Ch 2 (Culture) Review Sheet

Ch 2 (Culture) Review Sheet Name__________________________

Chapter 2 Guided Reading

1. Define the term cultural relativism.

• Give examples of cultural relativism:

• What are the positives and negatives of cultural relativism?

• Who was the leading critic of cultural relativism and why?

2. Define the following:

• Values

• Norms

• Sanctions

3. Define the following:

• Material Culture

• Non-Material Culture

Which is easier to change- Material or Non-material Culture?

Does culture invent more than it borrows or does it borrow more than it invents?

Gestures: The Dos and Taboos of Body Language Around the World

4. Define Gesture-

5. Choose 3 gestures and describe their meanings in the US and one other country.

|US: |US: |US: |

|Other Country: |Other Country: |Other Country: |

Seinfeld: Cultural Norms and Etiquette

6. Define the following:

• Society

• Social Norms

• Folkways

• Mores

• Laws

7. Describe two social norms that were broken in the Seinfeld episode: The Face painter.

Handout: How is culture changed? And Peruvian Water Boiling Reading

8. Define the following:

• Discovery

• Diffusion

• Invention

9. Choose three inventions, advancements or explorers. Describe each advancement and then give specific examples of how each one affected culture.

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10. How and why did diffusion fail among Peruvian housewives?

Handout: Cultural Connections

11. In what country did you find the most products manufactured? Why do you think this country exports so many consumer goods in the United States?

Handout: United States Culture: Melting Pot or Salad Bowl?

12. Define the following:

▪ Ethnic Group

▪ Prejudice

▪ Discrimination

▪ Minority Group

▪ Stereotype

13. Describe each theory of culture:

▪ Melting Pot

▪ Salad Bowl

▪ Which theory do you believe best describes culture in the United States?

DVD: Common Ground (Culture)

14. What is one of the most important shared values in the United States?

15. What is consumerism?

16. Name the three engines of the consumer revolution:

Reading: “Rumspringa” and Discussion Questions

17. What is Rumspringa?

18. In what culture is this tradition practiced?

19. What major decision must be made at the end of this time?


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