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SBI3UI Exam ReviewMultiple ChoiceIdentify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.____1.Which of the following is not important in the morphological species concept?a.sized.reproductive strategyb.shapee.All are important.c.structural features____2.What is wrong with the way this species name is written? Acer Canadiensa.It should not be italicized.b.It should be underlined.c.Acer should not be capitalized.d.Canadiens should not be capitalized.e.Neither acer nor canadiens should be capitalized.____3.What is the correct order of taxonomic ranks from most general to most specific?a.domain, kingdom, family, class, order, genus, species, phylumb.species, genus, family, order, domain, class, phylum, kingdomc.domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, speciesd.phylum, kingdom, domain, species, genus, class, order, familye.genus, species, order, family, phylum, kingdom, class, domain____4.Which of the following organisms would not belong to the Eukarya domain?a.shitake mushroomd.Eastern cottontail rabbitb.E. coli maple tree____5.Similar bones are found in the arms of humans, legs of horses, and fins of whales. What does this tell us about their evolutionary relationship?a.They share a common ancestor.d.They share phylogeny.b.They are similar organisms.e.They have very similar DNA.c.They are not related to each other.____6.Which kingdom contains heterotrophic, eukaryotic organisms with chitin in their cell walls?a.Bacteriac.Protistae.Animaliab.Plantaed.Fungi____7.While viewing some pond water, you see a unicellular organism with a flagella and chloroplasts. What kingdom would you place this organism into?a.Bacteriab.Plantaec.Protistad.Fungie.Animalia____8.Classify the micro-organism in the image above.a.virusd.protistb.bacteriae.There is not enough information.c.archaea____9.How does the micro-organism pictured above reproduce?a.mitosisc.binary fissione.cell divisionb.meiosisd.lytic cycle____10.Classify the micro-organism in the image above.a.virusd.protistb.bacteriae.There is not enough information.c.archaea____11.Which of the following characteristics is not true of eukaryotic cells?a.size is 100–1000 mmd.circular DNAb.reproduce by mitosise.may be able to reproduce by meiosisc.membrane-bound organelles____12.What is the composition of a virus?a.cell wall, organelles, cilia, nucleic acidb.protein coat, nucleic acidc.cell membrane, nucleic acidd.cell wall, nucleic acide.cell membrane, organelles, nucleic acid____13.Which of the following is the best description of a virus?a.small prokaryotic cellsd.protein piecesb.small eukaryotic cellse.DNA or RNA surrounded by proteinc.large prokaryotic cells____14.Which of the following bacteria would be considered an aggregation?a.Streptococcusc.coccuse.both (a) and (b)b.Streptobacillusd.bacillus____15.In which habitat would you find a mesophile?a.battery acidd.the surface of a springse.pickle brinec.37 percent salt solution____16.What is the importance of conjugation?a.increased genetic diversityd.transfer of heat toleranceb.improved adaptations e.all of the abovec.transfer of antibiotic resistance____17.What is a plasmid?a.small loop of DNAd.the nucleic acid of a virusb.genome of bacteriae.the cell wall of a bacteriac.the outer protein coat of a virus____18.Classify the organism in the image.a.animal-like protistd.fungus-like protistb.slime moulde.not enough information to tellc.plant-like protist____19.Classify the organism in the image.a.Oomycotac.Zoomastiginae.Cercozoab.Sporozoad.Ciliophora____20.What disease does Plasmodium cause in humans?a.malariac.encephalitise.athlete’s footb.cholerad.amoebic dysentery____21.Which phylum do diatoms belong to?a.Pyrrophytac.phytoplanktone.dinoflagellatesb.Chrysophytad.euglenoid____22.Which of the following are ancestors of plants? algaee.all of the algae____23.Which of the following includes giant kelp?a.brown algaee.all of the algae____24.Which of the following is not a bryophyte?a.mossd.fernb.liverworte.They are all bryophytes.c.hornwort____25.What is the characteristic that distinguishes bryophytes from the other plant phyla?a.They do not have embryos.d.They have fruits.b.They do not have vascular tissue.e.They have lignin in their cell walls.c.They have flowers.____26.Which part of the fern produces sperm?a.archegoniumc.sporophytee.sorib.antheridiumd.pinna____27.What do gymnosperms and angiosperms have in common?a.They are found in all habitats.b.They produce flowers.c.They produce fruits.d.They have leaves with a large surface area.e.They reproduce with seeds.