Dear Students and Parents,

STEAM Night experiment Proposal

**This proposal is due no later than January 13th . This signed sheet will be worth a 20 point test grade.**

My name is: ____________________________________________________________________

My idea for STEAM Night is: _________________________________________________________________________



Investigative Question

▪ Ask a question that can be answered by experimentation. Questions should start with “how” or “why” and cannot be answered with “yes” or “no”.


a. How does the amount of water affect the growth of a plant?

b. Which bread grows the most mold?

My investigative question is: _______________________________________________________




▪ Predict outcome based on experiences.

▪ Write it in the IF… THEN format.

▪ Show the relationship between the independent variable (changed by the scientist) and dependent variable (observed or measured during the experiment).

▪ Make a prediction of how the independent variable will affect the dependent variable.


a. If the amount of water (independent variable)is related to plant growth (dependent variable), then I think the more water I give my plant, the taller it will grow.

b. If the growth of mold is related to the type of bread, then I think more mold will grow on wheat bread.

Write your hypothesis:

If _______________________________ is related to _______________________________,

(independent variable) (dependent variable)

then I think ____________________________________________________________________________________

because ______________________________________________________________________________________


**You must have a parent and teacher signature in order to proceed past this point with your project!

Parent Signature_____________________________________ Teacher Signature___________________________


▪ List every item needed to do the experiment.

▪ Include quantity and sizes.

List your materials:















Procedure (due by January 13th)

▪ List a step-by-step sequence of exactly what is done.

▪ Write steps clearly; they should be able to be recreated by someone else.

▪ State each step as a command.

▪ Include a labeled diagram, if necessary.

▪ Include: the independent variable (changed by the scientist), the dependent variable (observed or measured during the experiment), and the control (what stays the same).

Write your procedure:




▪ Restate your investigative question and hypothesis.

▪ Include observation you made, things you did, and actual experimental data.

▪ Summarize your data and data analysis.

▪ State whether you accept or reject your hypothesis and explain why.

Write your conclusion:



**In class, I will be available to answer questions about the science projects and to make sure students are correctly following the steps of the science inquiry process.

Individual Projects

Students will conduct an experiment at home. The following pages relate directly to the individual projects.

After the experiments have been completed, all data will be brought back to school no later than Monday January 27th, along with the tri-fold display board which will be displayed at STEAM Night on Thursday January 29th, 5:30-7:30pm.

Guidelines to the Steps of the Science Inquiry Process

Investigative Question

▪ Ask a question that can be answered by experimentation. Questions should start with “how” or “why” and cannot be answered with “yes” or “no”.


a. How does the amount of water affect the growth of a plant?

b. Which bread grows the most mold?


▪ Predict outcome based on experiences.

▪ Write it in the IF… THEN format.

▪ Show the relationship between the independent variable (changed by the scientist) and dependent variable (observed or measured during the experiment).

▪ Make a prediction of how the independent variable with affect the dependent variable.


a. If the amount of water (independent variable)is related to plant growth (dependent variable), then I think the more water I give my plant, the taller it will grow.

b. If the growth of mold is related to the type of bread, then I think more mold will grow on wheat bread.


▪ List every item needed to do the experiment.

▪ Include quantity and sizes.


▪ List a step-by-step sequence of exactly what is done.

▪ Write steps clearly; they should be able to be recreated by someone else.

▪ State each step as a command.

▪ Include a labeled diagram, if necessary.

▪ Include: the independent variable (changed by the scientist), the dependent variable (observed or measured during the experiment), and the control (what stays the same).

Data Organizer

▪ Use tables, charts, graphs, pictures, and/or sketches to present your data.

▪ It must be organized, neat, labeled, and include units and a title.

Data Analysis

▪ Graph the data using a bar graph, line graph, or pie chart.

▪ It must be organized, neat, labeled, and include units and a title.

Create your graph or chart.


▪ Restate your investigative question and hypothesis.

▪ Include observation you made, things you did, and actual experimental data.

▪ Summarize your data and data analysis.

▪ State whether you accept or reject your hypothesis and explain why.


Daily Log

A daily log is a record of your investigation and includes everything you do, observe, and measure during your investigation. Record any changes in the procedure and give reasons why it was changed. Write if you become inspired or discouraged by your project. Just remember…

▪ All entries must be handwritten – no computers allowed.

▪ A daily log will be provided.

▪ Put the date on all entries.

▪ For some experiments, the daily log is only for one day. That is okay.

▪ Don’t worry about it getting dirty – that’s okay, too!

Your log will be part of your final presentation and will be turned in with your display board.

Daily logs due by Tuesday January 27th!

|Date |Purpose |Amount of Time |

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|Total Time Spent on | | |

|Project | | |

Display Board

Displays will be made using tri-fold display boards. Your exhibit should tell the story of your project. You have to fit your entire experimental process on your board. Use simple statements and attractive visuals. Remember that your display board is ultimately how your project will be graded. You need to make sure you spend time and effort in making a quality display.

