Homework #1 - An-Najah National University

An-Najah National University Civil Engineering Department

Transportation Systems 1 – CE 360 August 28, 2007

Homework #1 – Know About the Palestinian Transport Sector

Work in groups, each of two persons to obtain the required information for the following questions. You may obtain the information from various sources, observations, quick interviews, or quick sample surveys. In answering each of the questions below, you need to cite your reference(s). A reference may sometimes be a person, an institution, books, reports, statistics, the internet, etc.

1. What is the PNA allocated budget for Transportation Sector? What about the USA?

2. What is the contribution of the Transport Sector in the Palestinian GNP? USA?

3. What is the average monthly family (household) expenditure on Transportation in Palestine?

4. What is the employment contribution of the Transportation Sector in Palestine?

5. What is the average number of weekly trips for Palestinian families? USA?

6. What is the total length of the Palestinian national roads by road class?

7. What is the annual average number of vehicle crashes in Palestine? Jordan? USA?

8. In your city, what is the peak hour and peak month of travel?

9. What is the annual average traveled distance in Palestine? USA?

10. What is the number of registered cars in the West Bank and Gaza Strip?

11. List the types of vehicles (classes) in Palestine.

12. What is the percent fuel consumption of the Transportation Sector out of the total fuel consumption in Palestine? In Western Industrial Counties such as USA?

13. It is stated that five out of six busiest airports are in the USA. What is the busiest airport in the World?

14. What is the average annual number of passengers for PAL (Palestine Air Lines)? Compare with the busiest airport. From where does PAL operate these days?

15. Where are the Palestinian airports located in the West Bank and Gaza? What cities?

16. Where is the Palestinian future seaport located; which city?

17. What railways existed in the West Bank before 1948 Israeli occupation?

CE360: Homework #1 – Know About the Palestinian Transport Sector

Suggested Answers

1. What is the PNA allocated budget for Transportation Sector? What about the USA?

Donor assistance contribution to the transport sector since 1994 has been estimated at $337 million (Source: World Bank, Transport Sector Strategy Note, June 25, 2007).

PECDAR's Road Expenditures (1994-2006)

|Governorate |Number of Executed and Partially Executed |Total Cost ($1000) |

| |Projects | |

|West Bank |736 |87,889 |

|Gaza Strip |347 |82,670 |

|Palestinian Territories |1,083 |170,559 |

Source PECDAR, 2007

MPWH Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Expenditures in the Palestinian Territories (1996-April 2007)

|Year |Gaza Strip ($1000) |West Bank ($1000) |Total ($1,000) |

|1996 |1,567.40 |0 |1,567.40 |

|1997 |1,764.70 |2,058.80 |3,823.50 |

|1998 |1,842.10 |1,578.90 |3,421.00 |

|1999 |483.1 |3,207.70 |3,690.80 |

|2000 |122.5 |1,190.20 |1,312.70 |

|2001 |600 |3,071.30 |3,671.30 |

|2002 |100 |1,000.00 |1,100.00 |

|2003 |500 |1,500.00 |2,000.00 |

|2004-April 2007 |5310 |11,120.00 |16,430.00 |

|Total |12,289.80 |24,726.90 |37,016.70 |

|Source: MPWH, 2004, 2007 |

In the USA:

Federal Transportation Budget Authority by Mode: FY 1985-2003 (Current $ millions)

|Mode |1985 |1990 |1995 |2000 |2001 |

|Personal consumption of transportation, total |238.4 |455.5 |560.3 |768.8 |794.8 |

|Gross private domestic investment, total |52.1 |78.7 |130.5 |195.0 |170.8 |

|Gross Domestic Product |2,795.6 |5,803.2 |7,400.5 |9,824.6 |10,082.2 |

|Total transportation in GDP (percent) |12.5% |10.6% |10.6% |10.5% |N/A |

Source: US Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 2002

2. What is the average monthly family (household) expenditure on Transportation in Palestine?

About $80; approximately 9.3% (2005) – Source: PCBS 2006

3. What is the employment contribution of the Transportation Sector in Palestine?

The share of the employed persons in the transport sector was estimated at 4.7% of the total labor force in the Palestinian territories in 1999, 4.9% in 2000 (World Bank, Transport Sector Study, 2000), and was generally gradually increasing annually to reach 5.7% in 2005 (PCBS, Transport and Communication Statistics in the Palestinian Territories – Annual Report, 2005).