____28.Which of the following is an angiosperm?a.white lilyc.white sprucee.peat mossb.white pined.sensitive fern____29.Which label on the diagram above is pointing to the male reproductive organ?a.Ab.Bc.Cd.De.E____30.Which of the following is not a fungi?a.shitake mushroomc.bread moulde.Volvoxb.mildewd.yeast____31.Cordyceps is a fungi that infects insects. It grows in their brain tissue and eventually kills its host. The fruiting bodies of the fungus then emerge to release spores into the air. What type of nutrition is this an example of?a.autotrophicc.mutualistice.predatoryb.saprobiald.parasitic____32.What is a lichen?a.a fungus and a photosynthetic organism that form a composite organismb.a terrestrial archaea and yeast composite organismd.a sac fungi which grows with a club fungi to make a composite aquatic fungi____33.Which of the following is not a characteristic of all animals?a.They are multicellular eukaryotes.b.They ingest and digest food.c.They are mobile at some point in their life.d.They reproduce sexually.e.They have vertebrae.____34.Which characteristic can be described as radial or bilateral?a.segmentationc.movemente.body cavityb.body symmetryd.reproduction____35.What do the words ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm refer to?a.levels of organizationd.body cavityb.body layerse.segmentationc.symmetry____36.What can you infer by looking at an organism and noticing that it has a flattened body?a.It has no coelom.d.It is radially symmetrical.b.It has two germ layers.e.It is segmented.c.It is unicellular.____37.Which characteristic is unique to arthropods?a.jointed legsd.antennaeb.segmented bodye.both (a) and (b)c.exoskeleton____38.What are the cells produced after cell division called?a.spermc.daughter cellse.resultant cellsb.eggd.parent cells____39.Which of the following terms best describes cells such as bone cells, nerve cells, and skin cells?a.tissueb.stemc.germd.gametice.somatic____40.What produces spindle fibres?a.centrosomesd.chromatidsb.centromerese.Nothing; they are always there.c.poles____41.What stage of cell division is shown in this image?a.interphasec.prophasee.anaphaseb.telophased.metaphase____42.What phase of meiosis is shown in the image?a.prophase Ic.anaphase IIe.metaphase IIb.metaphase Id.anaphase I____43.If an organism is 2n = 54, how many chromosomes will be in each of its gametes?a.54b.52c.27d.108e.104____44.What causes fraternal twins?a.One zygote divides.d.Two zygotes divide.b.Two zygotes merge.e.Two sperm fertilize one egg.c.Two sperm fertilize two eggs.____45.What causes monosomy and trisomy disorders?a.deletionc.translocatione.duplicationb.insertiond.non-disjunction____46.If a person is XXY, what sex are they?a.malec.hermaphroditice.They are both sexes.b.femaled.They have no sex.____47.What plant did Mendel experiment on?a.snapdragonsc.sunflowerse.safflowerb.peasd.beans____48.What is another term for “true-breeding”?a.heterozygousc.homozygouse.asexualb.hybridd.hermaphroditic____49.In pea plants, the gene for inflated pods (R) is dominant to the gene for pinched pods (r). Which of the following is a test cross? a.RRxRRc.RrxRre.none of the aboveb.RRxRrd.RRxrr____50.What is the predicted phenotypic ratio in a monohybrid cross with a heterozygous parent and a homozygous recessive parent?a.1:2:1b.1:1:2c.3:1d.2:2e.4:0____51.How many different allele combinations can be made if the genotype of the parent is AaBB?a.1b.2c.3d.4e.6____52.What is the genotype of the parent on the top row of the Punnett square? human parents with dimples have children and they all do not have dimples. What are the genotypes of the parents?a.Dd and Ddc.dd and dde.DD and ddb.Dd and ddd.DD and Dd____54.How many autosomes do humans have?a.23b.72c.46d.22e.44____55.What does this symbol tell you on a pedigree?a.identical twinsc.siblingse.matingb.non-identical twinsd.divorced parents____56.Which type of genetic test can be used to identify the breast cancer susceptibility gene?a.karyotypec.FISHe.both (a) and (c)b.gene testingd.biochemical testing____57.Cows can be roan, red, or white. What type of inheritance does this illustrate?a.incomplete linkageb.codominancee.autosomal dominancec.multiple alleles____58.What is the most likely mode of inheritance for human height?a.incomplete linkageb.autosomal dominancee.polygenic inheritancec.multiple alleles____59.Which of the following is an example of codominance?a.Red pea flowers ? white pea flowers produces red pea flowers.b.Red pea flowers ? white pea flowers produces white pea flowers.c.Red pea flowers ? white pea flowers produces variegated red and white flowers.d.Red pea flowers ? white pea flowers produces pink pea flowers.e.Red pea flowers ? white pea flowers produces red, pink, and white flowers.