Touching Spirit Bear - Monsieur Dumoulin

Touching Spirit Bear


Directions: Create your own unique totem pole using basic materials. Your totem must have at least 3 different animals. Before carving, explain why each animal is significant for you in the space below:

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Touching Spirit Bear


Directions: A little planning can make your totem pole much better. In the boxes below, sketch front, back, and side views of each animal on your totem pole. Remember that you will be carving a 3d totem.

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Touching Spirit Bear

Totem Essay Assignment


|Write an essay describing the three animals which you feel represent your personality the best. You may use the totem you have |

|carved as inspiration for your essay. You may also discuss the characters and events from Touching Spirit Bear. Remember to |

|explain what totem poles are and there significance. |


The following material may give you ideas for your writing. You do not have to use it. Consider your own ideas, gained through reading the novel.

“Whatever you do to the animals, you do to yourself. Remember that.” (19)

“The mauling didn’t make sense. In the past, everything had always been afraid of him. Why wasn’t the bear scared?” ( 81)

“A whale migrates but it doesn’t have a home…I feel like the whale.” (182)

Being invisible had nothing to do with being seen. Being invisible meant not being sensed or felt.”(226)

“The dances, carving the totem, carrying the ancestor rock, touching the Spirit Bear, it was all the same thing—it was finding out who I really was.”(283)

“Standing beside the totems, he explained to Peter that being invisible was being a part of life’s circle and accepting it. ‘This morning, when we forgave each other, we also forgave ourselves…We allowed ourselves to become a part of the big circle. That’s why we saw the Spirit Bear.’” ( 286)

|Beaver Dance |Whale Dance |

|Cole sees a beaver in the freezing pond, and he does a beaver |In this dance, Cole breaches like a whale, and he learns that he |

|dance. From it, he learns how the beaver has "persistence, |is like the whales because he too does not have a fixed home and |

|patience, and ingenuity" in order to build a dam all on its own. |is searching for truth. |

| |from the Eagle Dance. |

|Eagle Dance |Wolf Dance |

|Since eagles soar high above in the sky, Cole learns to stay |Cole learns from this dance that he must learn from others and |

|strong and proud, while keeping a broad perspective |seek their help like a wolf in his own pack. |

|Anger Dance |

|Edwin tells Cole that he must dance the anger dance in order to fully heal his anger, but he must be ready for it. When Cole does |

|dance it, he reenacts the attack of the Spirit Bear. He dances for longer than he ever had before and feels an immense sense of |

|relief afterwards. |


|Cross-Reference to |• explores the topic |• focused introduction |• sentence structure is |• accuracy of the words and |• mechanics (spelling, |• planning |

|Outcomes in the Program |• establishes a purpose |• coherent order |controlled |expressions |punctuation, capitalization, |• design |

|of Studies for Grade 9 |• presents ideas |• connections between events |• sentence type and sentence |• effectiveness of the words |indentation for new speakers,|4.3 |

|English Language Arts |• supports the response |and/or details |length are effective and |and expressions |etc.) and usage (subject-verb| |

| |• considers the reader |• closure |varied |• appropriateness and |agreement, pronoun-antecedent| |

| |2.1 2.2 2.4 3.1 3.3 4.1 4.3 |3.1 3.3 4.1 4.3 |• sentence beginnings are |effectiveness of the |agreement, etc.) | |

| | | |varied |voice/tone created by the |• clarity and flow of the | |

| | | |4.1 4.2 |student |response | |

| | | | |4.1 4.2 |4.2 | |

|Excellent |• The student’s exploration |• The introduction is |• Sentence structure is |• Words and expressions are |• The quality of the writing |• The carving shows evidence |

|E |of the topic is insightful |engaging and skillfully |effectively and consistently |used accurately and |is enhanced because it is |of careful planning |

| |and/or imaginative. |establishes a focus that is |controlled. |deliberately. |essentially error-free. |• The carving has an original|

| |• The student’s purpose, |consistently sustained. |• Sentence type and sentence |• Precise words and |• Any errors that are present|and sophisticated design |

| |whether stated or implied, is|• Events and/or details are |length are consistently |expressions are used to |do not reduce clarity and/or | |

| |deliberate. |developed in a judicious |effective and varied. |create vivid images and/or to|do not interrupt the flow of | |

| |• The ideas presented by the |order, and coherence is |• Sentence beginnings are |enrich details. |the response. | |

| |student are perceptive and/or|maintained. |consistently varied. |• The voice/tone created by | | |

| |carefully chosen. |• Transitions, either | |the student is convincing. | | |

| |• Supporting details are |explicit or implicit, | | | | |

| |precise and/or original. |fluently connect events | | | | |

| |• The writing is confident |and/or details within | | | | |

| |and/or creative and holds the|sentences and/or between | | | | |

| |reader’s interest. |paragraphs. | | | | |

| | |• Closure is effective and | | | | |

| | |related to the focus. | | | | |

|Proficient |• The student’s exploration |• The introduction is |• Sentence structure is |• Words and expressions are |• The quality of the writing |• The carving shows evidence |

|Pf |of the topic is adept and/or |purposeful and clearly |consistently controlled. |often used accurately. |is sustained because it |of generalized but effective |

| |plausible. |establishes a focus that is |• Sentence type and sentence |• Specific words and |contains only minor |planning |

| |• The student’s purpose, |capably sustained. |length are usually effective |expressions show some |convention errors. |• The carving has a |

| |whether stated or implied, is|• Events and/or details are |and varied. |evidence of careful selection|• Any errors that are present|thoughtful and interesting |