4. What is the average number of weekly trips for Palestinian families? USA?


5. What is the total length of the Palestinian national roads by road class?

Road Network Lengths in the West Bank and Gaza Strip (in Kilometers)

|Total |Local |Regional |Main |Region |

|2261 |1125 |635 |501 |West Bank |

|294 |130 |65 |99 |Gaza |

|2755 |1455 |700 |600 |Palestinian Territories |

Source: Ministry of Public Works and Housing, 2007

Israeli Bypass and Settlement Roads in the West Bank and Gaza Strip (in Kilometers)

|Region |Bypass |Settlement |Total |

|West Bank |345 |621 |966 |

|Gaza Strip |- |- |- |

|Palestinian Territories |345 |621 |966 |

Source: Ministry of Public Works and Housing, 2006

6. What is the annual average number of vehicle crashes in Palestine? Jordan? USA?

بلغ مجموع حوادث الطرق المسجلة في باقي الضفة الغربية وقطاع غزة 3,509 حادثًا خلال العام 2006 ، منها 2,180 حادثًا في باقي الضفة الغربية و 1,329 حادثًا في قطاع غزة. ومن ناحية أخرى فإن عدد الإصابات التي نتجت عن حوادث الطرق خلال العام 2006 ، قد بلغت 6,026 إصابة، منها 4,350 إصابة في باقي الضفة الغربية و 1,676 إصابة في قطاع غزة، ويبين الشكل 9 أعداد الحوادث والإصابات حسب الشهر (المصدر: الجهاز المركزي للإحصاء الفلسطيني، إحصاءات النقل والاتصالات في الأراضي الفلسطينية - التقرير السنوي 200، تموز/ يوليو،2007).


Road Traffic Accidents in the Palestinian Territories by Governorate (1997-2005)

|Govern|1997 |1998 |

|orate | | |

  |Airport |Total

passengers |Airport |Total

cargo | |1. |Atlanta, Hartsfield |85,907,423 |Memphis |3,598,500 | |2. |Chicago, O'Hare |76,510,003 |Hong Kong |3,433,349 | |3. |London, Heathrow |67,915,403 |Anchorage |2,553,937 | |4. |Tokyo, Haneda |63,282,219 |Tokyo, Narita |2,291,073 | |5. |Los Angeles |61,489,398 |Seoul |2,150,140 | |6. |Dallas/Ft. Worth |59,176,265 |Paris, Charles de Gaulle |2,010,361 | |7. |Paris, Charles de Gaulle |53,798,308 |Frankfurt-Main |1,962,927 | |8. |Frankfurt-Main |52,219,412 |Los Angeles |1,938,430 | |9. |Amsterdam, Schiphol |44,163,098 |Shanghai |1,856,655 | |10. |Las Vegas |43,989,982 |Singapore |1,854,510 | |11. |Denver |43,387,513 |Louisville |1,815,155 | |12. |Madrid |41,940,059 |Miami |1,754,633 | |13. |New York |41,885,104 |Taipei |1,705,318 | |14. |Phoenix, Sky Harbor |41,213,754 |New York |1,660,717 | |15. |Beijing |41,004,008 |Chicago, O'Hare |1,546,153 | |16. |Hong Kong |40,269,847 |Amsterdam, Schiphol |1,495,918 | |17. |Houston |39,684,640 |London, Heathrow |1,389,589 | |18. |Bangkok |38,985,043 |Dubai |1,314,906 | |19. |Minneapolis/St. Paul |37,604,373 |Bangkok |1,140,836 | |20. |Detroit |36,389,294 |Indianapolis |985,456 | |21. |Orlando |34,128,048 |Newark |949,933 | |22. |Newark |33,999,940 |Osaka |869,474 | |23. |San Francisco |32,802,363 |Tokyo, Haneda |799,073 | |24. |London, Gatwick |32,784,330 |Beijing |782,066 | |25. |Singapore |32,430,856 |Atlanta, Hartsfield |767,897 | |26. |Philadelphia |31,495,385 |Guangzhou |750,555 | |27. |Tokyo, Narita |31,451,274 |Luxembourg |742,766 | |28. |Miami |31,008,453 |Dallas/Ft. Worth |741,805 | |29 |Toronto |29,914,750 |Oakland |672,844 | |30. |Seattle/Tacoma |29,289,026 |Brussels |660,854 | |

Source: Airports Council International World Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland. Web: .

Source: Infoplease:

7. What is the average annual number of passengers for PAL (Palestine Air Lines)? Compare with the busiest airport. From where does PAL operate these days?

بلغ عدد الرحلات الجوية الفلسطينية المغادرة والقادمة من وإلى مطار العريش في مصر بسبب إغلاق مطار غزة الدولي من قبل الاحتلال 224 رحلة خلال العام 2006 ، منها 138 رحلة منتظمة سافر خلالها 4,227 مسافرًا، وبلغ مجموع عدد الرحلات غير المنتظمة 86 رحلة سافر خلالها 4,267 مسافرا (المصدر: الجهاز المركزي للإحصاء الفلسطيني، إحصاءات النقل والاتصالات في الأراضي الفلسطينية - التقرير السنوي 200، تموز/ يوليو،2007).

8. Where are the Palestinian airports located in the West Bank and Gaza? What cities?

Rafah City

9. Where is the Palestinian future seaport located; which city?

In Gaza City

10. What railways existed in the West Bank before 1948 Israeli occupation?

سكة الحجاز


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