Year 10 Religion

388937512001500Reflection and Conversation Family Evan talks a good line about family, but does he walk the talk? Father’s Day was last Sunday; do you think Evan tries to be a good Dad? What does Evan promise his family – especially his sons – when they arrive at their new home? Why does Evan think it is okay to put work before his family? What changes when Evan’s sons and his wife begin to help him? How did you feel when Dylan, Jordan, and Ryan joined their dad to build the ark?Marriage Joan, Evan’s wife, tries very hard to understand what her husband is going through, between the beard, the extra lots of land, and building the ark. How many ways does she try to find out what is going on with him before she decides to take the children and leave? What does the waiter at the restaurant say to Joan that helps her see her husband and the ark differently? (Who is the waiter?) What does the image of God’s creatures walking two-by-two say to parents about the vocation to marriage?Community How does the film present the idea of “community” in nature and among people? What does the “common good” really mean? What does the film say about the “American Dream”?Virtue and Vice What vices characterise Congressman Long and the political “wolves” that run in his pack? What human and Gospel virtues does God, through Evan, teach the politicians and their neighbors?Theology 373888030099000Our relationship with God is characterized by spirituality and informed by theology, that is, by how we experience and understand God. When Evan asks God about his reasons for the first flood, how does God explain it? What does God say about people who want to understand him as an angry God? Do you think God is angry? Why or why not? Who is God for you? How do you understand God to be?Spirituality What does God say about love in the film? How many kinds of love do you notice in the movie? Do you believe that everything God does for us is because God loves us? Why or why not?When God takes Evan to the ridge so he can see what the valley used to look like, this is what is known as an “ah ha!” moment. Evan has an epiphany, or an awakening. What does he finally understand about God, creation, and human existence? Have you ever had a “ah ha!” experience when you became aware of a truth or reality that changed you? Director Tom Shadyac told journalists: “That God voice is very personal to me; I am very exacting with it. God is about healing the anger that humans like to have about God and life. We like to blame God.” Do you think this is true? Why or why not? “Humor is all about healing,” director Tom Shadyac told Christian journalists at the June 9 th junket for his upcoming comedy Evan Almighty. How do humor, healing, and spirituality go together for you?left10353900The Problem of Evil Although the film does not speak of evil or sin explicitly, the plot of the story is about Congressman Long who works some shady deals so he can sell public lands to be developed for a profit. Then, who was responsible for the damn breaking? Was it only Congressman Long? Someone once defined evil as “the absence of empathy”. Do you agree with this? If Congressman Long had been thinking about others more than himself, what kinds of good things could he have been doing for people and the environment? Make a list and send it to someone in public service.Acts of Random Kindness, that is, A.R.K. The film’s theme of love is expressed in Acts of Random Kindness (a take on “Random Acts of Kindness”.) God told Noah to build an ark; today God invites us to show love in the world. How did Evan show kindness in the film? How will you practice Acts of Random Kindness in your family, at school, work, church, on the playground or at the mall? What does “Acts of Random Kindness” even mean? Evan wanted to change the world and make a difference. How do you want to change the world to make it a better place? Make a list and write A.R.K at the top. Evan Almighty and the Scriptures What is the one Scripture citation you remember from the film? Look in your Bible, the Gospels especially, for stories about God’s love such as the parable of the prodigal son, or when God the Father sent Jesus into the world to save us from our sins, or when Jesus forgave the thief on the cross, or healed someone. Find the parts in the Gospels when Jesus speaks of sending the Holy Spirit into the world. How can the Holy Spirit help us to change the world and help others?EcologyThe filmmakers decided to make Evan Almighty a “green” or eco-friendly production from the beginning. The actors used two-sided scripts, and the crew used bicycles during filming to cut down on car usage. Do some research on the website that was launched in partnership with The Conservation Fund. Choose and talk about an activity you can do with your family to care for the earth. Visit and research Catholic social teaching especially care for the environment and solidarity. Ryan likes the animals a lot and knows a lot about nature. How does kindness to animals enhance our human dignityThe Film – All groups to answerWhat did you like most about the film? If you had been the director, what would you have done differently and why? Did you find yourself in the film? What did the film mean for you? ................

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