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PSED -Me and my special peopleDiscuss the following questions with your child.Who are your special people that you like to spend time with, outside school?Does everyone have the same special people? (some are grandparents or other relatives, some are family friends, some are pets).Explain that we have different types of families and we have different people who are special to us, both inside and outside our family.Who’s in your family?What makes us the same/different from people in our family?How do we help each other in families?What do we like to do with our families at home?School familiesWhat about inside school?Who helps you in school?What different jobs do people do in our school?Is it the same for everyone inside school? (No - because different people get on with different groups or individuals).Start by talking to your child about all the people that they feel are special to them. How do they help you? How do you help them to help you?ActivityDraw a picture of your special people - write (with help) what makes each of them special.Please bring this into school with you when we come back so that we can discuss and share our ’special people’ with the class. ................

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