____60.In humans, blood type is controlled by multiple alleles. What are the possible genotypes of parents if their children have type O, type B, and type A blood?a.IAIA and IBIBd.IAIA and IAib.IAIA and iie.IBi and IBIBc.IAi and IBi____61.What is the main clue used to recognize X-linked traits?a.more than three phenotypesd.three phenotypesb.less than three phenotypese.continuous variation in phenotypesc.males have the trait more often____62.Which statement about linked genes is true?a.They tend to be inherited together.d.They tend to be inherited randomly.b.They are more common in males.e.They cause disease.c.They are more common in females.____63.A fruit fly has the genotype XRXr. What is its phenotype?a.female with white eyesd.male with red eyesb.female with red eyese.female with red and white eyesc.male with white eyes____64.A colour vision deficient (CVD) male marries a female with normal colour vision. Assuming that she is a carrier, what is the likelihood that they will have a CVD male child?a.0 percentc.50 percente.100 percentb.25 percentd.75 percent____65.A family friend tells you that he is responsible for collecting data from geneticists all over the world. What field does the friend work in?a.microbiologyc.genomicse.microarraysb.bioinformaticsd.haplotype creation____66.How much genetic variation is there in the genomes of different humans?a.50 percentc.10 percente.0.1 percentb.25 percentd.5 percent____67.A selective obvious at birth b.allows an individual to survive environmental conditions seen in all offspring d.helps all members of the population usually a new genetic mutation ____68.Natural selection means thata.individuals change over time b.populations change over many generations c.a few individuals respond to the environment by changing to adapt d.genes mutate in response to changes in the environment e.offspring are bigger and stronger than parents ____69.Natural selection is best described asa.aggressive c.hierarchical e.directional b.passive d.situational ____70.Which of the following vegetables is not a modified version of the wild mustard plant?a.ricec.Brussels sproutse.cabbageb.broccolid.cauliflower____71.Which of these is an example of a monoculture in agriculture?a.pedigreed breeding of cattle b.creating vegetables that grow in cooler climates c.growing crops with little genetic diversity d.growing many crops in the same field e.harvesting grasses to use as hay for animals ____72.Mimicry is an example ofa.camouflage c.intelligence e.avoidance behaviour b.behavioural adaptation d.structural adaptation ____73.Paleontology is the study and mineralsb.genetic drifte.all of the abovec.fossils____74.Which of these statements is true?a.Younger strata are usually nearer the surface.b.More recent fossils are in the deepest strata.c.The best fossils are formed during a cataclysmic event.d.Rock strata are formed by volcanic activity.e.Water’s ability to erode rock helps to explain how fossils are formed.____75.How is sediment important to fossil strata?a.Sediment is sticky and can trap animals.b.Sediment is evidence of a major flood.c.The sediment stops rapid decomposition of the remains. d.Dangerous organisms can hide in the sediment and kill organisms.e.Fossils are most plentiful in the deepest layers of rock.____76.Which of the following is a hypothesis proposed by Lamarck?a.Individuals in a population that are better adapted to their environment will survive and reproduce.b.Fossil evidence shows that natural catastrophes determine species extinction.c.Earth must be more than 6000 years old.anisms will become progressively better adapted their environments from one generation to the next.e.Fossils can be found in permafrost as well as rock.