Corporate Services - Aberdeenshire


Report to MT

Pre-Consultation Report

1. Recommendations

To seek authorisation to consult on organisational change proposals resulting from a review. These proposals include:

• Specify the main changes here

2. Background/Discussion

2.1 Explain the background to the review (refer to the Business Case document) and why it was required.

2.2 In separate paragraphs provide justification / reasoning for each recommendation detailed above.

2.3 In separate paragraphs again, cover any other changes recommended by the review team not already detailed above and provide explanation for these.

3. Staffing & Financial Implications

1. The current and proposed structure charts are shown in Appendix 1.

2. Include here separate paragraphs detailing any changes to the numbers of posts and grades of posts by post title. You should also detail the impact that these changes in posts would have, e.g. number of employees placed at risk. Make reference to the job profiles attached in appendix 2.

3. Provide the monetary costs of the proposed structure and detail whether a cost saving has been made or whether additional cost is required to fund the proposed structure. If there is an additional cost, provide explanation of how this will be funded.

Appendix 1 – Existing and Proposed Structure Charts

Appendix 2 – Job Profiles

Appendix 3 – Structure Costs


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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