Microsoft PowerPoint - Characteristics of Life

What is Biology?Biology – ____________________________________ From Greek – _______ meaning “______” & _________ meaning “_________________”Anything that is alive is called an _____________________ What makes something “alive?”5 main characteristic of life:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Characteristic #1:All organisms are made of organized CELLS1. A ___________ is the smallest possible unit of life Many organisms, such as bacteria, are ___________ and are made of only _________ cell.Other organisms such as animals and plants are ___________________ and are made of __________ cells.Characteristic #2:All organisms can REPRODUCE1. Organisms don’t live forever.2. Reproduction is not required for the survival of a single individual it is required for the survival of the _________________________________.3. A ______________ is a group of organisms that can ___________________ and ____________________________________in nature.4. Without reproduction a species will eventually go __________________.Asexual vs. Sexual Reproduction1. ______________ reproduction – a single parent makes an identical offspring a) Cloning, binary fission, budding, mitosis 2. ______________ reproduction – two parents combine DNA to make a unique offspringa) Internal/External FertilizationCharacteristic #3:All organisms GROW and DEVELOP 1. All life begins with a ________________________. 2. Over the course of an organism’s life, the organism will GROW in size and DEVELOP (change) into a mature form.E.g. A fertilized chicken egg will grow and develop into an adult chickenCharacteristic #4:All life can ADJUST to their surroundingsAll life can ADJUST or react to their surroundings.Possible things that an organism can adjust to:_____________________________________________________________________Stimulus & ResponseA ____________ is anything in an organism’s environment that ________________________E.g. Loud noise, smell of food, predatorA ________________ is a _________________________________.E.g. Flinching at the sound of a noise, moving toward food, running from sight of predatorExamples of Stimulus & ResponseSTIMULUS: Cold dry weatherRESPONSE: ________________________________STIMULUS: Touch a hot stoveRESPONSE: ___________________________STIMULUS: Fox sees a rabbitRESPONSE: ____________________________HomeostasisAll living things must maintain an internal balance in their bodies. HOMEOSTASIS is ______________________________________________ in all organismsEXAMPLES:____________________ (too hot)____________________ (too cold)Keeping the same blood pressureBalance of water and nutrientsCharacteristic #5:All life can ADAPT, and EVOLVE with its environmentAll organisms have ADAPTATIONS to help them survive.An ________________ is any inherited structure or behavior that helps an organism survive.Adaptations are inherited from previous generations and can be passed on to offspring. The gradual changes in a species through adaptations over time is called _________________. ................

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