____77.The Galapagos finches are famous because theya.have bills that are matched to special Galapagos flowers b.have bills adapted to a variety of diets c.have dramatic mating rituals d.are brightly coloured unique diets of Galapagos insects ____78.What did Darwin learn from his study of artificial selection? a.that new species of animals can be formed b.that the albino form can be found in all animals c.that dog varieties can interbreed d.that traits can be passed from parents to offspring e.that pigeons can produce large clutches of eggs ____79.Another naturalist developed a theory that was similar to Darwin’s natural selection. Who was this other naturalist?a.John Rayd.Alfred Russel Wallaceb.Carolus Linnaeuse.Thomas Malthusc.Jean-Baptiste Lamarck____80.Which structure is analogous to a bat’s wing?a.human armc.whale legb.butterfly wingd.bird wing____81.Evidence from embryology supports Darwin’s theory becausea.embryos of different organisms form distinct shapesb.embryos of different organisms share basic structures, such as throat pouchesc.human embryos go through a fish stage before they are bornd.vertebrates give birth to live younge.all females produce eggs____82.The fossil record shows thata.early life began almost 4 billion years ago anisms become larger over time c.animal fossils are more common than plant fossils d.change starts out slowly and then accelerate rapidlye.all of the above ____83.What is a transitional fossil?a.a fossil that reveals links between groups of organismsb.a snapshot of an ancestral form c.fossils found between erasd.fossils of immature organisms that are not yet in adult forme.all of the above____84.Biogeography supports which of the following statements?a.Similar environments support similar species, such as cacti in deserts.b.Closely related species are found in similar environments around the world.c.Island animals share similar common ancestors.d.Similar fossil species are found on coasts of neighbouring continents.e.all of the above ____85.Gene flow genetic differences in individuals change after several generations b.the net movement of alleles from one population to another by individual migration c.the plasticity of the gene pool d.the frequency of alleles changes based on the selective pressure of the environment e.the genetic diversity in a population from one generation to the next ___86.A wolf travels a great distance to select a mate based on physical and behavioural traits.This is an example of a.the founder effect c.non-random mating e.directional selection b.mating drift d.artificial selection ____87.During the mating season, male caribou can lock antlers. This activitya.wastes the energy of the strongest males so that they cannot mate b.shows the females who has the most attractive antlers c.ends with one caribou killing the other caribou d.helps males determine which is the strongest so that the other moves on e.helps to polish the antlers and make them smooth ____88.Which population is likely to experience genetic drift? in which females determine phenotype preferenceb.a small populationc.a population that migrates where environmental conditions select for particular in which mutations are common____89.The founder effect occurs frequently a.where mutations are common b.on islands c.with large, diverse populations large gene pools a result of inbreeding ____90.Disruptive selection acts toa.increase the more extreme forms of a trait b.change the frequency of one extreme form of a trait c.reduce all frequencies equally d.reduce the more extreme forms of a trait e.increase the population after a severe population drop ____91.Which statement describes speciation?a.Hybrids produce a new offspring.b.Male ducks look different from female ducks.c.An alpha male dominates a population.d.Populations live in similar areas.e.A population can no longer interbreed with original populations.____92.Which of the following does not describe a reproductive isolating mechanism?a.zygotic mortalityd.gametic isolationb.sexual selectione.hybrid inviabilityc.temporal isolation____93.Allopatric speciation describes populations that are separated bya.temporal barriers d.geographical barriers b.gametic barriers e.ecological barriers c.behavioural barriers ____94.If a group at the periphery of a population splinters off, thea.environmental differences can lead to different preferred phenotypes might go extinct c.gene pool is small and might be missing some alleles d.founder effect can lead to different allele frequencies e.all of the above ____95.How does the fossil evidence support the model of punctuated equilibrium?a.Evolutionary change is slow and steady.b.Big changes occur by the accumulation of many small changes.c.The fossil record is incomplete.d.Mammals in the Triassic show gradual change.e.Paleontologists find fossil species that appear suddenly and show a period of rapid change.