The Family Advocate - Coshocton County, Ohio

The Family Advocate

[pic]2007 Holiday Newsletter

Autumn Greetings from Help Me Grow. October 25th was our third annual Trick-or-Treat costume parade during playgroup. We had a total of 25 kids and their parents take a parade through the County Services Building and the 1st & 2nd floor offices of DJFS. Coming up for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays we will focus on family traditions. Enclosed you will find a calendar listing our upcoming events. We hope to see you and your family soon!

Sara King from Maternal & Child Health Center greets Hannah Wilden and her mother Jamie during the costume parade held during Tot Time.


How do you create new traditions?  It can be quite simple.  Consider what kinds of things you and your family enjoys doing when celebrating the holidays.  Be creative! Coming up with ideas can even be made a family project.  Each family member can provide input on what they would like to do, and the ideas could be voted on, or some ideas could be combined, to develop the tradition.  Given that the ideas are reasonable, try them! Be sure to keep in mind, however, that when creative people develop new things, they often make mistakes and then correct or compensate for these mistakes.  Try not to be too disappointed if your first try at a new tradition is not just the right fit for you and your family. You may need to try a few different things or fine tune the plans for a couple of years until you get the right mixture for a new, fun and happy holiday tradition.

Buzzing with excitement is Hollee Sheneman, Rozlynn Cronin & Hailey Tubbs.


Magical Puff Paint

You will need

• White Glue

• Shaving Cream

• Food Coloring

• Small disposable containers

• Paint Brushes

• Paper

1. Put some glue into a small disposable container.

2. Add food coloring to the glue.

3. Add some shaving cream.

4. Stir until all of the shaving cream is colored. Add more food coloring if needed.

5. Repeat process in next container for different colors.

6. Paint your masterpiece. Put paint on thick so mixture dries puffy. Have Fun!


Matthew Brickey poses for the camera

at the Help Me Grow costume party.

Energy Assistance Programs Application available on-line at energyhelp. Check it out today to see if your family is eligible for help with your winter heating bill.

Chubby Crayons

You will need:

• Old cupcake/muffin tin

• Broken crayons

• Vegetable oil

• Toothpick

1. Preheat oven to 275 degrees.

2. Remove all the paper labels from crayon pieces.

3. Put ¼ tsp vegetable oil into each cup.

4. Place broken crayon pieces in each cup about 1/3 full.

5. Place into oven for about 8 minutes.

6. Swirl with a toothpick.

7. Let cool completely.

8. Pop out of muffin pan by tapping back.

A hundred years from now it will not matter what kind of house I lived in, the kind of car I drove, or the clothes I wore, but the world may be a better place because I was important in the life of a child.

Give your child the most valuable gift of all this holiday, your time and attention. Enjoy your holidays. Look for our next issue, arriving early January 2008.

Schedule of Upcoming Events


1. November 8th, 15th & 29th- Tot Time 9:30 – 10:30 am or 1:30 –2:30 pm. Parent-child playgroup for infants and toddlers. Group activity, story time, music, and craft. This month we will discuss family traditions. See calendar for craft project.

2. November 12th-Veteran’s Day. Help Me Grow closed.

3. November 14th & 28th-Parent Group at The Meadows Apartments Computer Lab from 11 am-Noon. Join other parents who are raising infants and toddlers to discuss everyday issues and challenges dealing with parenting. This informal group is open to all Coshocton County residents. Contact Renee at 622-3760 or Elizabeth at 623-2894 for more information.

4. November 19th– Early Childhood Collaborative Committee 10:30 am in Room 145 of The County Services Building. Parents needed. Call Renee at 622-3760 for more information on becoming part of a parent sub-committee.

5. November 21st- Parent Group at Help Me Grow from 11:00 am until Noon. We will discuss holiday traditions, the stress that comes with those traditions, and how to have a fun, affordable holiday without pulling your hair out. If you have a question about Help Me Grow sponsored groups, contact Renee Fleming at 622-3760. Your opinion counts.

6. November 22nd & 23rd– Happy Thanksgiving. No playgroup. Help Me Grow closed. New Life Church will be open for Thanksgiving to provide a hot meal to families in need.

7. December 6th, 20th, 27th- Tot Time 9:30- 10:30 am or 1:30 –2:30 pm. Parent-child playgroup for infants and toddlers. Group activity, story time, music, and craft. This month we will continue our discussion on family traditions. See calendar for craft project.

8. December 12th – Parent Group at The Meadows Apartments Computer Lab from 11 am-Noon. Join other parents who are raising infants and toddlers to discuss everyday issues and challenges dealing with parenting. This informal group is open to all Coshocton County residents. Contact Renee at 622-3760 or Elizabeth at 623-2894 for more information.

9. December 13th- Help Me Grow families are invited to our annual Christmas Celebration from 1:00- 2:30 in the County Services Building. Santa will arrive around 1:15 and take pictures with the children until 2:00. Each family will receive a photo of their child to take. Refreshments provided.

10. December 19th- Parent Group at Help Me Grow from 11:00 am until Noon. Topic to be announced. Children are welcome to attend with their parents. This group is informal and open to all parents of infants and toddlers. Do you have an idea for a fun or educational parent group? We would love to hear from you. Call Renee Fleming at 622-3760 or email rfleming@odh.

11. December 24th & 25th- Merry Christmas! Help Me Grow closed.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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