The following components must be included on your board:

□ Your name

□ Title of project

□ Investigative question

□ Hypothesis

□ Materials

□ Procedure

□ Data

□ Data analysis

□ Conclusion


ARE DUE January 27th.


|Assignment |Due Date |Notes |

|Proposal |January 13 | |

|Investigative Question |January 13 | |

|Hypothesis |January 13 | |

|Materials and Procedures |January 27 | |

|Completed experiment & daily log |January 27 | |

|Completed project (including daily log and |January 27 | |

|display board) | | |

5th Grade STEAM Night


| | (5) |(4) | (3) |(2) | (1) | (0) |

|Investigative |Question is clear and complete. |Question is somewhat clear |Some difficulty in understanding.|Question is unclear and or |Not understandable |No investigative question is |

|Question |Easy to understand. |and/or complete. | |incomplete. | |included on the display board. |

|Hypothesis |Uses “if… then” statement to |Uses “if… then” statement to |Attempts to use “if… then” |Does not use “if…then” statement,|Does not use “if… then” statement|No hypothesis is included on the |

| |answer the investigative question|answer the investigative |statement to answer the |but attempts to answer |and/or does not answer the |display board. |

| |clearly. Includes both a |question clearly. Includes both |investigative question. May be |investigative question. |investigative question. | |

| |relationship between the |a relationship between the |missing/incorrectly identifying | | | |

| |independent and dependent |independent and dependent |relationship between variables, | | | |

| |variables, and a prediction with |variables, and a prediction. |or missing prediction. | | | |

| |an explanation. |Missing an explanation. | | | | |

|Materials |All materials used are identified|Most materials used are |Some materials used are |Many materials are missing and no|Materials listed, but not used in|No materials listed on display |

| |in detail, including size and |identified in some detail. |identified in some detail. |detail included. |experiment. |board. |

| |quantity. | | | | | |

|Procedure |All steps followed are listed |Most steps followed are listed |Most steps followed are listed |Some steps followed are listed |Most steps are missing and/or |No procedure is included on the |

| |completely, with details. Easy to|somewhat completely, with most |somewhat completely, with most |somewhat completely, but very |illogical. Difficult to |display board. |

| |understand. |details. |details. Some difficulty in |difficult to understand. |understand. | |

| | | |understanding. | | | |

|Data Organizers |Used at least 2 data organizers: |Used at least 2 data organizers:|Used only 1 data organizer and |Used only one data organizer with|Disorganized and difficult to |No data organizers included on |

| |table, chart, graph, pictures/ |table, chart, graph, pictures/ |lacks some detail. Somewhat easy |no detail. Difficult to |understand with many details |the display board. |

| |and/or sketch. Easy to |and/or sketch. Easy to |to understand. Highlights most |understand. |missing. Few or no highlights | |

| |understand and highlights all |understand and highlights all |major observations. | |given for major observations. | |

| |major observations. Details |major observations. Missing one | | | | |

| |include titles, labeled axis, and|detail. | | | | |

| |/or units. | | | | | |

|Data |All of the data is |Most of the data is |Some of the data is |Most of the data is not accurate/|None of the data is |No data is included on the |

| |accurate/appropriate for |accurate/appropriate for |accurate/appropriate for the |appropriate for the experiment. |accurate/appropriate for the |display board. |

| |experiment. |experiment. |experiment. | |experiment | |

|Conclusion |Includes: restated question; |Includes all but one: restated |Includes all but two: restated |Missing more than two: restated |Vague conclusion with no details.|No conclusion is included on the |

| |restated hypothesis; |question; restated hypothesis; |question; restated hypothesis; |question; restated hypothesis; | |display board. |

| |accepted/rejected hypothesis; |accepted/rejected hypothesis; |accepted/rejected hypothesis; |accepted/rejected hypothesis; | | |

| |explanation with details |explanation with details |explanation with details |explanation with details | | |

|Daily Log |Includes all the details, dates, |Includes some of the details, |Somewhat complete. Includes |Very little detail of the |Incomplete, disorganized, and/or |No daily log. |

| |observations, procedures of the |dates, observations, procedures |little details of the experiment.|experiment. |missing details. Not handwritten.| |

| |experiment. Handwritten. |of the experiment. Handwritten. |Handwritten. | | | |

|Display Board |Well organized. Neat and legible.|Somewhat organized, neat, and |Somewhat organized. Mostly neat |Somewhat organized, but done |Poorly organized. Sloppy and |No display board. |

| |Correct spelling and grammar. |legible. Few spelling and |and legible. Some spelling and |sloppily and hard to read. |illegible. Many spelling/grammar | |

| |Easy to read. |grammar mistakes. Easy to read. |grammar mistakes. Fairly easy to | |mistakes. Difficult to read. | |

| | | |read. | | | |

Student’s Name _________________________________________

Science Fair Project ______________________________________


*Late completion results in a deduction of 1 point per day.

*Ten percent is taken off for each day an item is late.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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