____96.Mass extinctions tend to be followed by widespread speciation. How does extinction help speciation?a.different food sourcesb.fewer predatorsc.more available ecological nichesd.isolated populations show genetic drifte.all of the above____97.Nutrients are the raw materials of our body that build structures anda.provide energy c.create tears e.all of the above b.fight bacteria d.form urine for waste ____98.Which of the following is not a category of macromolecule?a.nucleic acids c.lipids e.proteins b.metabolites d.carbohydrates ____99.A carbohydrate can be a simple sugar or aa.lipidc.glycemiae.polysaccharideb.polypeptided.sucralose____100.What is an important feature of lipids? They area.made of carbon atoms d.insoluble in waterb.the main component in sweat e.all of the above c.the basic parts of digestive juices ____101.Proteins are made up of long chains ofa.nucleic acids c.glycerides e.peptins b.monosaccharides d.amino acids ____102.Proteins that we make in our cells are used and repair cell membrane d.speed up chemical reactions in and repair musclese.all of the above c.provide immunity against disease____103.What do enzymes break lipids into?a.monosaccharides d.bile salts b.amino acids e.nucleotides c.glycerol and fatty acids ____104.Which process is not connected to the mineral calcium?a.forming bonesd.contracting musclesb.conducting nerve signalse.clotting bloodc.balancing body fluids____105.Which vitamin is needed for metabolizing carbohydrates?a.A b.B1 c.C d.D e.E ____106.Fluid feeders include a.caterpillars c.owls e.cats b.butterflies d.clams ____107.The digestive tract in most animals is a long open tube. What is this tube called?a.the gullet c.the gizzard e.the intestines b.the alimentary canal d.the capillary tube____108.Digestion of nutrients starts in thea.mouth c.duodenum e.ileum b.stomach d.jejunum ____109.The pancreas secretes enzymes and bicarbonate into thea.esophagus c.duodenum e.ileum b.stomach d.jejunum ____110.The intestines are made of muscle. This is to energy during exercise b.push chyme along the system c.the body to use nutrients as they digest d.use force to digest food e.all of the above ____111.What is the role of peptidase? break polysaccharides into disaccharides break proteins into small break polysaccharides into break fat droplets into glycerol and fatty break peptides into amino acids ____112.How is fibre important to the elimination of food waste?a.Fruits are a good source of vitamins.d.Fibre attracts bacterial activity.b.Fibre is the source of bacteria.e.all of the above c.Fibre helps prevent constipation.____113.What do cells in the body need oxygen for? d.removing toxins cellular fluid e.healthy blood cells c.cellular respiration ____114.Inspiration and exhalation ensure thata.oxygen enters the blood d.glucose is metabolized b.air is exchanged with the outside is released in the body c.carbon dioxide is removed from blood ____115.The respiratory surface of an animal’s body must be moist so thata.air does not go down the wrong way d.air is humid b.carbon dioxide is easy to separate e.oxygen is dissolved c.nitrogen is neutralized ____116.Which of these structures is not an example of a respiratory surface?a.lungsb.skinc.pharynxd.gillse.spiracle____117.Capillaries a.act as the site of oxygen diffusion b.lie near the respiratory surface of lungs c.carry blood for gas exchange d.have thin walls e.all of the above ____118.How is the tracheal system of the insect distinct from the respiratory surfaces of earthworms, fish, and mammals?a.Carbon dioxide has a different exit. d.Blood is not involved. b.The spiracles are dry.e.Oxygen is not involved.c.Insects breathe through dry skin.____119.Water flows across the gill and blood the same direction d.across the gill sideways the opposite direction e.all of the above all directions ____120.Breathing is regulated by a centre in thea.brain c.chest e.nasal passages b.heart d.thymus ____121.Air moves into the lungs when the diaphragm isa.flattened down by contraction d.up in the dome shape b.pushing on the lungs e.pushed to the side by the ribsc.expanded to force the chest open ____122.When a person is breathing normally, the air that is exhaled is called thea.vital capacity d.tidal volume b.expiratory reserve capacity e.inspiratory reserve volume c.inspiratory capacity ____123.What is the maximum amount of air that can be forced in or out of the lungs called?a.the vital capacity d.the tidal volume b.the expiratory residual capacity e.the inspiratory reserve volume c.the inspiratory capacity ____124.A spirometer is an instrument that measures the amount of a.air exhaled d.oxygen in the air inhaled