Project 4

Listen to the articulation test responses of the five African-American children that are on the course web page (). Gloss and transcribe ten word productions that exhibit features of African American English, phonological processes, or idiosyncratic errors. Record the time (min:sec) where the word occurs in the recording. At least five of the words must show AAE features. Identify all features exhibited in the table columns. Note that some errors may be viewed as both AAE features and phonological processes.

| |Speaker # |Gloss |Transcription |

|BK-str |Backing in /str/ Clusters |MSR-L |Monophthongization & Syllable Reduction Before Liquid |

|DEL-l |Deletion of /l/ Before Labials |Mono |Monophthongization |

|DeRhot |Derhotacization or Deletion of Vocalic and Postvocalic /r/ |PV-IUP |Prevocalic Voicing of /p/ Initial Unstressed Syllables |

|F-Glot-d |Final /d/ Glottalization |Rs-ae |Raised /ae/ |

|F-CR |Final Cluster Reduction |RO-ɝ |Raised Onglide to Stressed Syllabic /r/ |

|FCD |Final Consonant Deletion |Rhot-I |Rhotacization of /I/ |

|FDV-Ob |Final Obstruent Devoicing |Schwa-off |Schwa Offglide |

|FrStress |Front Stressing |ST-th |Stopping of Interdental Fricatives |

|HAP |Haplology |ST-th-N |Stopping of Interdental Voiceless Fricatives Near Nasals |

|ICR-j |Initial /j/ cluster Reduction |ST-Vd-N |Stopping of Voiced Fricatives Before Syllabic Nasals |

|Irhot-J |Initial /j/ Cluster Rhotacization |MRG-T/L |Tense/Lax Merger Before /l/ |

|ICR-r |Initial /r/ Cluster Reduction |Tns |Tensing of Lax Vowels |

|IM-USD |Initial and Medial Unstressed Syllable Deletion |VOC-l |Vocalization of /l/ |

|LAB-th |Labialization of Interdental Fricatives |VC-r |Vowel Centralization Before /r/ |

|MRG-ɪɛ |Merger of /ɪ/ and /ɛ/ Before Nasals | | |

Phonological Process Identification

|BK |Backing of Alveolars |LD |Liquid Deletion |

|CR |Cluster Reduction |GL |Gliding (aka Liquid Simplification) |

|CS |Cluster Simplification |NA |Nasal Assimilation |

|CV |Context-sensitive Voicing |PF |Palatal Fronting |

|DA |Deaffrication |RD |Reduplication |

|ESt |Early Stopping |SA |Syllable Addition |

|FCD |Final Consonant Deletion |VA |Velar Assimilation |

|FS |Fricative Simplification |VF |Velar Fronting |

|GS |Glottal Substitution aka Glottal Insertion |WSD |Weak Syllable Deletion |

|LSt |Later Stopping | | |


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