE SKILLS Learn how to tie a tie, sew or change a tire with a YouTube video. Sign up for a CPR class online. Learn the military alphabet. Learn how to tell military time. Learn about time zones. Learn about your favorite beverages/alcohol. Learn to garden. Learn how to can food for the future. Learn how to use cast iron cookware.Learn basic survival skills. Learn how to defend yourself and your home. Learn basic photography. Learn to use a fire extinguisher. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------raphaelalaureanDATINGSet up a dating profile. Start online dating. Download dating apps. Create ‘dream date’ ideas for after the pandemic. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------raphaelalaureanWARDROBEClean out old clothing and make donation piles. Create wardrobe inspiration boards on Pinterest. Shop online to recreate your wardrobe. Organize your closet. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------raphaelalaureanHISTORYLearn about the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918 to understand more. Watch documentaries about things that interest you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------raphaelalaureanFINANCES Cancel unnecessary subscriptions. Review your budget. Create a budget. Download and learn a budgeting app. Find new ways to earn multiple streams of income. Look up new ways to save money.Look over your investments. Plan for your financial future. Open a savings account to save for emergencies. DIY some of the things you buy to reduce your expenses. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------raphaelalaureanCLEANING Polish silverware. Clean jewelry. Clean makeup brushes. Clean your shoes. Learn how to make all natural household cleaners to save money and be healthier. Clean your home, like really clean it. Clean your blinds. Clean your baseboards. Dust above your cabinets. Change your air filter. Descale your coffee machine.Clean your glasses and sunglasses. Give your dog a bath. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------raphaelalaureanGROW Start a blog. Start a YouTube channel. Think about business ideas you want to do something with. Build a website. Design a logo or hire someone to do it on Fiverr. Review products on Amazon or YouTube. Write Yelp reviews for your favorite businesses.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------raphaelalaureanPHONE/COMPUTEROrganize the apps and pics on your phone into folders. Clean up your laptop by getting rid of old files. Bookmark links to regularly visited websites to save you time. Clean your computer keyboard and screen. Get antivirus software to protect your personal information. Unsubscribe from email lists you no longer need or want. Delete all emails you don’t need. Update all your devices to the latest software. Learn keyboard shortcuts to save you time. Clear your browser history. Empty the trash on your devices to free up space. Backup all of your devices. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------raphaelalaureanCOOKING Put together new recipe collection boards on Pinterest to save time later. Try new recipes. Create a family favorites cookbook. Try new alcoholic drink recipes.Try new smoothie recipes. Learn to meal prep. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------raphaelalaureanWEIGHT LOSSLearn about TDEE, BMI, BMR and macros to help you set and achieve goals. Download a weight loss app and learn how to use it. Join a weight loss community online. Virtually explore a gym in your local area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------raphaelalaureanPLANNING Create wish lists on Amazon for birthdays or upcoming holidays. Plan a future party. Plan a future trip. Write out a list of future personal, family and professional goals. Make a bucket list. Create a Wishboard, goal board or dream board. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------raphaelalaurean ................

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