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Level 2 and 3 Examiner Scratch Pad for Process Items2020The Examiner Scratch Pad for Process Items is a tool to help Examiners evaluate Process Items in Level 2 and Level 3 applications. (Note: You should use the Examiner Scratch Pad for Process Categories if you are evaluating a Level 1 application.)This Scratch Pad contains:Key questions for evaluating Process Items based on ADLIInstructions for using the ADLI Notes page (included in the file) to evaluate Process Items using Approach, Deployment, Learning, Integration (ADLI)ADLI Notes page - used to record your ADLI analysis of an Item or part of an Item (You should make as many copies of this page as you will need for each Category.)Scoring Grid – used to score Process Items (You will need one grid for each Process Item.)You will need to print a copy of the worksheets in this file or create an electronic copy of this file for each of the 12 Process Items in Categories 1 - 6. (If you are using electronic files. use the Item number as the file name.) Note: Separate “Scratch Pads” are provided for Process (ADLI) Items, Results (LeTCI) Items, and Key Themes. Examiners are encouraged to use these Scratch Pads to develop their Independent Review Scorebooks; however, only the completed Independent Review Scorebook should be turned in to MAAPE and your Team Leader.ADLI Analysis QuestionsApproachWhat approach is described?How well does the approach meet the organization’s needs?How systematic is the approach?How long has the approach been in use?DeploymentWhere is the approach deployed (used)?Where else should it be used?How consistently is the approach deployed?LearningHow is the approach evaluated and improved?How often is the approach evaluated and improved?What evidence is there of innovation in this approach?What evidence is there of sharing with other units?IntegrationWith what other process(es) is this process aligned?How well is this process aligned with the other process(es)?Are there additional processes with which it should be aligned based on the Key Factors or Criteria questions?How well is the process aligned with organizational needs, plans, and goals?Instructions for ADLI Notes (for Process Items)Use the ADLI Notes on the following page to note your findings and evidence regarding the Applicant’s process strengths and OFIs. (Make as many copies of it as you need.)Copy the Key Factors for the Item from the Item Worksheet in the field provided (This step is optional; if you choose not to copy the Key Factors to the ADLI Notes, you should refer to them on the Item Worksheet instead.)For each Area to Address:List the Item Reference (e.g., 1.1a(1)) in the Item Reference columnRead the Criteria questions and the Applicant’s response to those questionsAnalyze the Applicant’s response, referring to the Key Factors for the Item and the ADLI Analysis Questions to help you identify your findingsList your findings in the “Findings” column, and the supporting evidence from the application in the “Evidence” column, using a separate row for findings related to strengths versus OFIsEnter a plus (+) or minus (-) in the appropriate ADLI column(s) to indicate the dimension(s) of ADLI reflected in the finding and to enable you to see patterns in each dimension across your findingsIndicate whether the finding is a strength or an OFI by entering a plus (+) or double plus (++) in the strength column or a minus (-) or double minus (--) in the OFI columnIdentify the findings and evidence that are the most important to include as feedback to the Applicant and summarize those findings in one or more feedback ready comments on the Item WorksheetYou should use a separate ADLI Notes page for each Area to AddressADLI NotesKey Factors (Copy them from the Item Worksheet to the table below or refer to them on the Item Worksheet instead.)Use separate rows for strengths and OFIsItem Ref.FindingEvidenceADLIStrength + or ++OFI- or - -+ or -Things to check in other Items:Process Scoring Grid: Item _____Score the Item on each dimension of ADLI, placing an “X” in the scoring range that is the “best fit.” Place the “X” on the left, in the center, or on the right within the cell to indicate if your score would be low, in the middle, or high in the scoring range, respectively.Dimension0–5%10–25%30–45%50–65%70–85%90–100%ApproachNo systematic approach to Item questions is evident; information is anecdotal.The beginning of a systematic approach to the basic question in the Item is evident.An effective, systematic approach, responsive to the basic question in the Item, is evident.An effective, systematic approach, responsive to the overall questions in the Item, is evident.An effective, systematic approach, responsive to the multiple questions the Item, is evident.An effective, systematic approach, fully responsive to the multiple questions in the Item, is evident.DeploymentLittle or no deployment of any systematic approach is evident.The approach is in the early stages of deployment in most areas or work units, inhibiting progress in achieving the basic question of the Item.The approach is deployed, although some areas or work units are in the early stages of deployment.The approach is well deployed, although deployment may vary in some areas or work units.The approach is well deployed, with no significant gaps.The approach is fully deployed without significant weaknesses or gaps in any areas or work units.LearningAn improvement orientation is not evident; improvement is achieved through reacting to problems.Early stages of a transition from reacting to problems to a general improvement orientation are evident.The beginning of a systematic approach to evaluation and improvement of key processes is evident.A fact-based, systematic evaluation and improvement process and some organizational learning, including innovation, are in place for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of key processes.Fact-based, systematic evaluation and improvement and organizational learning, including innovation, are key management tools; there is clear evidence of refinement as a result of organizational-level analysis and sharing.Fact-based, systematic evaluation and improvement and organizational learning through innovation are key organization-wide tools; refinement and innovation, backed by analysis and sharing, are evident throughout the organization.IntegrationNo organizational alignment is evident; individual areas or work units operate independently.The approach is aligned with other areas or work units largely through joint problem solving.The approach is in the early stages of alignment with the basic organizational needs identified in response to the Organizational Profile and other Process Items.The approach is aligned with your overall organizational needs as identified in response to the Organizational Profile and other process items.The approach is integrated with your current and future organizational needs as identified in response to the Organizational Profile and other process items.The approach is well integrated with your current and future organizational needs as identified in response to the Organizational Profile and other process items.Use your scores for each dimension to determine an overall scoring range and score. The overall scoring range and score are not intended to be a numerical average of the scores for each dimension; you should select the range and score that are the best fit based on the organization’s achievement level for the Item.Scoring Range:0–5%10–25%30–45%50–65%Item Score %70–85%90–100% ................

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