The Circulatory System - Weebly

The Circulatory System

Main Functions:

1) Transports ___________________ to the ____________ from the ___________

2) Transports ______________ ___________________ form ___________to the ____________________

3) Transports essential ______________________ to the cells

4) Carries ____________________ from cells

3 Types of Circulation

1) _______________________ circulation—circulation of blood __________________ the ____________________

2) _______________________ circulation—from __________________ to ___________________ back to ____________________

3)________________________ circulation—from _________________ to ____________________ back to ____________________

Overview of the human circulatory system:

3 Main parts of the Circulatory System

1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

1. Blood: A fluid tissue

a) What is plasma?

b) Complete the following chart.


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2. Blood Vessels

a) Complete the following chart.


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d) Which has thicker walls… arteries or veins? Why?

e) What are the functions of capillaries?

3. The Heart

The Cardiac Cycle

Your heart beats anywhere from 60 – 90 times per minute while at rest (on average for a teenager). Each time it does, a complex series of events occurs known as the cardiac cycle:

Define the following terms: (497 – 499)

Diastole: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Systole: _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Sinoatrial node: _________________________________________________________________________________________

Atrioventricular node: __________________________________________________________________________________

Purkinje fibres: __________________________________________________________________________________________

What causes the familiar “lubb-dubb” sound of the heartbeat?


Mini Investigation - Listening to Heart Sounds (pg. 498)

The sounds produced by the heart are caused mainly by the vibrations produced when the heart valves close and the blood bounces against the walls of the ventricles or blood vessels. The stethoscope makes it much easier to hear these sounds.

There are 2 parts of the cardiac cycle: diastole and systole.

Diastole is when the heart muscle is ______________ which allows the blood to flow into the heart chambers. Systole is when the heart is ______________and this expels blood from the heart chambers.


1) Swab the earpieces of the stethoscope with 70% isopropyl alcohol. Place the stethoscope over your heart.

a) How many distinct sounds make up a heartbeat? ______________

b) Which of the sounds is stronger? ___________________

2) Move the stethoscope around the heart area.

a) Do all areas produce the same number of sounds per heartbeat? ______________

b) Are the sounds in each area of the same intensity as those in other areas? _____________

Mini Investigation - Taking a Pulse (pg. 488)

The pulse is an indication of the rate at which the heart is beating. It varies widely with the amount of exercise, emotional state and general health. It also varies between the sexes.


3) Take your pulse either at the radial artery or at the carotid artery in the neck.

4) For this section, record your results on a suitable table. Having found your pulse, count the number of beats in one minute, a) first standing and then b) sitting. Now c) run in place for one minute; make sure that you lift your knees and work hard. Take your pulse immediately following the exercise. d) After resting for exactly 2 minutes, again take your pulse. Your heart changes pace rapidly, so take the pulse immediately after the exercise. e) What other factors may affect these results?

| |Beats/minute |

|a) Standing | |

|b) Sitting | |

|c) Immediately after exercise | |

|d) After 2 minutes of rest | |

Discussion Questions (Reference pages 497-500 of text)

1) The sinoatrial node or the pacemaker initiates the heartbeat in the ______ atrium. It makes numerous regular ____________ signals each minute which keeps the heart at a normal rhythm. The signals pass over the atria in a wave, causing the muscles to __________. The signals move onto the atrioventricular node between the right ________ and _________. Purkinje fibres run down through the ___________ and muscle cells in the ventricles.

2) a) During diastole, through which blood vessels does blood enter the heart?

b) Are the bicuspid and tricuspid (atrioventricular) valves open or closed?

3) a) Describe through which blood vessels blood leaves the heart during systole.

b) Are the tricuspid and bicuspid valves open or closed during systole?

c) Are the pulmonary and aortic valves open or closed during systole?

4) Which valves are closing when you hear the first heart sound (“lub”)?

Which valves are closing when you hear the second heart sound? (“dub”)?

BLOOD PRESSURE (pg. 491-492)

Blood pressure is the pressure exerted on the walls of the arteries.

Systolic Pressure: pressure on the wall of the aorta as the heart _____________ (systole)

Diastolic Pressure: pressure on the wall of the aorta as the heart _____________ (diastole)

1) Blood pressure is measured with a ____________________________________.

2) What is the average normal blood pressure for adults? ___________________

Label which number is the systolic pressure and which is the diastolic pressure.

3) Place the following blood vessels in order from least to greatest pressure: artery, capillary, vein

4) What problem can result from low blood pressure?

5) What problem can result from high blood pressure?

Mini Investigation – Under Pressure! (pg. 477)

See P. 477 for instructions on measure blood pressure or use the instructions that accompany the cuff.

In pairs, measure each other’s blood pressure. (Make sure you write it in the proper format.)

You: _____________ Your Partner: ____________

Questions: Text Review of Blood Vessels, Pressure and Cardiac Circulation: P. 494 #6; P. 500 #5












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