E I< I S C A SAFETY FIRST - The Library

'I1 11 E 13' I< I S C 0 - 11A S



I1l'1'II~!~iI1!l"I1ill'llli~lI1ii1illlilllll'llll'~lilllll'l~~" lI~IlI~'I1ll'llIl~'l~lil'Illll,l'ilili~llill~l!lll~i~ll!l!l'1il"l!'i111~11"~"111111!1'1'!1111111111'11111111111111111!IIlIlI~I~~~IIIlI~

\I orltl and oftcn return to you l)rr~isctl to see the day, a.11tl tlmt vory soon,

;!lid tliscor~raged.

n h c n 1:nion Labor, assislcd by thc!

11' you \ v o ~ ~ ltdhen, i n your s\vcct \vorn:ully, moth(~r1y \yay sootilc autl c.hcwr them \I]), you would soon sc!c the: c.lorrd of trouble leave and find thcnl filled with a new courage ready to fight t h e hattle of life anew.

I f you \\.ill do this, the Frisco employes, enc~ourtrgetl by their wives, mothers and sisters. mill he able to

wivc~s,mothcrs a n d sisters of the railroad men, nil1 join in one g r a n d c.011rertcvl I I I O ! ~ for t l ~ econservation of human lift: a n d human 1i1nl)s: until then, 1 hopc t h a t Mr. Sl)anltling a n d .\ll,s. Ne\\:land will c o n t i n r ~ ethcir gootl \vork for Safety First, and I 1)clicve thc l ) l ( w i n g of a Iiind a n d loving God \\.ill he their reward.

giro a t all times the safest, lnost

efficient servicmc t l ~ a tloyal intc'lligcwl N. I-:. .lolrwsurl. 13. & L'. P'oiz~uflr~.

nlcn can give alltl what \v,ill this

Rpringfield Tcrwrin.als.


Co-opc!l'ation is the main wllccl in

A cont.erter1 nlovc in the conserva- t h e p1,ogress of every ailro road. T h i s

tion of h r l n ~ a nlife and lirnl~will soon \\ford, used in connection \\.it11 a rail-

a t t r a c t those t e e n l i ~ ~mgillions of t.110 road menus Safety First.. W i t h tht:

Grcat Soutlr\vcst a n d you will find co-operation of evc>ry employe the 1 ~ 1 ' -

the111 riding on o u r t r a i n s ; yo11 will c,cntage of c a s ~ l a l t i r s will be w r v

find the ~,roduc.er,n~runufa.c,tln'er,shi1)- s n ~ a l l ,and a s result, t l ~ eroads whcrr

pcr, shipping their r)roduc.ts and goods safety is assured will enjoy a larger

o n o u r rails. T h i s will rncan a n in- l ~ a t r o n a g e from the traveling and

crease of 1,usincss t h a t will give thc s1lil)ping public.

c.lnplr,yes a better o l ~ o r t u n i t y for


husiness that is unclc~~tnken

more rapid l ~ r o ~ n o t i oinn their linc oI the nott to of t h e company s11011ld 11c

servic:~,a. hetter opl,ortunity to work co-operation. T h e need of this \vortl

full time a n d overtime? so t11c.y can is l x m ~ ~ g lol tut strongc'r in tlrc! r11nni11g

earn m o r e money eat.11 m o n t l ~ . T h a t of a railroad than in i111y o t h ~ r1)usi-

will c l ~ a l ~ lt cl ~ c mto build a n d I ) e a ~ ~ t i f yIless a ~ i~t sdhould be thc by-word of

their homc's, t h e homes they love s o every employe, from t h c officc hoy to

wcll 1)ecanse around their I ~ e a ~ ~ t l ~ s t otnl e~ cpresident.

