Goal 5 – Becoming and Industrial Society

Goal 5 – Becoming an Industrial Society

Complete the following chart

|Person |Achievement |

|Andrew Carnegie | |

|Thomas Edison | |

|Alexander Graham Bell | |

|Edwin Drake | |

|John D. Rockefeller | |

|Samuel Gompers | |

|Cornelius Vanderbilt | |

|J.P. Morgan | |

|Jane Addams | |

Define the following terms

Bessemer process:

Credit Mobilier Scandal:

Interstate Commerce Act:

Social Darwinism:

Sherman Anti-Trust Act:

American Federation of Labor (AFL):

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW):

Melting pot:


Chinese Exclusion Act:

Social Gospel:

Pendleton Act:

Answer the following questions

What are two ways that Americans used steel?

Why did business owners form trusts?

Where did immigrants come into the country on the east and west coast?

What were conditions in the cities like for immigrants?

Complete the following chart

|Strike |Cause |Effect |

|Great Strike of 1877 | | |

|Haymarket Riot | | |

|Homestead Strike | | |

|Pullman Strike | | |

If the statement is true, write “true” on the line. If it is false, change the underlined word or words to make it true.

________________ The Carnegie Process was the new way to produce steel.

________________ Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.

________________ The Interstate Commerce Act increased the federal government’s power over the railroads.

________________ A business firm that controls all the competition in an industry holds a trust over the industry.

________________ In the late 1800s some union looked to collective bargaining to reach agreements between workers and employers.

Write the name or term that best completes each sentence

|a. Social Gospel Movement |_____1. Which term refers to a mixture of different cultures living together? |

|b. Jane Addams |_____2. Which term refers to a reform program that urged Christians to help improve the lives of the poor? |

|c. “Boss” Tweed |_____3. Who was the founder of Chicago’s Hull House? |

|d. Melting Pot |_____4. Who was one of the most powerful political bosses and the head of a NYC political machine? |

|e. Political Machine |_____5. Which term refers to the giving of government jobs to people who had helped a candidate get elected? |

|f. Patronage |_____6. Which is a group that has strong political control in an area? |

Write the name or term that best completes each sentence

|Mass transit |1. Immigrants arriving on the East Coast in the late 1800s gained entry into the U.S. through _______________________. |

|Ellis Island |2. A _________________ was a new type multifamily urban dwelling. |

|Tenement |3. A _________________ job is one in government administration. |

|Angel Island |4. Many growing cities developed ________________ systems to alleviate transportation challenges. |

|Civil Service |5. Favoritism toward native-born Americans is called ____________________. |

|Nativism |6. Immigrants arriving on the West Coast in the late 1800s gained entry into the U.S. through ________________________. |


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