Basic Grammar and Usage, Eighth Edition

[Pages:352] The Verb To Be (The Most Common Linking Verb)

Present Tense: I am you are he/she/it is

we are you are they are

Past Tense:

I was you were he/she/it was

we were you were they were

about above across after against along among around at

before behind below beneath beside between by concerning down

Frequently Used Prepositions

during except for from in inside into like near

of on onto out over through to toward under

up upon with within without

Helping Verbs

can,could may, might, must shall, should

Helping Verbs Sometimes

has, have, had does, do, did, done am, is are, was, were, been

(forms of to have) (forms of to do) (forms of to be)



Coordinating Conjunctions





for (when it means because)

actually also anyway as a result besides consequently conversely

finally for example for instance for this reason furthermore hence however

Conjunctive Adverbs

in addition incidentally indeed in fact in short instead likewise

meanwhile moreover next nevertheless nonetheless on the other hand otherwise

similarly still subsequently then therefore thus

after although as as if as long as as soon as

Adverb Clause Subordinating Conjunctions

though because before even if even though if

in order that once provided that since so that though

unless until when whenever where whereas

whether while

Basic Grammar and Usage

Eighth Edition

Penelope Choy

Los Angeles City College, Emerita

Dorothy Goldbart Clark

California State University, Northridge

Australia ? Brazil ? Japan ? Korea ? Mexico ? Singapore ? Spain ? United Kingdom ? United States

Basic Grammar and Usage, Eighth Edition Penelope Choy, Dorothy Goldbart Clark

Development Editor: Cathylnn Richard Dodson Assistant Editor: Janine Tangney Editorial Assistant: Melanie Opacki Marketing Manager: Kirsten Stoller Marketing Communications Manager: Martha Pfeiffer Art Director: Jill Ort Print Buyer: Denise Powers Permissions Editor: Margaret Chamberlain-Gaston Production Service: Pre-PressPMG Cover Designer: Steve Schirra Compositor: Pre-PressPMG

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Library of Congress Control Number: 2009941321 ISBN-13: 978-1-4282-1155-1 ISBN-10: 1-4282-1155-1

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Preface to the Eighth Edition vii Preface to the First Edition xi

UNIT 1 Identifying Subjects and Verbs 1

Chapter 1

Sentences with One Subject and One Verb 3

Chapter 2

Multiple Subjects and Verbs 15

Chapter 3

Distinguishing Between Objects of Prepositions and Subjects 23

Chapter 4

Main Verbs and Helping Verbs 33 Unit 1 Review 41

UNIT 2 Subject?Verb Agreement 43

Chapter 5

Recognizing Singular and Plural Subjects and Verbs 45




Chapter 6

Indefinite Pronouns as Subjects 55

Chapter 7

Subjects Understood in a Special Sense 63

Chapter 8

Subjects Joined by Conjunctions 69 Unit 2 Review 75

UNIT 3 Identifying and Punctuating the Main Types of Sentences 77

Chapter 9

Compound Sentences 79

Chapter 10

Complex Sentences 95

Chapter 11

Avoiding Run-On Sentences and Comma Splices 107

Chapter 12

Correcting Fragments 117 Unit 3 Review 127

UNIT 4 Punctuation That "Sets Off" or Separates 131

Chapter 13

Parenthetical Expressions 133



Chapter 14

Appositives 147

Chapter 15

Restrictive and Nonrestrictive Clauses 159

Chapter 16

Commas with Introductory Phrases, Series, Dates, and Addresses 175 Unit 4 Review 187

UNIT 5 Pronoun Usage 191

Chapter 17

Subject, Object, and Possessive Pronouns 193

Chapter 18

Pronouns in Comparisons and Pronouns with -self, -selves 203

Chapter 19

Agreement of Pronouns with Their Antecedents 211

Chapter 20

Order of Pronouns and Spelling of Possessives 221 Unit 5 Review 229



UNIT 6 Capitalization, Additional Punctuation, Placement of Modifiers, Parallel Structure, and Irregular Verbs 231

Chapter 21

Capitalization 233

Chapter 22

Additional Punctuation 241

Chapter 23

Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers 251

Chapter 24

Parallel Structure 261

Chapter 25

Irregular Verbs 273 Unit 6 Review 287

UNIT 7 Paragraphs 293

Chapter 26

Writing Effective Paragraphs 295

Answers to "A" Exercises 317

Index 335


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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