b.carbon dioxide in air exhaled e.air inhaled and exhaled c.air inhaled ____125.The trachea isa.the area in the throat that is a passageway for both air and food b.the air tube that connects the mouth to the lungs c.the opening to the windpipe d.the flap that covers the windpipe when eating or drinking e.the turbinate bones ____126.The epiglottis isa.the area in the throat that is a passageway for both air and food b.the air tube that connects the mouth to the lungs c.the opening to the windpipe d.the flap that covers the windpipe when eating or drinking e.the turbinate bones ____127.The bronchioles area.the structure that contains the vocal chords b.tubes branching from the trachea c.smaller branches in the lungs d.where gas exchange occurse.thin membranes covering the lungs ____128.Each alveolus is surrounded by a.a double-layered membrane d.a pool of blood b.capillaries e.the pleural membrane c.ligaments ____129.Red blood cells have hemoglobin, a protein thata.dissolves oxygen b.dissolves carbon dioxide c.cannot distinguish oxygen from carbon dioxide d.attracts oxygen e.attracts carbon dioxide ____130.A persistent cough is a symptom ofa.laryngitis c.bronchitis e.diabetesb.tracheitis d.tonsillitis ____131.Emphysema is a condition related toa.the elasticity of the pleural membrane d.the elasticity of the respiratory surface inflammation of the bronchioles e.the muscles of the bronchioles c.a sticky mucus that clogs the lungs ____132.The circulatory system is a transport system that carriesa.oxygen c.wastes e.all of the above b.antibodies d.nutrients ____133.A distinct feature of a closed circulatory system isa.vessels that separate blood from the body b.tubes that carry blood to cells c.the muscular heart d.blood that carries various materials throughout the body e.changing blood pressure ____134.The vena cavaa.carries blood to the heart d.carries blue blood b.carries blood to the lung e.carries clean blood c.carries blood away from the lung ____135.Which part of the heart pumps blood to the body?a.left atrium c.septum e.right ventricle b.left ventricle d.right atrium ____136.The tricuspid valve opens to thea.right atrium c.left atrium e.aorta b.right ventricle d.left ventricle ____137.A pulse measures heart rate by measuring the action of thea.vein valves opening d.capillary contractions b.vein wall e.left ventricle c.artery wall ____138.The erythrocyte is a component of the blood that carriesa.most of the dissolved oxygen from the lungs b.dissolved inorganic ions that help nerves fire c.enzymes that digest food for cells d.enzymes that ingest pathogens that might start an infection e.all of the above ____139.Which protein that is part of the blood clot process is produced by the liver?a.fibrin c.hemoglobin e.prothrombin b.fibrinogen d.thromboplastin ____140.Which of these blood parts is the smallest as an individual part?a.erythrocytec.lymphocytee.monocyteb.neutrophild.platelet____141.Which blood vessel is the largest in the body?a.aortad.renal artery (kidney)b.coronary arterye.umbilical arteryc.pulmonary arteryThe blood in the vial has been separated by a rapidly spinning centrifuge.____142.Which part of the blood is involved with transportation of most of the nutrients and waste?a.white blood blood cellse.proteinsb.plateletsd.plasma____143.The AV node regulatesa.temperature control in an arm d.the contraction of the ventricles much blood enters the atrium e.when the ventricles open c.the contraction of the atria ____144.The SA node is found neara.the wall of the septum d.the apex of the heart b.the aortic valve e.the bundle of His c.the wall of the right atrium ____145.Blood pressure readings have two distinct measurements, the a.arteriole and venule d.arteriole and ventriole b.statin and cholesterol e.systole and diastole c.proximol and diastole ____146.What is a common characteristic of a stroke? A strokea.cuts off oxygen to the brain d.acts quickly b.leads to paralysis caused by a blood clot the result of a blocked artery ____147.Which device can capture the electrical signals that cause the heart to beat?a.a stethoscope encephalogram b.a sphygmomanometer e.a stroke volume indicator electrocardiogram MatchingIdentify the term that best matches the definition or description given.a.bryophytef.fruiting organism’s pre-birth stage of development____2.a fluid-filled body cavity____3.a gymnosperm structure that contains male or female reproductive parts____4.a membrane that surrounds a mollusc’s internal organs____5.a small non-vascular