Scientific Method Rubric

Scientific Method Rubric


|Investigative Question |Question is clear and complete. Easy|Question is somewhat clear and/or |Question is unclear and/or |

| |to understand. |complete. Some difficulty in |incomplete. Difficult to understand.|

| | |understanding. | |

|Hypothesis |Hypothesis uses an “IF… THEN…” |Hypothesis attempts to use an “IF… |Hypothesis does not use an “IF… |

| |statement to answer the Investigative|THEN…” statement to answer the |THEN..” statement and/or does not |

| |Question clearly. |Investigative Question somewhat. |answer the Investigative Question. |

|Materials |All materials used are identified in |Most of the materials used are |Materials are missing and/or are not |

| |detail and listed neatly. |identified in some detail and listed |identified in detail. Difficult to |

| | |somewhat neatly. |read. |

|Method |All steps followed are listed |Most steps followed are listed |Steps are missing and/or details are |

| |completely and with details. Easy to|somewhat completely and with most of |missing. Difficult to understand. |

| |understand. |the details. Some difficulty in | |

| | |understanding. | |

|Results Summary |Summary is clearly written with |Summary is somewhat clear with most |Summary is unclear with many details |

| |details. Highlights all major |details. Highlights most major |missing. Few or no highlights given |

| |observations. |observations. |for major observations. |

|Data Log |Data Log is complete and includes |Data Log is somewhat complete and |Data Log is not complete. Sketches |

| |labeled sketches. |includes partially labeled sketches. |are missing. |

|Chart |Chart is complete and neatly labeled.|Chart is somewhat complete and mostly|Chart is not complete and/or missing |

| |Easy to understand. |labeled. Somewhat easy to |labels. Difficult to understand. |

| | |understand. | |

|Graph |Graph is complete and neatly labeled.|Graph is somewhat complete and mostly|Graph is not complete and/or missing |

| |Easy to understand. |labeled. Somewhat easy to |labels. Difficult to understand. |

| | |understand. | |

|Conclusion |Conclusion answers the Question and |Conclusion somewhat answers the |Conclusion does not answer the |

| |clearly explains with details from |Question and somewhat explains with |Question and/or does not explain with|

| |your observations as to why the |some details from your observations |details missing from your |

| |Hypothesis was correct, incorrect, or|as to why the Hypothesis was correct,|observations as to why the Hypothesis|

| |partially correct. |incorrect, or partially correct. |was correct, incorrect, or partially |

| | | |correct. |

|Organization and Format |Well organized. Neat and legible. |Somewhat organized. Neat and legible|Poorly organized. Sloppy and |

| |Correct spelling and grammar used. |most of the time. Some spelling and |illegible. Many spelling and grammar|

| |Easy to read. |grammar mistakes. Fairly easy to |mistakes. Difficult to read. |

| | |read. | |


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