Kingdom Fungi The Rotten World We Live In

Kingdom Fungi The Rotten World We Live In

Fungi Characteristics

General Information


* Some are _____________________ (yeast). Most are ______________________.


* Secretes ____________________ enzymes onto food source to ____________________ it.

* Absorbs _______________________________

* Does not contain ______________________________

Asexual and Sexual reproduction

* Most produce __________________________ that are reproductive cells which form new individuals.


* Varied; most prefer _______________, _________________ and ______________________ places.


* Mushrooms, mold yeast, mildew, puffballs

Filamentous bodies

* Many different _____________ and _______________________ types

* Woven together to form ________________________ of fungi

Cell walls contain _________________________

* Tough _______________________________ found in the body of insects

Exhibit nuclear ________________________ that is slightly different than most eukaryotes

* Nuclear _____________________________ remains intact

Mushroom Life Cycle


* Spores land on _______________________ (A)

* Develop into a threadlike filament called ___________________________ (B)

* Hyphae composed of cells which have cell ____________________ made of __________________.

* _____________________ and __________________ can move from cell to cell.

* As fungus grows, the hyphae forms a tangled mass called a ______________________ (C).

* The mycelium may produce a _____________________________ structure (mushroom, puffball, bracket fungi) that will grow _____________________ the ground surface. (D)

* The reproductive structures will then release _____________________ from its ____________ and the process starts over. (E)

* See diagram included


Fungi are classified by:

* The ________________________of the body that produces the ________________.

* The appearance of the __________________________________ body.

* All fungi that have cell ______________ are called ________________ fungi.

There are _____________ Phyla in this Kingdom (_________ are true fungi)

1. Phylum _____________________________

* Common ___________________________ in the soil.

* Example: Rhizopus (________________________ mold)

* Common mold on _________________, ______________ bread

* ______________________ form a _____________, cottony ____________________.

* Some ______________________ penetrate bread and form ______________________________ which ____________________ the fungus and make ___________________________ that digest the bread.

* Others form ________________________________ which are upright stalks that produce ___________________________cases at their tips.

* Spore cases are known as _____________________________and these are where ________________________ are produced.

2. Phylum __________________________________

* They are the _________________________ group of fungi.

* Grow in ________________, on rotted __________________, marine and fresh ______________________, and _______________________.

* Examples:

* Many Ascomycetes produce _________________________spores called ________________________

* Some reproduce ___________________- by forming specialized structures that contain _________________ and ____________________ nuclei.

* ____________________ are the only ____________________Ascomycete. They do NOT have ___________________ or __________________ bodies. They reproduce asexually by ____________________________.

3. Phylum _________________________________

* Examples:

* Basidiomycetes produce _____________________________.

* When basidiospores germinate, they produce ________________________


* This mycelium has _______________ that have __________ nucleus in each cell.

* When 2 different strains come together, their hyphae _______________ and produce _____________________ ____________________________, which may produce a ________________________ body.

* Each cell now has _____________ nuclei.

* A ______________________ is the ___________________ body of a basidiomycete.

* _____________________ fungi are basidiomycetes that are usually ____________.

* They grow on ____________________that are _________ or ___________________.

* They have a ____________________ _____________________ fruiting body.

* __________________ and __________________are basidiomycetes that cause many plant diseases.

4. Phylum ________________________________

* Are classified by the shape of their ______________________ (asexual spores) and how they are _____________________________.

* Called ____________________________________ fungi

* They do NOT have a _____________________ phase.

* Examples:

5. Phylum _______________________________(Protist like Fungi)

* Examples:

* Commonly form a ________________ fuzz on aquarium fish or on organic matter sitting in ____________________.

* Sometimes found on _______________________ under very humid conditions.

* On land, they have caused some serious diseases among ______________ plants.

* Examples:

* Absorb food through very thin cell walls made of ______________________.

* Only phylum of fungi that produces ____________________ spores.

Importance of Fungi

1. ____________________________

* They decompose _________________ organic matter and return ______________________ to the ______________________.

* Secretes _________________________ enzymes onto the food, and then ______________________ the digested nutrients.

* Examples:

2. ______________________ source

* Some _____________________________ forms

* _________________________ = pigs dig for them; very expensive delicacy.

* ____________________________ = in PA (sponge mushrooms)

* ______________________________ = Japanese, expensive delicacy.

* _________________________________ (common in stores

* Most are __________________________-—very poisonous.

* ______________________________—grows in lawns and woods-a small bite can lead to death.

* Some are ________________________, used in religious ceremonies.

3. Food and Beverage Production

* ________________________-—Saccharomycetes cerevisiae (baker’s yeast)

* Anaerobic respiration produces _______________________ alcohol, which is needed for ______________________ ______________________ production.

* Carbon _____________________ produced during anaerobic respiration causes dough to ________________________.

* Molds

* Used to flavor ____________________ (from a species of Penicillium).

* Examples:

4. Used to Produce ____________________________

* __________________________ = antibiotic that kills many bacteria.

* _______________________ = used for organ transplants to prevent rejection.

* _______________________________ , ________________ = antibiotic ointments

5. Allergies

* People react to the presence of ____________________________ in the air

6. Many ___________________________________ Forms

* Grow and feed on_________________ and __________________________.

* Plant fungi that cause _______________________




* ___________________________ on wheat, oats, barley and corn

* Fruit mildew (apple)

* Animal fungus

* ___________________________ (means skin plants) = fungus infections of the _______________.

* Examples:

* Affect the _____________________________ tissues of the body.

* Can be transmitted by _____________________________(contagious) through clothing, floor, animals, etc.

* Thrush

* _________________ infection of the _________________ (babies)

* causes ______________________ patches on tongue and mouth lining

7. Symbiotic Relationships

* Symbiosis =

* Examples: ___________________

* _________________ and ____________________ growing together

* grow almost _____________________ (soil, rock, tree, warm, cold, wet, dry)

* sensitive to _____________________ ________________________ = indicator of air pollution

* Fungus absorbs ______________________ and _____________________ that the algae needs to __________________________________.

* The algae produce ______________________that the fungus uses. (mutualistic relationship)

* Mycorrhizae

* ____________________________ relationship between a __________________i and tree ________________________.

* Hyphae of fungi provide tree with ________________________ and _________________________ while the tree supplies _______________________________(food) for the fungi

* Hyphae will appear as a ______________________ _________________ around the tree roots.


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