| |intentional. |developed in a sensible |• Sentence beginnings are |and/or some awareness of |rarely reduce clarity and/or |design |

| |• The ideas presented by the |order, and coherence is |often varied. |connotative effect. |seldom interrupt the flow of | |

| |student are thoughtful and/or|generally maintained. | |• The voice/tone created by |the response. | |

| |sound. |• Transitions, either | |the student is distinct. | | |

| |• Supporting details are |explicit or implicit, clearly| | | | |

| |specific and/or apt. |connect events and/or details| | | | |

| |• The writing is considered |within sentences and/or | | | | |

| |and/or elaborated and draws |between paragraphs. | | | | |

| |the reader’s interest. |• Closure is appropriate and | | | | |

| | |related to the focus. | | | | |

|Satisfactory |• The student’s exploration |• The introduction is |• Sentence structure is |• Words and expressions are |• The quality of the writing |• The carving shows some |

|S |of the topic is clear and/or |functional and establishes a |generally controlled, but |generally used appropriately.|is sustained through |evidence of planning |

| |logical. |focus that is generally |lapses may occasionally | |generally correct use of |• The carving has a |

| |• The student’s purpose, |sustained. |impede meaning. |• General words and |conventions. |conventional design |

| |whether stated or implied, is|• Events and/or details are |• Sentence type and sentence |expressions are used |• Errors occasionally reduce | |

| |evident. |developed in a discernible |length are sometimes |adequately to clarify |clarity and/or sometimes | |

| |• The ideas presented by the |order, although coherence may|effective and/or varied. |meaning. |interrupt the flow of the | |

| |student are appropriate |falter occasionally. |• Some variety of sentence |• The voice/tone created by |response. | |

| |and/or predictable. |• Transitions, either |beginnings is evident. |the student is discernible | | |

| |• Supporting details are |explicit or implicit, tend to| |but may be inconsistent or | | |

| |relevant and/or generic. |be mechanical and are | |uneven. | | |

| |• The writing is |generally used to connect | | | | |

| |straightforward and/or |events and/or details within | | | | |

| |generalized and occasionally |sentences and/or between | | | | |

| |appeals to the reader’s |paragraphs. | | | | |

| |interest. |• Closure is related to the | | | | |

| | |focus and is mechanical | | | | |

| | |and/or artificial. | | | | |

|Limited |• The student’s exploration |• The introduction lacks |• Sentence structure often |• Words and expressions are |• The quality of the writing |• The carving shows little |

|L |of the topic is tenuous |purpose and/or is not |lacks control, and this may |often used inexactly. |is weakened by the frequently|evidence of planning |

| |and/or simplistic. |functional; any focus |impede meaning. |• Imprecise words and |incorrect use of conventions.|• The carving has a vague or |

| |• The student’s purpose, |established provides little |• Sentence type and sentence |expressions predominate; | |simplistic design |

| |whether stated or implied, is|direction and/or is not |length are seldom effective |specific words, if present, |• Errors blur clarity and/or | |

| |vague. |sustained. |and/or varied; syntactic |may be improperly used. |interrupt the flow of the | |

| |• The ideas presented by the |• The development of events |structures are frequently |• The voice/tone created by | | |

| |student are superficial |and/or details is not clearly|awkward. |the student is not clearly | | |

| |and/or ambiguous. |discernible, and coherence |• There is little variety of |established or is indistinct.| | |

| |• Supporting details are |falters frequently. |sentence beginnings. | | | |

| |imprecise and/or abbreviated.|• Transitions, either | | | | |

| | |explicit or implicit, are | | | | |

| |• The writing is uncertain |lacking and/or | | | | |

| |and/or incomplete and does |indiscriminately used to | | | | |

| |not appeal to the reader’s |connect events and/or details| | | | |

| |interest. |within sentences and/or | | | | |

| | |between paragraphs. | | | | |

| | |• Closure is abrupt, | | | | |

| | |contrived, and/or unrelated | | | | |

| | |to the focus. | | | | |

|Poor |• The student’s exploration |• The introduction, if |• Sentence structure |• Words and expressions are |• The quality of the writing |• The carving shows no |

|P |of the topic is minimal |present, is obscure and/or |generally lacks control, and |generally used inaccurately. |is impaired by the |evidence of planning |

| |and/or tangential. |ineffective; any focus |this often impedes meaning. |• Ineffective words and |consistently incorrect use of|• The carving has an |

| |• The student’s purpose, |established provides no |• There is essentially no |expressions predominate; |conventions. |ineffective or confusing |

| |whether stated or implied, is|direction and/or is |variation in sentence type or|specific words, if present, |• Errors severely reduce |design |

| |insubstantial. |undeveloped. |sentence length; syntactic |are frequently misused. |clarity and/or impede the | |

| |• The ideas presented by the |• The development of events |structures are |• The voice/tone created by |flow of the response. | |

| |student are overgeneralized |and/or details is haphazard |unintelligible. |the student is not evident or| | |

| |and/or underdeveloped. |and/or incoherent. |• There is essentially no |is indiscreet. | | |

| |• Supporting details are |• Transitions, either |variety of sentence | | | |

| |irrelevant and/or scant. |explicit or implicit, are |beginnings. | | | |

| |• The writing is confusing |absent and/or inappropriately| | | | |

| |and/or lacks validity and |used to connect events and/or| | | | |

| |does not interest the reader.|details within sentences | | | | |

| | |and/or between paragraphs. | | | | |

| | |• Closure is ineffectual or | | | | |

| | |missing. | | | | |


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