they have heard the s\vertest music IHon; many t i n ~ c s h a s t l ~ csmnllcst

ever entered the c a r of nlan, tho laugh- tlptail. Irft out in a n ordcr to a n ~ 1 1 -

t c r of their b:rl>rs, the p a t t e r of thcir ~ i n c c r ,resulted in t h e sacrificing of

littlc fcet a n d I ~ e r a u s ein those homes m a n v lives? Nan?., m a n y times.

a r e sheltered t h e heart's t r u c 'mat?, T h e travlr walker making daily ill-

lho wil'e, to n.hom thny van r c t u r n and spection of track along his route, fails

from \vhom thcy receive the sweet to notice some defect in thc track.

kiss, the c.11aste caross t h a t only t h e 41011~rolncs thc limited a t a terrific

pure trne wifc ran give, whicl~to us rate of speed and an nccMcnt 11al)l~ens

men mralls x foretaste of t h e joys of wllic~11Inay mean loss of life.


\\!it11 t h i s little il111strat.ion yon will

1n c o ~ ~ c l u s i o n311.', C l ~ a i r n ~ a nI ,hopc sec t h e point. If this sanlc track


lllill'll!li'llllilll"llll'lllillll!ll J:i' I!l,'lll:i,:l'liil'lll:ll'"~ll'lli'!I!l:!ll'!,iMl "l1Ili;l"Iil:lil'li: !Ill'lil!ll!.illlll1iII'll'~!lll!'l!!l'!fI!llllIIllil~llllllll~lll!llllllllll~l'll~~l'l!'l

\vallter h a d t h e ro-01)eration spirit, in c\slr~~c!ssrddeep al)preciation of tllc

o t h e r ~ o r t l s ,if, i ~ ~ s t e a tolf a s s u n l i ~ i g u.o~'kt l ~ cco111111iltcics p m n o t i n g .

t h a t 11c was merely a s n ~ a l lcog in a C h a i r ~ n a n.J. I('. S i u ~ ~ nols' tho ICasl-

big n ~ a c h i n ca n d t h a t h i s work \\.a3 c1.11 I)i\ ision (:on1111iltee ~~c'vie\vc'tl h r

n o t :[I i m p o r t a u t laclor, Ile realized history of tho Snlcty F i r s t movement.

( h a t h e 1-IELI) a s important a position since its inauguration, in S o l ~ t c ~ ~ ~ l ) ( ? r

a s the most trusted employe, a s f a r a s 1911, i t s dcvclol)lnc'r~t a n d s ~ ~ h s e q u o n t

.vc~j~zliys concerned, h i s sole a n ~ h i t i o n a c h i c v e n ~ e n t . l l e ernl~hasizctl( h e ~ ~ c c ~ l

\voulel he to see t r a i n s pass safely over of s c c u r i n g t h c co-operation of t h e gchn-

llis allotted stretch.

era1 public: t o insnre t h e c o n ~ p l c t csuc-

1,c.t 11s remen11)er t h a t GuJ'sty Cotue8 ccss of t h e accident prevention cam-

I.'i,.sl and in doing t h i s we will dis- ~ ~ a i g n , - ~ ~ a r t i c ~ ~ tl ha ar tl >p~hase of' il.

pense w i t l ~ t l ~ o u s a n d s of ~lcetllcss tlirectcd against. t h e IIIOS~.prolific

hc:artac.hes autl \vill enjoy the peacc sor1rc.e of railroad acxitlents-- TI1ISSallel 11;1ppi11css which only collies to PASS!SG. I l e es1)lained t h a t to

thosc u.ho do their W ~ I -wkell.

arollsc enthusiasm nntl win ~ 1 1 1 ) -

port, thc ICastc~w 1)ivision SaI'('ty

T h e Eastern 1)ivjsio11 Safely to ns? Our fathers,

his fanlily is no(, l'or t l ~ ci n c o n ~ e is o11r grand Sal hers, I~uslrandsa n d broth-

gone instclad ol' t h r l)ositio~rin society, t!rs Yollght for t h c 11:1$ of o u r (.onntry.

