Narrative Structure of Frankenstein by Chapters

Narrative Structure of Frankenstein by Chapters

Letters I-IV: Walton is writing his sister, Margaret

Chpt. 1-9: Victor’s story he is telling Walton

Chpt. 10: Transition chapter where Victor recounts the conversation he has with the creature

Chpt. 11-16: The creature’s story he is telling Victor

Chpt. 17: Transition chapter where Creature and Victor talk after Creature has finished his story

Chpt. 18-first half of chpt. 24: Victor resumes the story he has been telling Walton

Second half of chpt. 24: Walton’s letters to his sister, Margaret, recount what happens in the end to Victor and then Walton’s encounter with the creature

Reading Dates:

Letters and Chpts. 1-10 due Monday, 11/7 (A section) and Tuesday, 11/8 (B section)

Chpts. 11-17 due Monday, 11/14 (Section A) and Tuesday, 11/15 (Section B)

Chpts. 18-24 due Monday, 11/21 for both sections A and B

Test over Frankenstein on Wednesday, 11/23 before we leave for break.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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