Chapter 10 Part 1: The First Christians

Chapter 10 Part 1: The First Christians

I. The Jews and the Romans

-Jerusalem- capital of the kingdom of Israel

-900s B.C. Israel divided in to 2 kingdoms: Israel & Judah

-Emperor Augustus- Judah became Roman province in A.D. 6- Judaea

-Zealots- Jews who rebelled against Romans; A.D. 66 defeated & temple destroyed

-Jews rebel in A.D. 132 & defeated; Romans force Jews to leave Jerusalem

II. The Life of Jesus

-Jews believed God would send a messiah to restore kingdom

-Jesus- Jew born in Nazareth

-message in Sermon on the Mount; love & forgiveness, not simply following religious law

-used parables

-believed he was messiah Jews had waited for

-charged with treason & crucified


-religion Christianity

III. The First Christians

-people who accept Jesus as messiah

-Apostles- spread Jesus’ word

-Jews & Christians differ:

-Christians- Son of God, salvation though Jesus, Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)

-Jews- Jesus not messiah, do not believe in Trinity

Chapter 10 part 2: The Christian Church

I. A Growing Faith

-Christianity spread throughout Rome

-appealed to lower class b/c offered hope; ideas similar to beliefs, part of caring group

-Romans persecute Christians

-Martyrs- die rather than give up belief

-Edict of Milan in A.D. 313- religious freedom; Christianity legal

-Helena- Constantine’s mother, helped built churches in Rome & Jerusalem

-Theodosius- Christianity official religion of Rome in A.D. 392

II. The Early Church

-modeled after Roman Empire’s gov’t structure

-hierarchy- different levels of authority; 5 levels: laity, clergy, bishops, archbishops, and


-laity- members; clergy- leaders, later called priests

-diocese- several churches grouped together, led by bishop

-archbishop- in charge of region

-patriarch- 5 leading archbishops

-doctrine- official church teaching

-Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John- gospel in New Testament of Bible

-pope- bishop of Rome, gradually claim power over all bishops

Roman Catholic Church- Latin speaking in West

Chapter 10 part 3: The Spread of Christian Ideas

I. The Byzantine Church

-Eastern Orthodox Church- Greek-speaking Christians in East

-Byzantines- emperor represented Jesus Christ on Earth

-emperor appointed patriarch of Constantinope- leader of E.O.C

-E.O.C. argued over use of icons; A.D. 726 Emperor Leo III ordered icons removed

-iconoclasts- image breakers

-Byzantines did not accept pope’s claim as head of Christian Church’s

-after stopping invasion of Italy by Franks, pope named Charlemagne (Frankish king)

Byzantine emperor

-E.O.C. and Roman Catholic Church excommunicated each other

-schism- split of 2 churches

-E.O.C. respected wishes of emperor, R.C.C. did not

II. Christian Ideas Spread

-helped achieve order after fall of Rome

-monasteries- formed by monks

-women- nuns, convents

-Paula- widow, gave up wealth to build churches, hospital, and convent in Palestine;

helped translate Bible into Latin

-Basil- bishop, Basilian Rule

-Benedict- Benedictine Rule, rules for Western monks

-Missionaries- teach religion to unbelievers

-Cyril- Cyrillic alphabet- Slavic’s could read Bible

-belief spread north of Byzantine into Slavic countries & west into Britain & Ireland

-Anglos & Saxons invade Britain- unit to form Anglo-Saxons

-Celts- lived in Britain b/4 invasion, fled to Ireland

-Patrick- priest who brought Christianity to Ireland


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