Feel valued and cared for? What makes you Newsletter ...

7th September 2015


Growing Together to Flourish in God's World

Welcome back! We hope that you have all had a safe and pleasant summer and have returned to school rested and refreshed.

Welcome to the team

We would like to welcome Miss Samantha Johnstone to the school team. She will be taking up the role of Teaching Assistant in KS2. As you know, Mrs Russell has now gone on maternity leave and we will let you know any exciting news as soon as we get it. To cover, we have Mrs Catherine Hulme.

Next week we will start sending out the student update forms which MUST be

checked and then returned to school. It is vital that we have the correct emergency contact details and are updated with any medical conditions to ensure your child can be assisted if they are unwell or have had an accident. Please check the update forms carefully and return them to your child's class teacher as soon as possible. Enclosed will be the opt out form for the school to use images of children. Please read this form carefully and if you wish for your child NOT to appear in any images then please complete and return this form. We will be sending the forms out two classes at a time to ensure a manageable administration task, if you already know that you have changed a contact detail please call the office on 0161 624 9885 or email your change of details to info@stannesroyton.oldham.sch.uk. Thank you.


The whole school attendance for WE 04/09/15 was

96.85% This week's attendance was only just above our

target of 96.5%. Keep aiming high everyone. Every day

counts. This week the attendance league table goes as follows: Joint 1st Mrs Snape's class (Blue) and Mr bennet's class (Lime) with 100% - FANTASTIC WELL DONE Joint 2nd Miss Dunn (Lilac) and Mrs Garforth (Turquoise) with 98.96% 3rd Mrs Hayman and Mrs Heginbotham (Green with 98.85%

Big Thank you!

We would like to say a very big thank you to Chris Taylor, one of our parents, the total is now in and he raised over ?500 for the school by completing the Great Northern Swim. We are very grateful for this kind donation.

Would you like to be registered for or help registering for Parentmail?

If you would like to start receiving text messages and emails from school but are unsure of how to go about registering, you can now speak to either Mrs Bardsley or Mrs Helliwell in the office who can provide you with some paperwork to complete and then we can register you on your behalf. Please either visit the office or ring on 0161 624 9885 to discuss to option.

Please ensure dinner money is paid in full each Monday. Dinners must be paid for in advance of them being taken.

Class Assemblies

16/09/15 Purple 23/09/15 Turquoise 30/09/15 Lilac 07/10/15 Lime 21/10/15 Orange 11/11/15 Blue 18/11/15 Green 25/11/15 Yellow 02/12/15 Red

? 7th September 2015

Mrs Martin

You are all welcome to join us for our

Mrs Garforth Miss Dunn Mr Bennett Mr Gooding

class assemblies. This is when the children celebrate their work in class. More details will be included on class newsletters.

Mrs Snape

Mrs Hayman and Mrs Heginbotham

Mrs Evans

Mrs Williams

After School clubs

Mondays 3.15-4.15pm Zumba Yrs 1 and 2 only 14/09/15 ? 07/12/15 3.15-4.30pm Football team KS2 14/09/15-07/12/15

Tuesdays 3.30-4.30pm Girl's football Yrs 3 and 4 only 08/09/15-08/12/15

Wednesdays 3.15-4.30pm Street cheer ?1 per session 16/09/15-09/12/15 3.15-4.15pm Cross Country 16/09/15-09/12/15 weather permitting

Thursdays 3.15-4.30pm Netball Yrs 5 and 6 only ?1 per session 10/09/15 -10/12/15 3.15-4.15pm Football KS2 01/10/15-10/12/15 PLACES ARE LIMITED FOR ALL CLUBS AND WILL BE ALLOCATED ON A FIRST COME FIRST SERVE BASIS ? consent forms can be obtained from the office.

Dates for your Diary





Yr 2 Blue Class Blackpool class trip

Yr2 Mrs Snape


Yr 3 Orange class Tatton Park trip

Yr3 Mr Gooding


PTA Meeting (6.30 Mothers Room)


Yr 6 Class Assembly

Yr6 Mrs Martin


Yr4/5 Lilac Class Manchester Museum class Yr 4/5 Miss Dunn trip (Egyptian Worlds)


Yr 5/6 Class assembly

Yr 5/6 Mrs Garforth


Yr4/5 Class assembly

Yr 4/5 Miss Dunn


Yr 3/4 Class assembly

Yr 3/4 Mr Bennett




Bags 2 School collection



Halloween Disco



The above dates and times and events may on occasion need to be amended. It is regrettable and we will aim

to give you as much notice as possible in the event of any change.

Tel: 0161 624 9885 Fax : 0161 628 4231 Mob: 07725 925 681. Email: info@stannesroyton.oldham.sch.uk


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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