The Frisco-Man, November 1918



C. W. Avery, Conductor, J. W. Allen, on the bolt from being worn. T h e four

I. G . T o w n l e y , a n d J. Blanchard, Bralic- teeth on the collar loclcs the n r ~ t .

man, madc repairs to Ti. I. 60128 at >rid- Figure 1 of the drawing is a sectional

dleton, which e n a l ~ l e dt h e m t o handle view illustrating the improved nut ap-

car and avoid setting out.

plied to a Imlt used for sccuring track

A. W. Bell, Engineer, A. M. Sibit, splice bars in operative pnsition; antl

E r a k c m a n , both of Enid. Iccpt enginc 1:igure 2 is a perspective view of the nut.

h o t a n d avoitlcd tlelaj- to train \vhen The nut h is perfectly of stantlard makc.

fircman took sick ant1 \\la\ unable to so far a s external dimensions and n u n -

fire train.


bcr of screw threads are conccrnetl, antl it is providcil on its inner side with an

New Ideas and Patents

integral rigid portion 1 that has a bl~uit ctlgc which hears q a i n s t thc ohjcct 1::

T3y rcason of their practical experience, through which tlic bolt C passes. This Iilimerous railroarl employes have de- integral portion 1 preferably consists of

visetl ways antl tileans o f overcoming a collar o r annular rib on the inner side

many mechanical prol)lcms, and have im- of tile nut, \vhosc internal tliamctcr is

psovetl many uealc points in r~iechanical c ~ l o ~ ~grgehater t l ~ a nthe internally s c r e w

construction, by giving stt~tlyto the things threaded bore 2 in the nut to prevent

that come up in their tlaily work, where- wllnr 1 from bearing on thc threatls of

by there is room for jmprovemcnt. Many the bolt. T f the bolt, o r the member l!

of the devises now in common use on through which tlle bolt passes, should

the American railway> have Ixen matlc move relatively to each other sufficiently

possible by the idea\ conceived by the ''nlan on the job," and have rcclounded to the benefit of the originator and to the country.

to cause menlher T3 to wear tlown the tlireatls on thc holt, this will not interfere \\ it11 subsequent tightening of thc nut, ouing to tlie fact that the threads on

the I~oltn ~ h i c hare hrought into service

\\hen the nut is tightened are protectctl

by the portion 1 on thc inner sitle of tlie

nut. In other words, the portion 1 of the

111ltin511res sufficient threntls on- - the- bolt

remaining in thcir orignal condition to

pcrmit the nut to he tightcne(.l timc aftcs



"There is a l \ \ ~ ~ yrosom for improve-

Old Files

mcnt," says the old adage. T h e con- .Igent J. I,. Greenup of Scalnnion,

struction and maintenance of thc rail- J:lcli on tlic lnd'xi~igtlc&. xitcr hciilg o t ~ t[ti I l l ? wr\,icc scver:~l 1110111115. . \ l : ~ ~ l )sche will :.tay :III(I 111ay1)eshe \vllll~t,

Some o i tllr Old (;uarcl shorrltl I1c tlclcgatul to :~tlcntl thc n c s t \vicncr ro:rsl the stciir~grapllcrs holtl. Spoolis ~iijglltget tlic~n.lieiitlcs i t iliiglit ;~tltlnirtllod tc-1 their I~octrv.1'ojsil)l:Jinl '.L'uI-ncr\vunlrl I)c a good cl~airm:lri o i tlic com~ni~tce.

O n Satrrrclay a i l c r ~ i o o ~ iS,cptc~iiher21. 1918. sotiic o i tlic strriogs:ll)llcrs iro111 tlie Clailii L k l ~ : ~ r t m e n tof t h e I;risco Oliicc I3uiltlin~. Snringficltl. 110.. c~rioyetl :I \vicrrcr roast at l'llelp.;' (;ro\.c, g i v e n iil lionor- of J11.c. 1;srtl IkcgJc. super\ isol- o i the drpai-triictit.

:\ prophecy c o m p o r t l by .\Jisscs K r ~ b y Sortlicrrtt ;rnd \'ic.l;l \\~Iiititrtt \\;IS ~ r c : r t l y elliuVctl I)?; rill, :tlw n poc111 con.rpol;ctl by ;\li,s \I:~ry ICnglc a n d read 1)y l l i s s R u l y Yortllcutt w a s xrc;\tly c ~ i j i ~ . wcl ,xcc~-ptsfro111 \vhic11 :ire :IS foIl~,~\v:.q


511 110\\- o u r ron.1 i.; over a n d to past the tirile :l\v:ly~

I have a little liic+sagc, a ~ l dthis to y o u will

Come o n E t l ; ~\vr'll wrilc :t11111it you riglit

no\\'. 'T'IIVSC'.; lots to l)c aicl 1111t \VC dn~i'lI-our sigllt.

S o'.: t o t l ~ c littlc \\-onIan ~ v h o is o u r

'l'lic r o ; ~ s t ivn- c111c1-ctli n l o \\-it11 a p i l - i t o f



ill11 arid g o c ~ t l icll1i\\-.41ip. a n d rhc f o l l o \ v i : ~ n

r r l i n r t r t l a ~p,lcntlitl r i m r \\-it11 1iol)cs i o r

a ~ ~ n ~ l rioe; r~ s l III t h e I I ~ Y I L -~ L I ~ I :I I - c

llisscs l.ytl:~ (;ammon. 1;ul)y S n r t h ~ : r ~ t ~ . T o Uncle S a m :

:IIIII;IIN~\I\';IIMS. I l n u 0'1{1-ie11. \:id2 \\:hit-

When you want t o raise a loan,

w t t . 0 1 - c n e Uc:~tic. 11;11-y ICnqlc.. T . I I C ~ \\.lii:-

t c t i l m g . T h z c l Lctvis. j u ~ ~(-rcr;i.e. T.l~i.!. \\-ilk c r s ~ m ,Erl11:1 \ V l i c t ~ t ~ ~ 1i C~ ~cl,1cl( ' t i p e I ; l : ~ ~:tlrill

tell it to the Frisco.

Frisco Employes.

Jlra. I;tcJ Rct-filc.




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111 tliis (lay \\11cii c\.cryo~icis i~itcrcstctl in d r i \ c ~ . - i ~t~he drive o n t h e \\'cstcrn Front. in thc Salvation A r m y drive, in the 1:ourtti I.o;~n tlrivc, etc., \vorthy mention shuuld lw niacle of tile "tlrivc" that is being riiatlc I J t~ l ~ ctypists ill (lie Clai~iiDepartnicnt lo cs~:il~lisha record o i which the \\~liole Frisco System should I)c prowl. 'fhcre is a gootl-nalurcd rivalry for first piacc in tlie nulnI)cr o i c?.li~itlc~r\.vsrittcn pr.r day, aiid up to this w r i t l ~ i gMiss Lucy \\'ilkersori liolds first placc. I i i ~ \ . i ~ ~{vgrittcn 21 cylinders o n Octobcr 2ntla n c i ~ l ~ t - h o udray. Uthcrs w l ~ oI~a\.c niatlc c ~ ~ \ , i a l )rlccords a r e :is i o l l o \ ~ s:

l I ~ % c >1 " r ~ e r .1 ................

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