Gadge Games: Innovative Adventure Outline

Gadget Games: Innovative Adventure Outline

Mr. Wessner

Here’s the skinny. You start your day as you usually do; crawl out of bed, brush your hair, comb your teeth, and complete your normal morning beautification process (Whatever that may be). Next you coolly saunter over to the fridge freeze to retrieve your high performance breakfast food; the ever popular brain food-“Uncle Zippies Tofu & Seaweed Breakfast Bean Burrito”. However, this time something tastes different about this gourmet delight. There seems to be a funky taste and a strange sensation in your mouth. The next thing you know the room spins. The last thing you remember is blacking out. You hit the floor.

You wake up, in what seems like seconds, in a strange place-lying in a bed. You look around the room and see a desk and computer, walls covered in maps, and a great deal of miscellaneous adventure equipment. The far end of the rooms appears to be a woodshop and science lab. You quickly realize that you are wearing black military pants and a matching black vest. The vest has an insignia on the left chest. The insignia has a picture of a chimp in a launch suit, on it and reads “Ronny Wriggle’s Adventure Tech Team Support” (RATTS). A strange memory flashes across your brain. You vaguely recall that you are a member of this elite adventure team. This is your room and lab! It appears that you had some sort of amnesia, and have been living an altered life for the last few months. The thought of being a great adventure team member makes you feel weak in the knees. You feel like you’re going to be sick at the thought of being on an adventure. Yet, something deep inside of you says that this is the type of challenge you were meant to do. You have made it this far. Why not complete the mission?

Here is the mission:

Your team has been searching for a lost plane (transporting a mystery cargo) that went down in the unexplored jungles of Wessnovia. Not much is known about this region of the world, except it is still very natural and undeveloped. Reports indicate that there may be communities of enlightened leaders that are peaceful and could assist in your journey. However, many of the communities are suspicious of outsiders. They are hostile to foreigners due to their fear of unknown intruders and the intruder’s intensions.

You have been recruited as part of the Ronnie Wriggle’s Adventure Tech Team Support (RATTS) because of your reputation as an ingenious trouble shooter, problem solver, and team player.

The mission will involve several stages. Each stage has a different challenge. Teams will research, design, and then construct various inventions to solve the problem of the moment. Some concerns may be simple to solve, while others will take much more effort and research. The mission’s success depends on your skills and effort.


Each task is marked as being successful or unsuccessful.

- this will be evaluated in three areas:

a. Research & Design (blueprint/ planning)

b. Construction quality

c.) Teamwork and collaboration

d. Success at the challenge


Ronnie says: “Go for it!”


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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