Sociology Quiz 2 -

Sociology Chapter 2 Test Name__________________

Which of these is NOT a component of every culture? (1 point)

a. technology

b. language

c. symbols

d. money

There are two types of norms in each society. They are

_______________ and ________________________. (2 points)

_____________ are punishable by laws made by the government. (1 point)

____________________ have little moral significance. (1 point)

What might be an example of a “more?” (1 point)

List an example of a “folkway?” (1 point)

Physical objects that people create and use for a group’s _______________ culture. (1 point)

Abstract things, like beliefs, language, and economics form a group’s _____________________ culture. (1 point)

Name 2 examples of material culture:



List 2 examples of non material culture:



True/False (1 point each)

_____ I believe that my culture is superior to all others. I practice ethnocentrism.

_____ Sub cultures take on new identity and keep none of the main culture’s traits.

_____ A counter culture changes or challenges beliefs of the main culture.

_____ A person who tries to see the point of view of someone from another race or culture, practices cultural pluralism.

_____ Cultural universals occur in every culture in the world.

Explain the contrasting lifestyles of the Arapesh and Mundugmor. Highlight such aspects as how women/children are treated, what their behavior was like and how they lived. (5 points)


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