plant____6.the spore-producing reproductive structure in fungi____7.a diploid plant in sporic reproduction____8.a complex mass made of branching hyphae____9.the free-swimming body form of animal with an internal skeleton and a backboneIdentify the term that best matches the definition or description given.a.autosomalf.homozygousb.dominantg.heterozygousc.recessiveh.test crossd.genotypei.pedigreee.phenotypej.F1 generation____11.breeding with a homozygous recessive individual to determine genotype____12.which alleles are present in an individual for a trait____13.referring to body chromosomes (non sex chromosomes)____14.the appearance of a trait____15.containing two different alleles for a trait____16.the allele that masks expression of another allele____17.a picture showing inheritance of a trait over several generations____18.containing two alleles that are the same for a trait____19.the results of a cross between parents____20.the allele that is only expressed when an individual is homozygousIdentify the term that best matches the definition or description given.a.convergent evolutione.temporal barrierb.punctuated equilibriumf.divergent evolutionc.adaptive radiationg.sympatric speciationd.allopatric speciationh.directional selection____21.A population is split into two or more isolated groups by a geographical barrier.____22.Evolutionary history shows long periods of stasis interrupted by rapid periods of divergence.____23.Populations within the same geographical area diverge to become reproductively isolated groups.____24.Natural selection favours the phenotypes at one extreme over another, shifting the direction of phenotypes to that extreme.____25.a pattern of evolution in populations that become increasingly distinct from a common ancestor____26.the diversification of a common ancestral species into a variety of differently adapted species____27.Similar environmental conditions lead to similar traits in organisms that do not share a recent common ancestor.____28.Species inhabit the same area, but each species mates at a different time.Identify the structure that best matches the function described.a.teethf.esophageal sphincterb.gall bladderg.duodenumc.villih.liverd.tonguei.esophaguse.parotid glandsj.pancreas____29.rolls food into a bolus____30.location where chyme is neutralized so that enzymes can digest nutrients____31.secretes bile, which contains bile salts needed for digestion of fat____32.stores bile that is added to chyme to help break up fats____33.break food into smaller that pushes food into the stomach____35.muscles that close the stomach and prevent backflow of acids____36.produces enzymes that are used to digest nutrients in the intestines____37.folds in intestines where nutrients are absorbed____38.moisten food with slippery substanceIdentify the structure that best matches the function given.a.right ventriclef.capillaryb.pulmonary veing.erythrocytec.left atriumh.plateletd.septumi.coronary arterye.aortaj.left ventricle____39.separates the two ventricles of the heart____40.promotes the production of fibrin to form a clot____41.carries oxygenated blood to the heart____42.carries oxygen to the cells of the body____43.pumps blood to the body____44.carries blood from the left ventricle to the body____45.collects blood from the the location for matter exchange between blood and cells____47.pumps blood to the lungs____48.carries blood to the heart musclesShort Answer1.Tay-Sachs disease is an autosomal recessive hereditary disorder that causes an abnormal build-up of fat in the brain tissue, eventually resulting in death at about four years of age. Two heterozygous individuals marry and decide to have children. What is the chance that they will have a child with Tay-Sachs disease?2.How does the environment change the gene pool of the English peppered moth?3.In polydactyly, the hands and feet have six fingers and toes instead of five. Polydactyly is a dominant genetic disorder. A man who is heterozygous for polydactyly marries a woman who is homozygous for polydactyly. What are the odds that they will have a child who has six fingers?4.a.What type of inheritance is shown in the pedigree?b.Identify the genotypes of the following individuals:I-1 _____II- 2 _____III- 2 _____III-4 _____IV-1 _____5.What is the chance that a man with type A blood, with a type-O mother, and a woman with type B blood, with two type AB parents, will have a child with type A blood? Show your work. ................

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