tho education of t l ~ cc l ~ i l d r e n , travel Il' wo can love a n d rcvorence that.

a n d all t h e advantages boforc cnjoyed. \vllic.h c m t t h r life-blood of o n r loved

t h c r e is thc. eternal q n w t i o n of brcnd ones, ~ v h a tabout thv on11)l~nl\ v l ~ i c l ~

a n d Imlter, n l ~ i c l t~l ~ e widow finds will protcvt ant1 s a w I'os 11s I h r o ~ l c s

I('nvcs n o tinw or money lor t h c~'o~n- I I I > ~ I I w h o ~ n \vc (lolwutl for s u l ) p o ~ t

anti to \vl~oln \ve look for con~lranionshill, love and happiness?

JIy h e a r t thrilled wit11 pride when a t t.hc ~ ~ u l ~slafi ecty meeting in Springfield. 110.. o u r c ~ n l l l e m \vat; thro\vn I I ~ ~ It hI e sc.rccn, a n d t h e andic3nCe I ~ r ~ r isnt t o a h e a r t y npplause.

\Yht:n won1en c ~ e s y w h e r e a\valte fnlly to !vl~at Safety I"lrst Il1eans to theul, its e u ~ b l e nw~ill hc! greeted with tho honor i t clwerves. T,et us all bc rip a n d doing o u r s h a r e toward tllc ed~!c.ation which alonc can bring this to 11ass.

T h e Sai'rty F i r s t Itally a t t h c Uien l r r 'l'hcatrc?, Springfield, 110.. A [ ~ r i l

I ci. \\.:IS well attended b y F r i s c : ~women

\vllo listened attentively to tile acci-

dent pwvention a d t l r r s s r s mode by

t hr v a r i o l ~ sxpealters.

011 1 h e afternoon of April 3 2, t h e

wonrcw n!ct a t t h e l?o)nl Arvanum

llall and duly organized the Spriug-

fieltl branvh of tho Frisco nTomen's

Safcaty League. Officers were elected

and intrrrsting talks were givcn by a

nr~nrher of t h e \vomi5n. Consirlelnl,ln

intcrest was evinced in the Safetv

IVork, a l l of t h e womcn expressing i~

d r s i r c to l c a r n more of t h e ~ n o v e n ~ e n t .

L. 9.R o s ~ c t t ,supc?rintenclent t e r n ~ i n -

nls, presirlcd antl \vas assiutc>rlby I\'. l3. I';tcos antl norltcd stai~lc.ti ~,lot.l~es.

Sl~aultling. c h a i r ~ n a n of t h e Central S111.elyI\-P call rc,ac,h ( h e hc-arts of orlr

Safety Committee.

["risc40 1 1 1 ~ 1 1in I I ~ e s t t n ~nea y tire llo\\-

Thc Springfield "I,eagl~ers" \\.ill mcvt with tilp Terminnl Snfety Com~ n i t t cin~ l l a y a n d learn of the \vorli of' t h e committee, a n d t h c league mem. hcrs are planning for a very interestinn and !)rofitnl)le day.

IVhilp in Springfield to attend thc Saf'rtp Rally, 1 visitctl t h e S o i ~ t hSide :mil the N e r Shops. T h e shops a r e \ < - o n d ~ r f rf~rlo m a womau's point of vien-. T wish 1 was hig enoush to un-

in r e t u r n for their car? and lo\.e

As I Icarn Inore of 1,ailroad lit+. I find tllnt every where t h e best Salet\VIPII a r e thoso \\-hose homes a r c made : ~ a g p yby a wife \vho cares Inorr for the marl than she does for his pay (,heck. Oh. if F r i s c o \volnen could only have their eyes opened wide. I a m :;we there \vould IN> a r e u o l u t i o ~ ~ . Silrely they \vol~ltlnot 11v s o sclfish if


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