Grade 11 World Religions

Aboriginal Spirituality

Totem Animal Assignment

Catholic Graduate Expectations:

CGE1g -understands that one’s purpose or call in life comes from God and strives to discern and live out this call throughout life’s journey;

CGE4g -examines and reflects on one’s personal values, abilities and aspirations influencing life’s choices and opportunities;

Curriculum Expectations:

– identify the origins of various religious beliefs regarding creation, birth, death, god, destiny, and afterlife (M)

– identify significant sacred writings and/or oral teachings from various religions (M)

– identify sacred beliefs from a variety of religions and explain any commonalities (e.g., flood narratives, creation stories) (O)

– identify and interpret the significance of specific passages from sacred writings or oral teachings from various religions (O)


Take the quiz and see what your spirit animal is!

For this assignment, take the above quiz. It will tell you an animal that best represents who you are in terms of attitudes, beliefs and attributes. Then, have a look at the list of animals HERE. You are to write a two-page double spaced (one-page typed) reflection on your totem animal. Answer the following questions in your reflection: What animal did you choose? Was it different then the animal you were given in the quiz or was it the same? Why did you choose this animal? What attributes did it have that you found appealing? What attributes does it have that you feel you share with the animal? Which attributes does it have that you would like to develop? What other animals did you find appealing on the list? If you had to pick one animal to represent your entire family, which one would it be?

Attach the following rubric to your assignment:


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